
【题目】 Whenever I met her,__________ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.

A. who B. which C. when D. that


【解析】句意:无论我何时遇到她一这种事常发生,她都会以甜蜜的微笑向我打招呼。__________ was fairly often是个定语从句,关系词在从句中充当主语,代替Whenever I met her。


【题目】At the time friends visit us in the evening, they often tell us they are in a hurry and look at their watches. It isn't that our friends are all very busy; it is just that we haven't got a television. People think that we are very strange. “But what do you do in the evening?”,they are always asking. The answer is very simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly don't spend our evenings looking at the walls. My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often attends evening classes in foreign languages. This is quite useful as we often go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and I'm always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to the music and playing chess together.

Sometimes there are power(电源) cuts and we have no electricity in the house. This does not worry us and we just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends, however, are lost-no television!—So they don't know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full for they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games.

【1】 The couple have not got a television, because ________.

A. they are not rich enough

B. they are strange people

C. they enjoy spending evenings in their own ways

D. they don't know what to do when there are power cuts

【2】 Both of them are interested in __________.

A. earning languages

B. travelling

C. staying home alone

D. watching people play games

【3】 At night when there is no electricity, the couple ________.

A. have to look at the walls

B. can do nothing but sit in silence

C. will have many visitors

D. have to go out for candles

【4】 The writer tries to tell us that ________.

A. life is possible without a television

B. life is enjoyable with many friends

C. electricity is important

D. television is useful

【5】 The best title for this passage is ________.

A. Why Do We Need a Television?

B. Candle! But No Electricity!

C. Different Friends, Different Hobbies.

D. We Go Without Televisions

【题目】Talking plants might sound like characters in a fairy tale. But recent scientific studies have shown that plants communicate with each other and with other living things in a surprising number of ways. To understand them, scientists say, we just have to learn their language. Farmers are especially interested in what plants have to say.

“Plants are able to communicate with all sorts of organisms(有机体). They can communicate with giant bacteria, with other plants and with insects. They do this chemically, ”said Cahill, an Ecology Professor of the University of Alberta in Canada.

Plant scientists are just beginning to understand this chemical “language”. Cahill says studies have shown, for example, that plants can evaluate conditions in their immediate environment and take appropriate actions. Plants have an ability, for example, to signal pain or discomfort caused by anything from temperature extremes to an insect attack. Jack Schultz, a professor of chemical ecology at the University of Missouri, says when a plant senses that it’S being eaten, it cannot walk away from trouble;on the contrary, it will release a chemical vapor that alerts other plants nearby.

“Their language is a chemical language, and it involves chemicals that move through the air, which are easily to be changed, and most of all are smells that we are familiar with, Schultz explained.

“All plants responded to the attack by changing their chemistry to defend themselves, Schultz recalled. “But we were quite surprised to find that nearby plants also changed their chemistry to defend themselves, even though they were not part of the experiment.

Studies have also shown that plants under attack release pleasant chemicals. Those chemicals attract friendly insects that attack the pests eating the plant.

In the end, plants’ability to communicate their needsand our ability to understand themcould help farmers reduce the use of poisonous chemicals, cut operating costs and limit damage to the environment.

1The recent scientific studies have shown that plants can __________.

A. communicate with other living things in a chemical way

B. hardly react to any sudden change in temperature

C. use a very special chemical language which is familiar to us

D. respond to the attack by giving off poisonous chemicals

2When being eaten by a pest, the plant will ___________.

A. walk away from trouble

B. change its chemistry to kill the insect

C. release a chemicaI vapor to “ask” other plants for help

D. give off nice chemicals to attract friendly insects to a tack the pest

3The underlined word “alerts” most probably means “___________”.

A. warns B. protects

C. threatens D. allows

4Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Communication between Plants

B. A Chemical “Language”

C. Plants Can Talk

D. How Plants Protect Themselves

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