
【题目】As a school teacher, Inderjit Khurana used to take the train to work. And one day, at the station, she saw dozens of children who spent their days begging from train passengers rather than going to school. She learned that it was not a rare problem and that millions of children in India lived on the streets.

Realizing that these children would never be able to escape poor life and homelessness without education, and that it would be impossible to send these children to school, Inderjit decided to create a model program---taking the school to the most out- of-school children.

Khurana’s train platform schools aim to provide a creative school form and give children the basic levels of education. Her last goals reach far beyond the 20 platform schools she and her colleagues have created in India’s Bhubaneswar region. She is determined that her program will become a model for changing the lives of the poorest children throughout India and the world.

Khurana founded the Ruchika Social Service Organization(RSSO) in 1985. The teachers gather the children together between the stops of the train for reading, writing, maths and history taught through songs and other teaching tools.

Khurana recently comes to realize that the education of these children is impossible when the most basic needs of their families are not being met. So she also provides food and medicine for their families.

Khurana insists that every child have the right to an education and that if a child cannot come to the school, then the school must come to him or her.

【1】Khurana’s final aim is to .

A.make the poorest children’s lives better

B. put an end to the problem of children’s dropout(辍学)

C. attract more students to her platform schools

D. set up 20 platform schools throughout India

【2】What can we learn about the RSSO?

A. It has a history of more than 30 years.

B. It provides jobs for the poorest children.

C. It gives money to the out-of-school children.

D. Its work doesn’t only include free education for the street children.

【3】Khurana also provides free food and medicine for the children because_____.

A. the fundamental family needs are included in her model program

B. she wants to draw more people’s attention to the RSSO

C. they are the necessities for the out-of-school children

D. she wishes to improve local people’s living standard






试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Inderjit Khurana在搭火车上班的时候看见了一些孩子,他们向乘客们乞讨却不去上学。她意识到这是一个问题,从而开始行动起来帮助这些孩子。

【1】A细节题。第三段最后一句She is determined that her program will become a model for changing the lives of the poorest children throughout India and the world.她决定要将她的计划变成为一个改变全印度乃至全世界最贫穷的孩子的一个模范。故选A

【2】D细节题。根据倒数第二段全段Khurana recently comes to realize that the education of these children is impossible when the most basic needs of their families are not being met. So she also provides food and medicine for their families.Khurana最近开始意识到当他们家庭最基本的需要没有得到的时候实现这些孩子的教育是不可能的,于是她也会为这些孩子的家人们提供食物和药物。故选D

【3】C分析推断题。根据倒数第二段全段Khurana recently comes to realize that the education of these children is impossible when the most basic needs of their families are not being met..Khurana最近开始意识到当他们家庭最基本的需要没有得到的时候实现这些孩子的教育是不可能的。从这里可以知道为那些孩子的家人们提供食物和药物是必须的,故选C


【题目】There are many brands of chocolate. If you love it, you can’t forget DOVE -- the most famous chocolate brand. But do you know what the meaning of DOVE is?

Dove chocolate is born because of . One day in 1919 Princess Bazaar of Luxembourg's royal family first met the royal kitchen helper Leon. Many nights Leon slipped into the kitchen and various ice creams for Bazaar. They soon fell in love. Unfortunately owing to their quite different social , both of them had to the deep feelings in heart.

Afterwards Bazaar was made to an arranged royal marriage against her wishes. For many days Leon could not see Bazaar, and he was burning with . Finally Bazaar turned up at the table a month later. While serving desserts, Leon the letters "DOVE" which is an abbreviation of DO YOU LOVE ME with hot chocolate on Bazaar's ice cream. Leon that Bazaar could understand his feeling.

A few days later, Bazaar got . Leon, broken-hearted, could not the mental suffering and left for America, where he and his own family a candy store years later but lived unhappily.

Many years later, they met again before Bazaar’s death. Bazaar that she did eat the ice cream that afternoon but didn't see the letters and also didn't receive any promise from Leon and she had to to span>her fate and missed him all her lifetime.

Hearing this, Leon broke down in tears. If that chocolate had been , those letters would never have melted and he would not have lost his last . Leon decided to create a solid chocolate which can a long time.

After lots of research, he succeeded and each piece of chocolate was engraved(刻) with the letters DOVE. It is a of the love between Leon and Bazaar.

Now more and more people fall in love with this chocolate. Giving someone DOVE means sending the of love DO YOU LOVE ME?

【1A. anger B. sorrow C. love D. envy

【2A. gave B. made C. cooled D. heated

【3A. opinion B. view C. attitude D. status

【4A. discover B. forget C. bury D. struggle

【5A. know B. accept C. try D. practise

【6A. sympathy B. impatience C. joy D. indifference

【7A. mixed B. sent C. wrote D. pressed

【8A. allowed B. promised C. declared D. expected

【9A. married B. sick C. nervous D. satisfied

【10A. repeat B. bear C. reduce D. keep

【11A. supported B. found C. ran D. sold

【12A. learned B. recalled C. heard D. believed

【13A. annoying B. confusing C. interesting D. melting

【14A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give away

【15A. powerful B. liquid C. solid D. frozen

【16A. treasure B. possession C. courage D. chance

【17A. eat B. preserve C. miss D. sell

【18A. quickly B. happily C. firmly D. lightly

【19A. symbol B. sign C. survey D. study

【20A. story B. secret C. promise D. whisper

【题目】【改编】Our body clock,or natural body rhythm,influences our energy and alertness.Paying attention to it can help us choose the suitable time of day when we best perform specific tasks.

The reality,however,is that most of us organize their time around work demands,school deadlines,commuting or social events.Doing whatever your body feels like doing is a luxury in today's fast-paced modem society.

But that doesn't mean it isn't worth trying.Obeying our body clock has significant health benefits.Disrupting our natural body rhythm,on the other hand,has been linked to problems such as depression,obesity,or headache,says Steve Key,a biology professor.

When the body clock can synchronize(使……同步)the rhythms of its natural processes,it “gives us an advantage in daily life”,says Key.

According to him,when it comes to cognitive(认知的)work,most adults perform best in the late morning.As our body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morning and continues to increase until midday,our memory,alertness and concentration gradually improve.

However,he adds,our ability to concentrate typically starts to decrease soon thereafter.Most of us are more easily distracted between noon and 4 pm.

Alertness also tends to fall after eating a meal and sleepiness tends to peak around 2 pm,making that a good time for a nap.

Surprisingly, tiredness may increase our creative powers.For most adults,problems that require open ended thinking are often best dealt with in the evening when they are tired, according to a study in the journal Thinking & Reasoning.

When choosing a time of day to exercise,paying attention to your body clock can improve results.Physical performance is usually best from about 3 to 6 pm,says Michael Smolensky,a professor of biomedical engineering.

Of course, not everyone's body clock is the same,making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans.

【1】What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?

A. The benefit of natural body rhythm.

B. A new research about our body clock.

C. Something about natural body rhythm.

D. The definition of natural body rhythm.

【2】What is the meaning of the underlined word disrupting”?

A. Following. B. Destroying.

C. Noticing. D. Finding.

【3】According to the passage, we can know _____.

A. people dont know tiredness can increase creative powers.

B. people are most focused at 3 oclock..

C. natural body rhythm can t influences peoples energy.

D. most grown-ups perform best in the early morning

【4】Which of the following is true ?

A. Our memory and concentration improve with the fall of body temperature.

B. A good time for a nap is usually at 1pm.

C. Physical performance is usually best in the morning.

D. Not all people have the same body clock.

【5】The benefit of knowing our natural body rhythm is that_____.

A. we can keep healthy all our life.

B. we can improve our IQ.

C. we can do specific tasks in suitable time.

D. we can do whatever our body wants to.

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