“BANG”the door caused a reverberation.“Never set foot in this house again!”shouted father.With tears weiling(涌出)up in my eyes,I rushed out of the hofase and ran along the street.

    A young father who held a child in his arlzis walked past rile.I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space:happy and harmonious(和谐)

    But now I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because Dad is getting old.We are just like two people coming from two different worlds.It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.

    1 wandered the street,without a destination in my n'nnd.My heart was frozen oil this hot summer night.As I walked on there were fewer and fewer people m the streets,until I had only streets to keep me company When I finally reached the high rise apartment block in which I livegt,I saw that the light was still on.

     I thought to myself,“Is father waiting for rile.or is he still angry with me?”

    In fact,it was nothing.Perhaps,Dad was throwing some of his old stamps.Perhaps he thought they were useless.I never had th,e courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.

    All the lights were off except father’S

    Dad was always 1ike this.Maybe he didn’t know bow to express himself.After shouting at me,he never showed any mercy or regret After an argument he will creep(蹑手蹑脚)up in my sleep and then tuck rile underneath the covers

    This was how he always was.Fie has been a leader for So long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.

    The fight was still oil With the key in hand,1 was as nervous as 1 had ever been.At last,I decided to open the door.As soon as I opened the door tears ran down my cheeks.I suddenly realized that the iron door that l had imagined between us did not exist at all Love-it is second to none.

The underlined word“reverberation”refers to    .

    A.an earthquake    B.a heavy Mow  .

    C.a shake D.a sound forced back

When seeing a young father with a child in his arras.the writer might have

  the following feelings EXCEPT             

   A.She/He admired them very much

   B.She/He wished that the relation between him/her and his/her father could

    also be so harmonious

  C.She/He felt that happiness had been far away from him/her

   D.She/He felt disappointed with his/her father

Why do you think the father often shouts at his child?

    A.The father is getting older and older.

    B.The child had already grown up.

    C.They never agree with each other.

    D.The father has got used to doing that.

What conclusion can you draw after reading the text?

    A.The father treats his child in an unfair wav.

    B.The father is actually kind to his child

    C.The father is neither kind nor cruel to his child

    D.The father is always finding fault with his child.

I had this exchange with my 6-year-old last week.

       Him: Mom, we have to start buying Danimals.

       Me: Why?

       Him: So, I can bring it to |school for lunch.It's yogurt .

       Me: Why do you want it so badly?

       Him: Because Danimals i|s giving away five fantastic Caribbean vacations.

       I had to explain that there was little chance that he would win a vacation.It's a strategy used to encourage kids to beg for artificially-colored (人工着色的) yogurt that costs a lot.

       Marketing follows my kids —and yours—wherever they go .It comes via TV commercials. Store displays and websites are also constantly selling at our kids .But the most powerful means in kids" lives is the presence of licensed characters on every product imaginable.

       Children can begin their day in character clothing.There's even character -themed wall paint available.A breakfast in a character bowl can be followed by a character toothbrush and character toothpaste(牙膏), character soap and shampoo, and a character wash cloth and towel .Then, they can put on character clothing and character shoes.Check that, character clock on the wall: Is it time for characier-shaped fruit snacks yet?

       Surround kids with enough of the characters and they'll come to believe they need them.Most of us, of course, don't buy all those items.But say no to four products out of five and your home can still get filled with these tiny items encouraging brand loyalty (品牌忠诚)

       At this time of year, parents buy licensed school supplies.With so much marketing around us, it can be tough to stop the tide.

       "One thing that helps parents'is that they can talk to other parents about, this kind of thing," Linn suggested ."If you decide you want to buck this, it helps to find other people who will do the same thing .That way, if your child says."Everyone's doing it," you can really have a sense of whether everyone is." |

From the dialogue between the author and the son, we can infer that ____-

       A.the son likes drinking yogurt a lot.

       B.buying Danimals may win a free tour

       C.the son's school encourages kids to eat yogurt

       D.Danimals in the most popular yogurt among kids.

We can learn from th^ passage that     '

       A.character bowls increase kids' appetite.

       B.character-themed wall paint is expensive

       C.household goods are becoming the target of advertisers.

       D.Linn considered character-themed products a foolish marketing strategy.

The underlined word "buck" in the last paragraph probably means _____.

       A.support        B.resist           C.advertise            D.learn

What does the passage mainly tell us ?  .

       A.Marketing is affecting kids all the time.

       B.Most kids now don't have a happy childhood,

       C.Kids like buying licensed school supplies a lot.

       D.Licensed character produce are doing great harm to kids.

One of my wonderful memories is about a Christmas gift. Unlike other gifts,it came without wrap(包装).
On September 11 th , 1 958,Mum gave birth to Richard.After she brought him home from hospital,she put him in my lap,saying, “I promised you a gift, and here it is.” What an honor! I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll of their own.I played with it day and night. I sang to it, I told it stories.I told it over and over how much I loved it!  
One morning, however,I found its bed empty. My doll was gone! I cried for it.Mum wept and told me that the poor little thing had been sent to a hospital.It had a fever. For several days,I heard Mum and Dad whispering such words as “hopeless”,“pitiful",and “dying”, which sounded Ominous
Christmas was coming, “Don’t expect any presents this year,” Dad said, pointing at the socks I hung in the living room. “If your baby brother lives, that’ll be Christmas enough.” As he spoke,his eyes filled with tears. I’d never seen him cry before.
The phone rang early on Christmas morning.Dad jumped out of bed to answer it.From my bedroom I heard him say, “What? He’s all right?” He hung up and shouted upstairs. “The hospital said we can bring Richard home!” “Thank God!” I heard Mum cry.
From the window upstairs,I watched my parents rush out to the car.I had never seen them so happy. And I was also full of joy. What a wonderful day! My baby doll would be home. I ran downstairs. My socks still hung there flat.But I knew they were not empty: they were filled with love !
【小题1】What happened to the author on September 11th,1958?

A.He got a baby brother.B.He got a Christmas gift.
C.He became four years old.D.He received a doll.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “ominous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
【小题3】Which word can best describe the feeling of the father when Christmas was coming?

I had this exchange with my 6-year-old last week.
Him: Mom, we have to start buying Danimals.
Me: Why?
Him: So, I can bring it to |school for lunch.It's yogurt .
Me: Why do you want it so badly?
Him: Because Danimals i|s giving away five fantastic Caribbean vacations.
I had to explain that there was little chance that he would win a vacation.It's a strategy used to encourage kids to beg for artificially-colored (人工着色的) yogurt that costs a lot.
Marketing follows my kids —and yours—wherever they go .It comes via TV commercials. Store displays and websites are also constantly selling at our kids .But the most powerful means in kids" lives is the presence of licensed characters on every product imaginable.
Children can begin their day in character clothing.There's even character -themed wall paint available.A breakfast in a character bowl can be followed by a character toothbrush and character toothpaste(牙膏), character soap and shampoo, and a character wash cloth and towel .Then, they can put on character clothing and character shoes.Check that, character clock on the wall: Is it time for characier-shaped fruit snacks yet?
Surround kids with enough of the characters and they'll come to believe they need them.Most of us, of course, don't buy all those items.But say no to four products out of five and your home can still get filled with these tiny items encouraging brand loyalty (品牌忠诚)
At this time of year, parents buy licensed school supplies.With so much marketing around us, it can be tough to stop the tide.
"One thing that helps parents'is that they can talk to other parents about, this kind of thing," Linn suggested ."If you decide you want to buck this, it helps to find other people who will do the same thing .That way, if your child says."Everyone's doing it," you can really have a sense of whether everyone is." |
【小题1】From the dialogue between the author and the son, we can infer that ____-

A.the son likes drinking yogurt a lot.
B.buying Danimals may win a free tour
C.the son's school encourages kids to eat yogurt
D.Danimals in the most popular yogurt among kids.
【小题2】We can learn from th^ passage that     '
A.character bowls increase kids' appetite.
B.character-themed wall paint is expensive
C.household goods are becoming the target of advertisers.
D.Linn considered character-themed products a foolish marketing strategy.
【小题3】The underlined word "buck" in the last paragraph probably means _____.
【小题4】What does the passage mainly tell us ? .
A.Marketing is affecting kids all the time.
B.Most kids now don't have a happy childhood,
C.Kids like buying licensed school supplies a lot.
D.Licensed character produce are doing great harm to kids.

I had this exchange with my 6-year-old last week.

       Him: Mom, we have to start buying Danimals.

       Me: Why?

       Him: So, I can bring it to |school for lunch.It's yogurt .

       Me: Why do you want it so badly?

       Him: Because Danimals i|s giving away five fantastic Caribbean vacations.

       I had to explain that there was little chance that he would win a vacation.It's a strategy used to encourage kids to beg for artificially-colored (人工着色的) yogurt that costs a lot.

       Marketing follows my kids —and yours—wherever they go .It comes via TV commercials. Store displays and websites are also constantly selling at our kids .But the most powerful means in kids" lives is the presence of licensed characters on every product imaginable.

       Children can begin their day in character clothing.There's even character -themed wall paint available.A breakfast in a character bowl can be followed by a character toothbrush and character toothpaste(牙膏), character soap and shampoo, and a character wash cloth and towel .Then, they can put on character clothing and character shoes.Check that, character clock on the wall: Is it time for characier-shaped fruit snacks yet?

       Surround kids with enough of the characters and they'll come to believe they need them.Most of us, of course, don't buy all those items.But say no to four products out of five and your home can still get filled with these tiny items encouraging brand loyalty (品牌忠诚)

       At this time of year, parents buy licensed school supplies.With so much marketing around us, it can be tough to stop the tide.

       "One thing that helps parents'is that they can talk to other parents about, this kind of thing," Linn suggested ."If you decide you want to buck this, it helps to find other people who will do the same thing .That way, if your child says."Everyone's doing it," you can really have a sense of whether everyone is." |

1.From the dialogue between the author and the son, we can infer that ____-

       A.the son likes drinking yogurt a lot.

       B.buying Danimals may win a free tour

       C.the son's school encourages kids to eat yogurt

       D.Danimals in the most popular yogurt among kids.

2.We can learn from th^ passage that     '

       A.character bowls increase kids' appetite.

       B.character-themed wall paint is expensive

       C.household goods are becoming the target of advertisers.

       D.Linn considered character-themed products a foolish marketing strategy.

3.The underlined word "buck" in the last paragraph probably means _____.

       A.support        B.resist           C.advertise            D.learn

4.What does the passage mainly tell us ?  .

       A.Marketing is affecting kids all the time.

       B.Most kids now don't have a happy childhood,

       C.Kids like buying licensed school supplies a lot.

       D.Licensed character produce are doing great harm to kids.


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