
假设你叫李华,你的澳大利亚朋友 Peter 来信谈了他最喜爱的体育运动,并希望了解你喜爱的体育运动。请根据以下提示用英语写一封回信。 要点如下:

1. 感谢Peter 的来信;

2. 最喜欢的运动是什么;

3. 为什么喜欢这项运动。

4. 运动给你带来什么好处。。

注意: 词数120。

Dear Peter,







Yours faithfully

Li Hua


I am sure we’ve all come across inspiring quotes that made us nod in agreement or made us think, “Wow, that’s good quote”.But we end up going back to procrastinating (拖延) on whatever it was we were procrastinating on.So are these inspirational quotes even worth reading? Well, that depends.

Quotes, books, articles, audio programs… all of these things are just tools and they’re only effective when you use them.I don’t know about you but most quotes I read don’t do anything for me.However, every now and then, I will come across one that will positively affect me in some way such as reminding me to be grateful, getting me to work out extra hard at the gym without being pressed by my wife, or never give up when things get tough.

From my experience, reading quotes is more effective when you’re actually trying to motivate yourself rather than just reading them for the sake of reading them.The second you feel the urge to take action, you’d better immediately get up off your chair and take action.

These quotes aren’t for everyone.If you have read tons of them and have never been motivated or had a positive change in the way you look at life or how you treat others, or these quotes don’t help you to insist on doing something when you feel like giving up on it, then it’s probably not worth your time reading more of them.If you have done something a bunch of times and it’s not giving you the results you want, don’t keep doing it.Try something else.

Now if you’ve found some value in reading these quotes in the past, continue to make them more effective by letting them guide your life.

I’ll end this text with one of my favorite quotes, which reminds me to constantly examine my habits.“We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”---- Aristotle

1.What attitude does the author have towards most quotes he has read?





2.What does the author’s wife expect him to do?

A.To be grateful for life.

B.To exercise at the gym

C.To do extra work at home

D.To read more inspiring quotes

3.For whom will the quotes be effective according to the author?

A.those who read them carefully

B.Those who lack practical tools in life

C.Those who have no one to turn to for help

D.Those who take immediate action after reading them

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.to persuade people not to waste time on quotes.

B.to explain how to make inspiring quotes effective.

C.to encourage people to read more inspiring quotes.

D.to give people advice on how to choose useful quote.

China’s Tianhe-1 has a computing speed of 2,507 trillion(万亿)calculations a second, making it the fastest computer in the world.It is also 40 percent faster than the world’s second fastest supercomputer, Cray XT5 Jaguar, in the US, kept at a national laboratory in Tennessee, according to the New York Times.Jack Dongarra, a University of Tennessee computer scientist, told NYT that the Chinese supercomputer is faster than the existing Number One machine.

Building the fastest supercomputer has become a source of national pride, as these machines are valued for their ability to solve problems in areas like defense, energy and science.These problems are related to national interests.Supercomputing technology is also found in business.Oil and gas companies use supercomputers to find oil and gas.

Obviously, research centers with large supercomputers attract top scientific talents.This adds extra importance to the machines—they’re more than just huge computers.

China’s new supercomputer will be used to speed up greatly scientific calculations, such as hurricane and tsunami modeling, cancer research, car design and even studying stars.

In 2008, two US scientists put together a step-by-step guide on how to build a supercomputer using PlayStation 3 video-game consoles(控制台).Modern supercomputers are built by combining thousands of small computer servers(服务器)and using software to turn them into one large computer.Really, any organization with enough material and technology can create a fast machine.

The Chinese system follows that model by linking thousands upon thousands of computer servers.But the secret behind the system—and the technological achievement—is China’s own networking technology.“That technology was built by them,” Dongarra said.“They are taking supercomputing very seriously and using a lot of time and money.”

“China is still a developing country,” said Sha Chaoqun, manager at Dawning Company which is the leading supercomputer maker in China.“Maybe one day, China’s total computing power can be greater than that of the US, but there is still a long way to go before we get there.”

Paragraph outline

Supporting details

China has developed the world’s fastest supercomputer

Tianhe-1 has a high computing speed, which 1.it the fastest computer in the world.

Tianhe-1 is 40 percent faster than the 2.fastest supercomputer in the world.

3.Jack Dongarra, we learn that the Chinese supercomputer is faster than existing Number One machine.

Many countries see the fastest supercomputer as a source of national 4.and are making efforts to develop it.

The high-speed computer is 5.to solve problems relaterd to national interests.

Besides 6.of defense, energy and science, supercomputing technology can also be found in business, oil and gas companies.

It’s obvious that top scientific talents are 7.to research centers with large supercomputers.

The secret behind supercomputers is networking technology

By using the technology built by Chinese people, taking it 8.and devoting lots of time and money, China has achieved a lot

Mr.Sha showed a conservative (保守的)9.toward the development of computing power.

10.the greater computing power China may have in the future, there is still a long way to go.

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