
【题目】 The world can sometimes seem like a dangerous place, especially at night.1 For example, here are some tips that can stay safe at night.

You need to be well aware (意识到的) of your surroundings. To achieve this, don’t talk on the phone or listen to music.2If there is a drunk who is walking down the street, notice him and cross the street or choose a different way.

Wear brightly colored clothing.3 For example, brightly colored clothing helps reduce the danger from cars because you can be seen easily. Also bright colors have a lot to do with confidence and though it will not protect you every time, it can make someone who was going to disturb you, less likely to do so.

Make sure that someone knows where you will go. For example, if you have to walk somewhere at night, make sure that a friend or a person who you trust knows the way that you will take.4

You need to remember some phone numbers in case you lose your cell phone, or it can’t be used. So, along with the obvious emergency numbers (紧急号码), you should have a friend or two that you can call if you run into difficulty. If you can, try and have these numbers of people who live next to your house. 5And as a result she may not be able to help you at all.

A.Bright colors help you out in different ways.

B.Try and always have money for transportation.

C.Instead, pay attention to the people round you.

D.Learn to ask for help when you are in trouble.

E.While you may call mom for help, she might live thousands of miles away.

F.Luckily you can do something to stay away from possible dangers.

G.If something does happen to you, they know where to start looking for you.









1此题线索是词汇复现。空前一句提到“世界是一个危险的地方,尤其是晚上” ;选项F意思为:幸运的是,你可以做些事情远离可能的危险。选项F中“ danger”与空前一句中的“dangerous 是同根词复现。选项F与上一句语义顺承。故选F项。

2此题是逻辑线索。空前一句提到 “不要打电话或听音乐”;选项C意思为:相反,要注意你周围的人。选项C与上一句语义转折,其中instead表示转折意义;选项C中“people round you”与上文的“your surroundings”是同畴词。故选C项。

3此题线索是词汇复现。空前一句提到 “穿颜色鲜艳的衣服。”;选项A意思为:鲜艳的颜色可以在不同的方面帮助你。选项A中“Bright colors”与上一句的“brightly colored”是同根词复现。故选A项。

4此题线索是代词指代。该段首句也是该段的主题句“要确保别人知道你要去哪里”;选项G意思为:如果你真的出了什么事,他们知道从哪里开始找你。选项G中的they指代空前一句中的a friend or a person,选项G与上一句语义顺承。故选G项。

5此题是逻辑线索,空前一句提到“如果可以的话,尽量要有那些住在你房子附近的人的电话号码”;选项E意思为:虽然你可以打电话向妈妈求助,但她可能在几千英里之外。选项E中“live thousands of miles away”与空前一句中“live next to your house”语义相反, 选项Ewhile表示语义的转折。该空引出下文,结合下文And as a result she may not be able to help you at all.(因此,她可能根本无法帮助你。)这正是向远在千里之外的妈妈求助,可能造成的后果的描述。故选E项。


1. 重点阅读上下句



2. 词语复现显神功


如第3小题此题线索是词汇复现, 选项A中“Bright colors”与上一句的“brightly colored”是同根词复现,从而可确定选项。


3. 代词、逻辑亦管用


如第4小题,选项G中的they指代空前一句中的a friend or a person。代词指代帮助确定选项。



如第2小题, 空前一句提到 “不要打电话或听音乐”;选项C意思为:相反,要注意你周围的人。选项C与上一句语义转折,instead表示转折意义,从而可以确定选项。


【题目】I was both excited and a little scared in my first day of kindergarten. The large classroom was full of books and , two kinds of things that I loved. But it was also full of kids all than me. Because my was in late September, I was in at only 4 years old, and this meant I was destined(注定的) to be smallest kid in my until the 7th grade.

I think my mom sensed I was a little . That was why she was always there to pick me up right after school when I could have ridden the bus. I would sit in the front seat her and tell her all about my . Sometimes we would even read a book and until all the cars and the buses had left before we home. I felt so safe and peaceful when we sat in the car together. I those special times when I had my mom all to myself. Beginning the new challenge of school didn’t seem so when I knew I could talk about it with her. Being a tiny, little kid in a big scary wasn’t so bad either. I knew my mom loved me and that was all I to be loving, joyful, and strong.

I look back on those happy times, I can see now that they also me for what I would find later in life. Even after she too soon, I could still feel her love flowing down from Heaven.

The next time this world seems too scary or hard, then don’t . Instead, invite love to the of your soul, close the doors, and spend some time alone together.

【1A. tools B. toys C. animals D. fruits

【2A. politer B. cleverer C. bigger D. richer

【3A. celebration B. holiday C. program D. birthday

【4A. allowed B. shown C. pushed D. guided

【5A. village B. class C. home D. Neighborhood

【6A. afraid B. tired C. hungry D. excited

【7A. faithfully B. easily C. luckily D. happily

【8A. under B. behind C. next to D. in front of

【9A. trip B. day C. plan D. experiment

【10A. perform B. play C. argue D. wait

【11A.drove B. moved C. rushed D. stepped

【12A. imagined B. ignored C. valued D. forgot

【13A. clear B. dangerous C. difficult D. strange

【14A. community B. factory C. city D. world

【15A. afforded B. offered C. agreed D. needed

【16A. As B. Until C. Although D. Since

【17A. forgave B. prepared C. praised D. rewarded

【18A. built up B. came back C. set off D. passed away

【19】A. turn up B. look around C. run away D. break in

【20】A. car B. way C. side D. part

【题目】 Parents who fear their kids are spending too much time in front of screens now have more reasons for concern.

New research funded by the National Institutes of Health found brain changes among kids using screens more than seven hours a day and lower cognitive(认知的) skills among those using screens more than two hours a day.

When studies find links between screen time and negative outcomes, some have argued that this is just the latest moral panic over technology.After all, didn't today's grandparents once worry that their kids were watching too much TV or talking on the phone too much? Those kids( today's parents )turned out OK, right?

In a new paper, my co-authors and I found that children who spent four or more hours a day on portable devices(设备)--compared with no time-were over 44 percent more likely to sleep not enough.TV time was also connected to less sleep, but not as strongly or consistently.

For one thing, TV is not so psychologically stimulating(刺激性的)as a portable device like a smartphone, which, unlike TV.doesn’t exist to simply consume media.Smartphones have also become a huge part of social life, whether it's texting with friends or interacting with them on social media.

And unlike TV, portable devices can be silently carried into the bedroom or even the bed, resulting in some teens using them throughout the night.

That might explain why lack of sleep among teens spiked after 2012-just as smartphone use became common.

So what is a parent-or anyone who wants to sleep well-to do?

First, it's best for smartphones and tablets to stay out of the bedroom after"lights-out"time.Nor is it a great idea to use the devices within an hour of bedtime, as their blue light influences the brain’s ability to produce melatonin (褪黑激素).Finally, as a general rule, two hours a day or less spent on portable devices is a good guideline.These rules apply to parents, too -not only kids.

1What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.Today's parents' health condition.

B.Grandparents’ influence on their kids.

C.Bad effects of too much screen time on kids.

D.Some people,'s opinion on the findings of the studies.

2What is a reason for portable devices' being more strongly associated with less sleep?

A.They only consume media.B.They are convenient to carry.

C.They are better used in daytime.D.They are independent of social life.

3What does the underlined word"spiked" in paragraph 7 probably mean?

A.rose quickly.B.stood still.

C.grew equally.D.decreased abruptly.

4What's the author's advice on how to get a good sleep?

A.Never bring screens into the bedroom.

B.Allow parents to adapt the rules for themselves.

C.Avoid the devices within an hour of bedtime.

D.Spend exactly two hours a day on the devices.

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