
1. the improvement of life standards,there are a growing number of people travelling each year, 2. is a good way to enjoy life. Some people would like 3. (take) a package tour, while others would rather 4. (travel) on their own. I prefer to 5. latter, because I feel that it’s much 6. (convenient) and cheaper than taking a package tour as I did before.

First of all, travelling on my own, I can arrange my time and route more freely. For example, when I get to someplace I like, I 7. choose to stay longer and don’t have to think about others. Secondly, to save time, the schedule is relatively(相对地)tight joining package tours, and tourists can only stay very short time in each tourist attraction. 8. is difficult to enjoy every landscape carefully. 9., in order to earn money, some travel agencies(旅行社)force tourists to consume. In the meantime, travelling on my own is much cheaper and get more fun. Finally, the trip is designed to relax. However, many people say that package tours are not to make them really relax, 10. even more tired.

On the whole, I prefer to travel on my own, which is more convenient.


You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together.

You know, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized (对立) by it. Split by: age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing and boys.

The Father-Daughter Duel(冲突) of‘54 shifted into high gear(白热化) when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who accompanied me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a 16-year-old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.

Our relationship improved greatly when I had babies. I didn’t know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now.

I suppose I saw our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn’t immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and frail behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day.

Fifty years ago this spring, we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa.

This week, we’ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is. I don’t even like kohlrabi... but I like planting it with you.

Honoring a father on Father’ s Day is about more than a dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school graduation and weddings. It’s more about unconditionally loving children who are stubborn, who know everything and won’t listen to anyone. It’s about loving someone more than words can say, and wishing that it never had to end.

I love you, Dad.

1. What is the purpose of the third paragraph?

A. To prove that the father is very strict.

B. To describe the father-daughter politics.

C. To show the conflict between the author and her father.

D. To condemn the policeman for lack of understanding.

2.What does the author mean by saying “a slap in the face” in the fifth paragraph?

A. She regretted the fights she had with her father.

B. She suddenly realized that her father was so old and could be gone one day.

C. She was ashamed of herself that she hadn’t taken good care of her father.

D. She suddenly realized that she had caused a lot of trouble for her father.

3.Which of the following words can describe the author’s father?

a. Unreasonable b. Caring c. Tolerant d. Stubborn

A. bc B. bd

C. acd D. bcd

4.The author wrote his father this letter to _________.

A. tell him about their conflicts B. say sorry for her being stubborn

C. express her gratitude to him D. remind him of the early incident

Football is a popular sport. More than a million kids play on high school teams, but football can be a hazard. The National Football League(NFL) has acknowledged that almost 30 percent of its players will eventually suffer from brain-related diseases. That’s a lot.

A recent study involving 40 former NFL players showed that those who started playing football before age 12 did worse on thinking tests than players who started after age 12. By the way, all the tested players scored below average for their age and education. Concerns about the effects of constant hits to the head have caused some medical experts on brain injuries, such as Robert Cantu of Boston University, to recommend that kids not play football before age 14.

I don’t think football is all bad. It helps kids learn teamwork, discipline and how to get into better physical condition. But now that we know that the sport might be dangerous, it’s time to make some changes in the youth and high school football.

First, seasons should be shorter. The high school regular season should not be more than nine games. Second, kids should not play tackle(擒抱) football too soon. As Cantu points out, “By age fourteen, our necks are strong and our overall body strength is sufficient to keep the head steady when we slam at the line of scrimmage(争球).” Personally speaking, I don’t think kids should sit on the couch until they are 14. But they can play flag football and other gentler sports. If you think age 14 is too late to become a good football player, remember that four-time Super Bowl winner Tom Brady started playing football at that age.

1.What does the underline word “hazard” mean?

A. difficulty. B. danger.

C. punishment. D. pain.

2.Why did the former NFL players perform badly in tests?

A. Their heads were hit frequently.

B. They had some mental disorders.

C. They didn’t take the tests seriously.

D. They received little school education.

3.What does the author advise for kids under 14?

A. They watch football games. B. They play safer games.

C. Football be forbidden for them. D. They play 10 games a season.

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A. To entertain. B. To advertise.

C. To instruct. D. To warn.

Meet big brother Blue and his sisters Meadow and Little Willow,a family of three blind cats that just got adopted by the family Catherine Magno.

Their story starts just before the Christmas of 2014 when the kittens(小猫)were found in an abandoned house in Dubai.By then they had already lost their sight due to a cat flu that was left untreated by their previous(先前的) owner.After that they came to an animal home.At some point,brother Blue almost got adopted by the previous owner's neighbor,but the poor confused cat couldn’t bear living without his sisters and cried all night while searching for them.Soon they were all united in the animal home until the important night of 19 February 2015,when Catherine took them under her wing.

"I had zero experience having adopted my first ever rescue kitten just a couple of months ago,"Catherine said. "But their story touched my heart so much that I couldn't bear the thought of them being put in a cage for a very long time or even worse."

Catherine was worried about the special needs of her new pet friends:“My worry was that it's going to not only be challenging but also require a lot of adjustments on my part,”but apparently it wasn't that much different.“The only adjustment early on was keeping everything where it was but they are soon adaptive(适应的).”And as she wonderfully put it:“Blind pets see through their hearts."

1.What caused the three cats to be blind according to the passage?

A. Because of a certain kind of disease.

B. Because of a serious car accident.

C. Because of some bad persons hurting them.

D. The passage didn't mention it.

2.What does the underlined word " them" mean in Paragraph 2?

A. The owner and his neighbor.

B. Meadow and Little Willow.

C. Catherine Magno and her family.

D. All the other blind pets in the animal home.

3.What kind of person is Catherine?

A. Hard-working. B. Selfish.

C. Kind. D. Rude.

Monday 2nd January

I am in a small village in the Carpathian Mountains, north of Bucharest, the capital of Romania. I’ve come to see the brown bears, which come to the villages at night to look for food. They walk 20 kilometres a night to get here. A farmer told me that some of his sheep have been killed by bears. But this is unusual. Usually, the bears just take bits of food which people have thrown away. Tonight I hope I’ll see them.

Tuesday 3rd January

Last night I waited with a group of tourists and as it grew dark, we saw the huge black shapes of bears. It seems the bears don’t go for people, unless they are attacked first. They were not afraid of the tourists, who took photos of them. Those clever bears knew where to go for their dinner. They jumped straight into the rubbish, where there was lots of food which people had thrown away.

Wednesday 4th January

Although it’s wonderful to see the bears in the village, it can only mean one thing: their habitat is disappearing. They would prefer to stay hidden in the mountain forests, but the trees have been cut down for firewood. So they cannot find enough food any more.

Thursday 5th January

Today I met the head of the Carpathian Animal Protection Group. He says that there are only about 2,500 bears left, and is worried that they will soon become extinct. Rich people from other countries pay a lot of money to come and shoot the bears for sport. The poor people from these villages need the money. But perhaps they could make more money from the tourists who want to come just watch the bears; and this would continue in the future. Once the bears are all dead, the tourists will stop visiting the village. But if the bears keep visiting the villages, then, perhaps, so will the tourists.

1.The best title for this passage would be _____________.

A. Hungry Brown Bears B. Brown Bears in the Forest

C. Wandering Brown Bears D. Brown Bears—A Wonder

2.It is unusual to the writer that ________________.

A. the brown bears like to be taken photos of.

B. the bears come out at night to look for food

C. the bears just take bits of food thrown away

D. the bears have attacked a farmer’s sheep

3.The villagers could continue to earn money from the bears if _________.

A. they shot the bears for sport

B. people paid more money to kill them

C. more tourists came to see the bears

D. the villagers sold the bears’ skins to tourists

4.What will happen to the bears in the future?

A. They may be kept in zoos.

B. They may become extinct.

C. They may keep eating rubbish.

D. They may be watched by visitors.

Many of us remember being in awe(敬畏) when we saw cloned dinosaurs running wild in the film Jurassic Park. And the idea of using technology to revive(恢复) extinct species has long fascinated not only writers and directors, but scientists as well.

According to The Telegraph, woolly mammoths(长毛猛犸象), which featured in the popular Ice Age animated movie series, “may walk the earth once more” now that scientists have taken another step toward realizing a long-held dream—recreating their DNA.

Mammoths became extinct around 10,000 years ago. However, since the discovery of near-perfect preserved remains in Arctic permafrost(北极冻土带) in May 2013, a variety of research studies have been carried out since.

Geneticists from Harvard University analyzed DNA from the remains, looking for genes which separated mammoths from elephants, such as hairiness and ear size. They then used the results to reproduce exact copies of 14 mammoth genes. “It is the first time that mammoth genes have been alive—although so far it has only been done in the lab,” George Church, lead researcher of the project, told the Sunday Times.

Church then used a new technique which allows scientists to edit DNA carefully, replacing sections of elephant DNA with the mammoth genes. So “we now have functioning elephant cells with mammoth DNA in them,” he said.

However, Church ruled out the possibility of bringing the mammoths back to life via cloning from frozen remains. He said he “preferred to focus on rebuilding the full mammoth genome(基因组) by analyzing DNA from preserved remains and putting it into the cells of its closest living relative – the Asian elephant,” reported The Telegraph.

Church argued that the return of the woolly mammoth—or rather, the return of something very similar—could help bring back fragile(脆弱的) ecosystems. However, some scientists believe that bringing back the mammoth would be unethical.

Professor Alex Greenwood, an expert on ancient DNA, said: “We may face the extinction of African and Asian elephants. Why bring back another elephant from extinction when we cannot even keep the ones that are not extinct around?” he told the Sunday Times. “What is the message? We can be as irresponsible with the environment as we want. Then we’ll just clone things back?”

“Money would be better spent focusing on conserving what we do have than spending it on an animal that has been extinct for thousands of years,” he said.

1.We can learn from the article that ______.

A. cloned mammoths followed cloned dinosaurs to get revived

B. the technology to revive mammoth genes is already mature

C. George Church and his colleagues tried to reproduce mammoth DNA

D. Church and his team managed to list all the genes that separate mammoths from elephants

2.According to Church, what is the significance of his study?

A. It could help prevent the extinction of the Asian elephant.

B. It could help people better tell elephant DNA from mammoth genes.

C. It could help bring back some extinct species and save fragile ecosystems.

D. It could help bring mammoths back to life via cloning from frozen remains.

3.The underlined word “unethical” in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. unacceptable B. misled

C. impractical D. illegal

4.According to the article, Professor Alex Greenwood believes that _______.

A. there is no need to worry about the extinction of African and Asian elephants at present

B. it’s necessary to bring back species that are beneficial to human beings from extinction

C. the return of the woolly mammoth would help to balance ecosystems

D. it’s more important to protect present species than to bring back extinct ones

Top Tips for Travelling Abroad

Travelling abroad,for business or pleasure,should be a fun experience,1.Plan well in advance for your trip,be prepared for what you might experience,and protect yourself as best as you can from any accidents. Here are some tips:

·Check you are fit for travel. Before you book your trip abroad you should be aware of any health problems at your destination.2.Besides this,you should make sure you receive the necessary vaccines(疫苗).·3.Don't forget to take your medication with you. You can carry your medication on the plan with you. It is wise to take the double amount of medication that you need—put half in your carry?on bag and half in your “in the hold” bag. That way,if your carry?on bag gets stolen,you still have your medication in your hold bag.

·4.Your medication makes your skin weaker,so protect it from sun by wearing sunscreen,a hat,and seeking shade where possible. Also,you may find that you are more sensitive to the heat,so drink plenty of water,and carry a hand fan.

·Eat and drink wisely. While abroad,drink bottled water and even clean your teeth with bottled water. Take extra care with your diet,so avoid any stomach upsets. If you travel to second or third world countries,eat vegetables and fruit that have been cooked.5.If in doubt,speak to a medical person to check what foods to avoid.

A.Check your medicine,ticket,passport and credit card.

B.Avoid eating uncleaned food,shellfish and even foods like ice cream.

C.Just remember the three “p” s.

D.On the website,you can search for travel advice on individual countries.

E.You should check about your fitness to travel to certain countries.

F.Travel insurance is a must.

G.Protect yourself against the sun and heat.

The teachers are preparing their classrooms for the start of classes. As their principal, I was energized by their enthusiasm. Everywhere I went, I asked the same question, “How are you doing?” And everywhere I went, I received the same answer, “just fine.”

There was only one person whom I didn’t quite believe. It was her first year of teaching. Her classroom was inviting. She seemed well-prepared. On the outside everything seemed just fine, but there was something in her eyes that mad me ask that question again and again.

Then came Wednesday. “How are you doing?” I asked. “Mr. Boyce, I think I’m going to make it,” she said. The office was full of teachers and noise, but the voices became quiet as the young teacher continued.

“Monday night, after our open house (开放参观日),I just didn’t think I could do it. There were so many parents and children, and I felt under great pressure. When I told my family I didn’t think I could do it , they said I had to try.

“The next morning school started. I thought I was ready, but there were so many of them and their needs were so different. I just didn’t know how I could manage.

“I said to my parents if I had fewer kids I could handle it. So they asked me which children I would get rid of. But I couldn’t decide. I’d only had them for one day, but I couldn’t think of a single child I could do without. They’re mine. I can’t do without any of them. I don’t know how, but I’m just going to do the best I can and I really think I’m going to make it. “

There wasn’t a dry eye in the office when I replied, “I think you are, too.”

1.Why did the principal ask the new teacher the same question repeatedly?

A. She used to lie to others.

B. He just wanted to show his authority.

C. she was not as enthusiastic as other teachers.

D. He could tell from her eyes that she wasn’t well-prepared.

2.What was her family’s advice for the new teacher?

A. To give up B. To have her own kids.

C. To make an attempt D. To kick out the naughty kids.

3.It can be inferred that the new teacher____.

A. was not good at teaching.

B. liked her job to be a challenge

C. loved each of her students

D. didn’t have much confidence in herself.

4.What was other teachers’ response to the new teacher’s words?

A. Doubtful B. Absent-minded.

C. Tired and sleepy D. Deeply affected.

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