
Ashok Gadgil has spent the past three decades helping people in need—and he has no plans to stop .On May 2, Gadgil won the$100.000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Global Innovation. Each year,the honor is given to an inventor who has improved the lives of people in developing countries. Gadgil‘s inventions have helped more than 100 million people around the world.

Gadgil is a professor and physicist at the University of California. When he’s not teaching,he works to find solutions to global problems such as energy efficiency and water safety. “I chose to focus on problems where my knowledge of science could help,”he said

In the 1980s he came up with a program to make energy-efficient light bulbs more affordable for people in developing countries. Then in the 1990s,Gadgil designed his first life—saving invention,UV Waterworks .The device kills deadly disease —carrying germs(病菌)from drinking water. It costs just one cent to clean five liters of water .Gadgil was inspired to find an inexpensive solution to the clean water crisis after more than 10,000 people in his home country of India died from an outbreak of Bengal cholera,in 1993 The disease is spread through contaminated food and drinking water .So far,the invention has provided safe drinking water to more than five million people in poor areas.

As a professor,Gadgil encourages his students to stay positive about finding solutions to hard problems.“Be optimistic when you try a hard problem.”he says. “It’s when you solve a large problem that you can have a big impact on the world”

1.Gadgil was given Lemelson-MIT Award for___________.

A. his teaching experience B. his new physical research

C. his vast knowledge D. his helpful inventions

2.What call we learn about UV Waterworks?

A. It's Gadgil’s first invention B. It’s used to clean water.

C. it was designed for his home country D. It saved 10,000 people in total

3.The underlined word “contamninated”in Paragraph 3 means__________.

A. wasted B. consumed C. polluted D. canned

4.According to the last paragraph,Gadgil encourages his students__________.

A. to learn lessons from failures

B. to find problems in peaceful life

C. to make inventions to help poor people

D. to be confident when facing difficulties

5.Which of the following can best describe Gadgil?

A. Caring and optimistic.B. Independent and positive.

C. Powerful and strict.D. Responsible and sensitive.








试题分析:文章大意:文章主要讲述Ashok Gadgil为改善发展中国家人民的生活而努力,作为教授,他鼓励学生积极面对难题。


2.2】细节理解题。从第四段The device uses ultraviolet light to kill deadly disease-carrying germs from drinking water. 可知是用来净化水的。故B正确。

3.词义推测题。根据此词前后in 1993 The disease is spread through contaminated food and drinking water可以推测出contaminate为“污染的”之意。故C正确。

4.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段As a professor,Gadgil encourages his students to stay positive about finding solutions to hard problems可知他鼓励学生积极面对难题。故D正确。

5.推理判断题。文章主要讲述Ashok Gadgil为改善发展中国家人民的生活而努力,作为教授,他鼓励学生积极面对难题。故可以推测出他的个性。故A正确。



A jobless man applied for the position of “office boy”at Microsoft.The HR manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.

“You are employed.”he said.”Give me our e-mail address and I’ll send you the application to fill in ,as well as date when you may start.”

The man replied,”But Idon’t have a computer,neither an e-mail.”

“I’m sorry,”said the HR manager,”If you don’t have an e-mail,that means you do not exist.And who doesn’t exist cannot have the job.”

The man left with no hope at all.He didn’t know what to do, with only ten dollars in his pocket.He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy 10kg tomatoes.He then sold the tomatoes from door to door.In less than two hours,he succeded to double his capital,He repeated the operation three times,and returned home happily with 60 dollars.

The man realized that he can survive in this way,and started to go every day earlier,and return late,Thus,his money doubled or tripled every day.Shortly,he bought a cart,then a truck,and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.Five years later,the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US.

He started to plan his family’s future and decided to have a life insurance He called an insurance broker and chose a protection plan.

When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his e-mail,The man replied,”I don’t have an e-mail.”

The broker answered curiously,”You don’t have an e-mail,and yet have succeeded to build an empire.Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?”The man thought for a while and replied,”Yes,I’d be an office boy at Microsoft!”

1.Why can’t the man have the job at Microsoft?

A.Because he didn’t have an e-mail

B.B Because he was lazy.

C. Because he didn’t pass the test

D. Because he didn’t have a computer

2.The underlined word “triple”can be replaced by_______.

A.become 3 times B.become large C.increase quickly D.decrease quickly

3.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?

A.The man is one of the biggest food retailers in the world.

B.The man didn’t give up though he failed the interview.

C.He started his career by selling tomatoes in the supermarket.

D.Those who have e-mails can work at Microsoft.

4.The man can be described as ______.

A.helpful and considerate B.smart and hardworking

C.positive and generous D.stubborn and unselfish

5.Which proverb can best describe the story?

A.Where there is a will,there is a way. B.Accidents will happen.

C.Misfortune may be an actual blessing. D.No pains,no gains.



[1]With the right encouragement and tools,children can develop leadership qualities that are important to help them succeed in all areas of life. Leadership activities and games help build these skills by enabling children to become more self-aware and improve their self-respect.

[2] Good leaders call convey their thoughts and feelings effectively. Poetry, short stories or drawing are ideal activities to .Introduce children to the concept of leadership .Ask children to think about what makes a great leader and then express their ideas. Games like blind obstacle courses can build communication skills as well.

[3]Planning and organizing is a fundamental leadership quality.Children can learn this skill by helping to plan a concert or play .Instead of assigning just one leader, ___________small ones and assign leaders to each group .One group can be in charge of assigning roles and the second could be in charge of making invitations. How you distribute leadership roles will vary depending on the age of the children and what you have chosen to perform.

[4]Compromise is a skill of many effective leaders .Goals are achieved faster when arguments don′ t slow the process. Activities that teach children the art of compromise help them to negotiate with friends and family naturally.Group science projects, for example,can help enable children to learn how to compromise and negotiate. The success or failure of the project will depend on the children’s ability to negotiate and work together.

[5]The ability to work well with others is another important leadership skill. Team sports like baseball can teach children how to work as a group and that their contribution is important to the overall success of the team. This builds their confidence and encourages them to think beyond themselves and their individual needs.

1.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4? (no more than 10 words)


2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3with proper words(no more than 6 words)


3.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese


4.How do you distribute leadership roles when planning a play?(no more than 14 words)


5.Through what activities can you introduce children to the concept of leadership?(no more than 6 words)



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