
1.Silly birthday cards were always the norm(规范) in my family.Cards with messages of love were viewed with embarrassment(尴尬) in our family.Looking back now,I don't remember the words"I love you"(23)C being spoken.
    Before I turned 29,Dad retired and my parents moved from Victoria to Queensland.Soon my mother was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer.I hurried to Queensland for a visit and was shocked by my mother's (24)B.She was weak and underweight.She looked as though she had (25)D20years.The sad sight made my (26)Awelling up inside.I hugged my mother with my arms tightly,and for the first time I said,"I love you!"She made no response.(27)B,she appeared frozen in horror.Feeling rather (28)D,I struggled to understand this rejection.
    Five months later,Mum was (29)A to hospital.I phoned every morning to check on her.One afternoon,my instincts(直觉) told me I needed to (30)B again.My worst fear was   (31)C when a nurse answered the phone and informed me that my mother's (32)C had rapidly worsened.She wasn't expected to make it through the night.Knowing I was unable to get a flight in time,I asked the nurse to put the phone next to my mother's ear so I could talk to her."She is rarely (33)A,"the nurse replied."It's unlikely she'll hear you."But I didn't care.(34)D I wanted to try.
    (35)A she placed the phone by my mother's ear,I repeatedly told Mum that I loved her.At first,all I could hear from the other (36)B was"Hmmmm"-but then,like a miracle(奇迹),with a deep sigh she said,"Love you,…love you,darling."It was the last thing she said.She never spoke again before drifting into unconsciousness.My mother died at 4o'clock the next morning.
    Of course,losing a parent is so (37)C an experience that I could never really recover,but receiving those lovely last words made it much more bearable.I had closure in the best possible way.


分析 本文讲述了我的母亲生病去世时,我一直在对她说我爱你,最终原本昏迷母亲也回复了我爱你然后去世的故事.

解答 23~37.CBDAB     DABCC     ADABC
23.C 考查副词辨析 A.seldom 偶尔 B.never 从不 C.ever曾经 D.usually经常. 由句意可推知,我不记得曾经说过的我爱你,故选C.
24.B 考查名词辨析 A.spirits 精神 B.appearance 外表 C.experience经历 D.feelings感觉.由下文She was weak and underweight,可知我被母亲虚弱肥胖的外表震惊了,故选B.
25.D 考查动词辨析 A.spent 度过 B.wasted 浪费 C.survived生存 D.aged 变老.由句意,她看起来像老了二十岁,故选D.
26.A 考查名词辨析 A.emotions 情感 B.attitude态度 C.opinions 看法 D.courage 勇气.由句意可推知,这种悲伤的场面使我的感情用了上来,故选A.
27.B 考查副词辨析 A.Besides 而且 B.Instead 相反的 C.Otherwise 否则 D.Still仍然.由前面She made no response,她没有回答,相反的是,她很害怕,故选B.
28.D 考查形容词辨析 A.amazed 惊奇的 B.frightened 害怕的 C.relaxed 轻松的 D.hurt 伤害.看到母亲变成这样,我应该感到很受伤,故选D.
29.A 考查动词辨析 A.admitted 承认 B.invited 邀请 C.showed 展示 D.introduced 介绍.由句意可知,母亲住院了,故选A.
30.B 考查动词辨析 A.visit 拜访 B.ring 打电话 C.ask 问 D.explain解释. 由前面I phoned every morning to check on her,我每天早上都打电话,可知这里指的是再打一次电话,故选B.
31.C 考查动词辨析 A.shown 展现 B.seen 看见 C.confirmed 证实 D.announced 宣布.由when a nurse answered the phone 护士接的电话,可知我的预感被证实了,故选C.
32.C 考查名词辨析 A.expression 表达 B.life 生活 C.condition 状况 D.sense 场景.由句意,母亲的状况在恶化,故选C.
33.A 考查形容词辨析 A.awake 醒的 B.alive活着的 C.peaceful 平静的D.active活跃的 由后面It's unlikely she'll hear you,她不会听见你的,可知她不会醒来,故选A.
34.D 考查副词辨析 A.Anytime不论何时 B.Sometime 有时 C.Anywhere 无论哪里 D.Anyway无论如何. 由句意,不管怎样我都想一试,故选D.
35.A 考查副词辨析 A.Once 一..就 B.Though 尽管 C.Unless即使 D.Because因为. 由she placed the phone by my mother's ear,I repeatedly told Mum that I loved her,两句话关系,可知是她一把话筒放在母亲耳旁,我就离开重复着说我爱你,故选A.
36.B 考查名词辨析 A.part部分 B.end段 C.way 道路 D.aspect方面. 我听到的声音是话筒另一端,故选B.
37.C 考查形容词辨析 A.disappointing 失望的B.personal私人的 C.painful悲痛的 D.unfair 不公平的.由文章内容可知,母亲去世的经历是悲痛的,故选C.

点评 近几年高考试题中完形填空有新的变化,试题所涉及的知识面不断拓宽,综合难度不断提高.做完形填空首先要通读全文,了解大意.一篇完形填空的文章有许多空格,所以必须要先通读一到两遍,才能大致了解文章内容.千万不要看一句,做一句.其次要逐句分析,前后一致.选择答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,包括搭配,时态以及语法等.答案全部填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查是否通顺流畅,用词得当,意思正确.

5.Margie was the best hostess.She greeted everyone at the door,and she (41)Dcandies and offered drinks.Margie (42)C that everyone had a good time and that absolutely everything was(43)A But this was not Margie's party.She was a(44)Bat the party like everyone else and yet she acted as if she owned the(45)A.She wants to be(46)D and needs to be in control.I used to be like Margie,(47)Cto control the uncontrollable.I felt(48)B   the feelings and actions of the people around me.My body ached due to the weight I put on my own(49)A.
One day while I was out with a friend,I realized how far my desire for(50)D had gotten.As I talked to my friend,a stranger's towel was blown away.I(51)Cin vain for the towel.My friend called me on it and I (52)Arealized the extent (程度) my sense of responsibility had gotten.Realizing I was(53)D living my life,I had to make a(n)(54)A.
If we turn to (55)C,we see that it does not fight for control.A stream does not try to(56)D   its own course; water simply flows the path of least resistance.A (57)C  does not create an exact flight plan; a plane trusts its inner guidance system and adapts(58)D to new wind currents(气流) and obstacles.
Next time you try to control the uncontrollable,take a breath.(59)B and wait.You will find things can be better,with less effort,and in(60)B ways you could not have imagined.And you will find a love of life again.
46.A.in secretB.in timeC.in orderD.in charge
48.A.angry aboutB.responsible forC.content withD.sensitive to
9.Every year there are hundreds of earthquakes in different parts of the world.In September,1923,Tokyo and Yokohama were both destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that followed it.They had to be completely rebuilt.One of the most serious earthquakes was in China's Shanxi province in 1556.It killed almost one million people.
We measure an earthquake's strength on the Richter Scale.The Richter Scale was introduced in 1935in Southern California in the USA.It measures earthquakes on a scale of one to ten.Any earthquake measuring five or more is usually serious.
The Earth's crust(地壳) is made up of rock called plates.As these plates move,they sometimes crash against each other,causing the crust to quake.In cities such as Tokyo,where small quakes happen quite often,many modern buildings are designed to be flexible so when the Earth moves,they move with it.
Earthquakes can also break up gas and oil pipes.This can cause fires to break out,which can do as much damage as the earthquake itself.
Another effect of earthquakes is tsunamis. These are huge waves created by earthquakes beneath the sea.They can be many meters high and cause great damage to coastal towns and cities,China,Japan,Russia and the USA have the highest occurrence(发生) of earthquakes in the world.
21.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.scientists who study earthquakes     
B.the way of measuring earthquakes
C.a usual natural disaster                
 D.what people should do in the earthquake
A.don't cause much damage                
B.are not serious
C.most possibly happen in Japan            
D.happen all over the world
23.According to the passage we know that tsunamisB
A.can cause earthquakes
B.are caused by earthquakes
C.only happen on land
D.are a way of measuring earthquakes.

In France, a man walks on what can only be described as a human-sized hamster wheel. The wheel moves around and around, as the man keeps walking. What is he doing? He is lifting a heavy object to the top of a tower the same way workers moved such objects 800 years ago.

In the 13th century, workers did not have the 100-meter tall cranes they now use to build tall buildings. So they had to be creative and come up with simple machines to get their work done.

The man on the large wheel is walking at a reasonable speed. The wheel turns and pulls a rope connected to a pulley(滑轮)at the top of the tower. Another rope tied to the pulley lifts supplies from the ground.

This is just one way skilled craftsmen arc building a 13th-century castle without using modern tools. Crew have been working on the castle since 1997. It is being built in the Burgundy area of central France. Organizers expect the work to last another 10 to 15 years. That means it will take close to 30 years to finish the project.

The crew are making progress at about half the speed of the workers from 800 years ago. That is because many of them are accustomed to using modern tools. When the crew use heavy chisels(凿子)and hammers to break rock, as they did hundreds of years ago, they are learning as they go. The goal of the project is to learn more about old building techniques in case they might be of use today.

Clement Guerard, 44,is a stonemason; he cuts and builds with stone. He has been working on the tower for 17 years. He said one way he is able to work on something like this for so long is by forgetting “some of the pace of modern life", he is able to adapt to working by hand.

1.Why is the man walking in the wheel?

A. To draw the attention of passers-by. B. To act as an ancient building worker.

C. To test an ancient machine for building. D. To raise building materials to the building top.

2.What makes the project last so long?

A. The quality it requires. B. The ancient way to built it.

C. Its huge size. D. Its great height.

3.What’s the purpose of building the tower in the ancient way?

A. To build a unique ancient building. B. To copy a famous ancient building.

C. To master ancient building techniques. D. To experience ancient way of building.

4.Why has Clement Guerard worked such a long time for the tower?

A. He in used to doing handwork. B. He can get a steady income.

C. He forgets how to do other jobs. D. He likes building ancient buildings.

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