For the business traveler who is all about efficiency: Check out these hotels that will get you in and out with a minimum of trouble. When you are pressed for time on a business trip, nothing can infuriate you more than a slow hotel check-in process. On your next trip, try these hotels that offer a speedier check-in process.

1. Yotel New York

The self-service kiosks at this high-tech New York hotel work just like the ones you’d see at an airport. There are just five-steps to register and obtain your card key. There is even a robotic luggage bellboy. You tap in the number of bags you are carrying and sizes, then wait for a robot arm to swing down and store your luggage in a locker (say, for a day trip). This also speeds up the check-in process if the first thing you need to do, like me, is head to a series of meetings.

2. Marriott Detroit Airport

Another option for business travelers in a hurry: Marriott is rolling out its mobile check-in app to 325 hotels this year, including the Marriott Detroit Airport hotel. (I’ve tested the app itself but not for a real visit quite yet.) Here is the basic idea: you download the iphone or Android app. The night before, you can “check-in” virtually. When you arrive, you get an alert that the room is ready and your key, which is already tied to your reservation, is waiting for you at the desk.

3. Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

I happened to stay at this hotel recently and liked how fast the kiosk check-in works. Like the Yotel, the kiosk asks you to insert your credit card, similar to an airport terminal. The whole process took about three minutes, when I left, I was equally impressed with the fast check-out. An agent meets you in the lobby with an ipad and asks for an email to use for a receipt. The big advantage: you never have to wait in line.

4. Radisson: LaCrosse

The Radisson is trying to make the kiosk process even faster, at a few select hotels like the Radisson Lacrosse in Wisconsin, you use a mobile app to register and then receive a barcode by email or text. When you get the kiosk, you scan the barcode to get your key without any other steps required. It’s super fast. You can find this new check-in system at the Radisson hotels in Salt Lake City, Seattle, and Phoenix as well.

1.What does the word “infuriate” in paragraph 2 most mean?

A. annoy B. remind C. amuse D. impress

2.Which two hotels offer a mobile app for customers to check in?

A. Yotel New York and Marriott Detroit Airport.

B. Marriott Detroit Airport and Radisson: LaCrosse.

C. Marriott Detroit Airport. and Hyatt Regency Minneapolis.

D. Hyatt Regency Minneapolis and Radisson: LaCrosse.

3.Which hotel will send you a receipt by email?

A. Yotel New York.

B. Marriott Detroit Airport.

C. Radisson: LaCrosse.

D. Hyatt Regency Minneapolis.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. At Yotel New York, a robot will help you with all the check-in process.

B. With its check-in app, you may enter your room in Marriott without a key.

C. The barcode you receive from Radisson contributes to the fast check-in.

D. Hyatt Regency Minneapolis is close to an airport terminal.

Two things I really believe in --- saving money and saving the planet, and it’s even better when I can do something that accomplishes both at the same time. Rainwater harvesting is just such a thing. In the near future, rainwater harvesting will be as common as twelve-year-old girls carrying cell phones.

Many countries already rely heavily on rainwater. Every building in these countries collects the rainwater from its roof and stores it for later use. However, America is just slightly slow to take action.

There are many ways to harvest rainwater and most of them are easy and inexpensive. For example, use rain barrels(桶)to collect the water that would run off your roof. You’d be surprised at how fast a fifty-gallon(加仑)barrel will be filled with free, usable water. New building construction offers some good ways to gather rainwater, and the cost of set-up is usually made up by reduced usage very quickly. Rainwater can be conveyed by roof pipes into underground containers, where a pump can draw water up as needed.

The rainwater can even be treated to make it drinkable. If that rainwater were not collected, but allowed to run over your lawn(草坪), into the street and eventually to a storm water treatment facility, it would pick up all sorts of pollutants on its journey --- chemical compositions and agricultural poisons from the grass, motor oil, waste water and such from the roads, and who knows what else. That is to say, the shorter distance it covers the more drinkable it will be.

Depending on where you live, the rainwater may be piped to a treatment plant or it may run in natural channels to allow nature to remove the pollutants. Either way, the treatment of rainwater is high priced. If you reduce the amount of rainwater run-off from your home or office, you reduce the need for treatment.

Water is rapidly becoming one of our most precious resources and it is not as abundant as you may think. In the year 2015, the United States used generally 479 billion gallons of fresh water per day.

1.According to the passage, harvesting rainwater can ______. us save money and be good for the environment us realize the importance of water

C.promote the development of economy and peace

D.make us live a better life in the near future

2.What could we learn from the first and the second Paragraph?

A.Little girls can save money by carrying cell phones.

B.Many countries can’t afford to harvest rainwater.

C.Harvesting rainwater in America is not that common.

D.Rainwater harvesting is mainly adopted by developed countries.

3.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.How to take advantage of rainwater.

B.How to fix the equipment under the ground.

C.How to reduce the cost of the equipment.

D.How to harvest rainwater.

4.What is the best time for people to harvest rainwater for drinking?

A.Before it is piped to a treatment plant.

B.After it runs over your lawn.

C.After it runs into the street.

D.Before it drops from the roof.

5.It can be inferred from the passage that ______. is easy to make rainwater drinkable

B.the author calls on people to harvest rainwater

C.many countries ignore to harvest rainwater is easy to deal with the pollutants from rainwater

For many years, machines have been doing work that people once did, including some difficult jobs. Search and rescue operations in dangerous environments are often seen as the first areas that will employ high technology robots. But there is another area where they may soon take jobs traditionally held by human beings: the restaurant industry.

Teams from around the world competed in early June at the DARPA Robotic Challenge Finals in California. A team from South Korea and its robot called DRC-Hubo,won the first place in the competition. The second and third place winners were from the United States. The robots were required to drive a vehicle, climb up steps and do mechanical work. Such ac­tivities are easy for humans to perform,but more difficult for machines. Not all of the com­petitors were successful. The failures showed how difficuit it is to design effective walking machines.

Akihiro Suzuki works at Yaskawa Electric,a company that develops robots. He says ro­bots cannot do everything a human can,but they are able to work without becoming tired. He says robots cannot taste food,change heating levels or seasonings to get the best flavor (风 味).But he says if a food can be easily prepared,a robot can repeat the same movement to re­produce the same meal.

One Japanese woman who saw the robots working wanted to bring them home. Masayo Mori says she would like to have a husband who could work like a robot. Suzumo Machinery showed its sushi (寿司)maker robot. It performs the often difficult work of wrapping the popular Japanese food. Hiroshi Monden is an official with the company. He says people all o­ver the world now eat sushi,but there are not enough skilled workers to prepare it. He says his machine can help anyone make sushi.

1.In Paragraph 1,the author tells us .

A.robots just do difficult jobs

B.robots are sometimes dangerous

C.robots are widely used in our life

D.robots are gradually replacing humans

2.Why did some teams fail at the DARPA Robotic Challenge Finals?

A.Their robots cannot be applied at home.

B.Preparing food is really difficult for robots.

C.Their robots can just repeat the same movement.

D.They failed to design effective walking robots.

3.We can infer from the last paragraph that .

A.Japanese men are lazy

B.robots are popular in Japan

C.Japan has advanced high technology

D.robots usually take the job of making sushi in Japan

4.In which column can we probably see the text?

A.Education. B. Culture. C. Health. D. Science.

As the capital of China’s Shanxi Province, Xi’an’s long history was properly summed up by our English-speaking guide:“If Xi’an is the grandmother of cities, Beijing is a youth and Shanghai is just a baby in the womb. ”

However, it was not until 1974, following the chance discovery of the Army of Terracotta Warriors by well-digging farmers, that Xi’an was once again pushed onto the international map. Three decades later, the local government is pouring funds into the tourism sector. Ancient monuments and museums are being restored, and various copies of Buddhist and Tang heritage are being constructed to help Chinese tourists rediscover their national heritage.

One of those ancient monuments is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda-Xi’an’s most sacred monument-which was built in 652 by the monk Xuanzang, who travelled across India for 18 years and returned with a precious collection of Buddhist sacred texts. In 1966, the Red Guards burnt the pagoda’s scriptures, silk wall hangings and other relics in a bonfire that raged all night. But that destruction has largely been forgotten as tourists flock to the newly restored pagoda. The only original remainders- the empty shell of the seven-storey pagoda-light up at night, standing out in the city’s skyline.

Xi’an is also displaying the glories of the ancient Tang Dynasty, with a 165-acre Tang Paradise Theme Park that is visited by flocks of tourist groups. Although every bit of this Tang heritage is recreated, it is artistically pleasing, landscaped with ponds and lakes, classical garden, bridges, palaces and pavilions. Explore the vast area on a golf cart, hopping on and off to see shortened operas from the Tang Dynasty days, laser shows on the lake, highly structured man-made waterfalls, as well as murals and statues of historical figures, philosophers and poets.

A 36km drive northeast takes you to Xi’an’s most famous attraction, the Army of Terracotta Warriors. They were made to order in 211BC by the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi, who used the forced labor of 700,000 subjects to create a mausoleum(陵庙) guarded by an entire army.

1.From the passage we can learn that a large sum of money of the local government in Xi’an is being ploughed into_______.

A. restoring the monuments

B. restoring the Pagoda

C. tourism industry

D. exploring the history

2.How many historical sites in Xi’an have been referred to in the passage?

A. Three B. Four C. One D. Six

3.What can we learn from the third paragraph about the Tang Paradise Theme Park?

A. Visitors are pleased with the survivals from the Tang Dynasty.

B. The natural waterfalls in it are very attractive.

C. It is totally recreated but is artistically pleasant.

D. Visitors can appreciate the full Tang Dynasty operas.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Make a visit to ancient sites at once.

B. China’s ancient capital rises again.

C. Travel to the Army of Terracotta Warriors.

D. Take a view in the modern city.

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