
British men are encouraged to cry.

There are certain things British men like to believe about themselves. The first is that one day they will again win the World Cup. They also believe they do not cry. Over the centuries, Britons are believed to have a "stiff upper lip". But is this true?

Yes, it is. A recent study arranged by Kleenex on how the British express their emotions reveals that 95 percent of them still contain their emotions.

Moreover, while 72 percent think this is unhealthy, 19 percent can't remember the last time they "let it out". As a result, Kleenex is launching the "Let It Out" campaign that encourages Britons to grab a tissue and have a good cry.

These days, however, the male Briton's attitude toward crying is changing. Though the majority still struggles to open up emotionally, a 2004 study by Oxford's Social Issues Research Center found that 77 percent of British men considered crying in public increasingly acceptable. Half of London males admitted crying in front of their mothers. Scotsmen are the least emotional, although they are the most likely to cry at weddings.

Peter Marsh, director of the center, said, “Crying can now indicate sensitivity rather than weakness. Like with David Beckham, crying because you're dropping off your boy at nursery isn't seen as weak.”

Winston Churchill was said to be a frequent crier, shedding tears at seeing a survivor in an air raid shelter(防空洞), and when he saw his wife after a long absence.

Psychologists say that while society has accepted that men can cry, there are limits. Ronald Bracey, a consulting psychologist, said, “If a man began to cry when he was having stitches(缝针)in hospital, he would be considered as a wimp(软弱的人). Men still need to be seen as strong when it comes to physical pain. ”

1. What does the passage mainly deal with?

A. Different attitudes British men have towards crying.

B. British men's dream of the World Cup.

C. Advice on how to control emotions.

D. Impression of British men.

2.Which of the following concerning(关于) the British men is NOT true according to the passage?

A. They are supposed to easily control emotions over the centuries.

B. They are confident that they will again get successful in the World Cup.

C. Nowadays, the male Briton's attitude toward crying is changing.

D. About 50% of Britons admitted crying before their mothers.

3.The underlined word “contain” in paragraph 3 means ______.

A. store B. include

C. hold back D. possess







2. of London males admitted crying in front of their mothers.可知是一半的伦敦人承认在他们妈妈面前哭泣过。D选项是一半的英国人。故D错误。A、B、C在文章中都有提及。故选D。

3. back抑制(感情),符合语境。故选C。



There is no doubt that to study abroad gives you an excellent opportunity to learn things which are very helpful in your career building. Today, Canada has earned a good name in providing quality education and safe healthy environment for its students. That is why more than 130,000 international students enroll(注册) every year in famous Canadian universities. It is an ideal education destination and gives students a unique experience of education and its versatile (多样的) arts and culture. Canada spends a lot on education and is ranked the highest in G-8 countries.

To study in Canada is very cost effective. These universities are affordable compared to other universities in the world such as in the US, New Zealand and UK where cost of education and living is very high. According to a survey in 2006, “Canada offered the lowest tuition fees for foreign students compared to UK and Australia.”

The low rate of crimes and the peaceful safe environment of the country also attract lots of international students to Canadian universities. Canada has 92 universities and 175 community colleges and university degrees have three levels-Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral.

A Bachelor's degree in Canada is for three or four years' full-time study depending upon the nature of the program you are doing. On the other hand, a Master's degree consists of two years of study. For a Doctoral program in Canadian university, you require a minimum of three to four or sometimes five years of research and study.

You can also find many diploma(学位证书) and certification (证明) programs in Canadian universities where the time is generally one year. Some of the Canadian universities are well-regarded worldwide and the degree and diploma obtained from these Canadian universities are recognized globally and promise bright future. After the completion of studies, a person could also find great job offers in Canada itself. International students require a work permit to work on campus.

1.How long will you spend at least in total if you want to finish your Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees in Canada?

A. 7 years. B. 8 years.

C. 9 years. D. 11 years.

2.What advantages does Canada have to attract foreign students according to the passage?

①Quality education.

②Safe environment.

③Versatile culture.

④Bright job future.

⑤High scholarships.

⑥Low tuition fees.

A. ①②③④⑥ B. ①②④⑤⑥

C. ①②③⑤⑥ D. ①③④⑤⑥

3.What's the author's attitude towards studying in Canada?

A. Oppositive B. Doubtful

C. Supportive D. Not mentioned.

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A. Canadian culture

B. The life in Canada

C. Study in Canada--a unique Experience

D. Benefits of studying Abroad

Obesity is common these days. This is because of the inactive lifestyle and the fast pace of life 1. . There are some basic rules and physical exercises you can follow in your daily life to lose weight.

Drinking enough water throughout the day can help to get out of the waste material from your body. On average, you must drink eight glasses of water every day.

2. .Practice the same thing at work, like parking your car a mile away from the office and walking. Take the stairs and avoid elevators at workplace. These are simple things which you can include in your life-style so that you can lose weight more quickly.

Both Cardiovascular(心血管的) exercises and weight training are very helpful ways to lose weight. 3. For quick weight loss, you should do these exercises 5 days a week. You can spare 30 minutes every day from your busy schedule for doing these exercises.

There are diets which help to lose weight fast, however, they are very risky. Doctors advise eating a healthy diet to lose weight. 4. Eating a healthy breakfast helps a lot in losing weight, as it is responsible to keep a normal metabolism(新陈代谢).

5. Do not depend on a single way of losing weight. Do all these activities with devotion and dedication and stay motivated. Have patience and you will see the difference.

A. Besides, the fast food is increasing day by day.

B. No one can refuse the delicious junk food now.

C. Eat healthy foods instead of junk and high calorie foods.

D. The young people should do more exercises to keep healthy.

E. Physical activities even like gardening can help to lose weight.

F. There must be a perfect balance between the activities and diet.

G. Both these exercises can be performed for 30-45 minutes every day.

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