
【题目】 More than a billion people around the world have smartphones, almost all of which come with avigation (导航) apps such as Google or Apple Maps. This raises the questions we meet with any technology: What skills are we losing? What abilities are we gaining?

Talking with people who're good at finding their way around or using paper maps, I often hear lots of frustration with digital maps. North/South direction gets messed up, and you can see only a small section at a time.

But consider what digital navigation aids have meant for someone like me. Despite being a frequent traveler, I'm so terrible at finding my way that I still use Google Maps every day in the small town where I have lived for many years. What looks like an imperfect product to some has been a significant expansion of my own abilities.

Part of the problem is that reading paper maps requires specific skills. There is nothing natural about them. In many developed nations, including the U. S., one expects street names and house numbers to be meaningful references, and instructions such as "go north for three blocks and then west" make sense. In Istanbul, in contrast, where I grew up, none of those hold true. For one thing, the locals rarely use street names. Why bother when a government or a military group might change them again? Besides, the city is full of winding, ancient alleys that meet newer avenues at many angles. Instructions as simple as “go north" would require a helicopter or a bulldozer (推士机).

Let's come back to my original questions. While we often lose some skills after leaving the work to technology, it may also allow us to expand our abilities. Consider the calculator: I don't doubt that our arithmetic skills might have dropped a bit as the little machines became common, but calculations that were once boring and tricky are now much more straightforward and one can certainly do more complex calculations more confidently.

1What is the drawback of digital maps?

A.They aren't connected to smartphones.

B.They cost too much to download.

C.They leave some users frustrated.

D.They mix up the south and the north.

2What's the author’s attitude toward digital maps?



3What's the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.The differences between Istanbul and the U. S.

B.The miserable life of people in Istanbul.

C.The necessity of asking local people in Istanbul.

D.The ancient alleys and new avenues in Istanbul.

4What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A.When technology closes a door, it opens one as well.

B.Two paper maps are better than a digital one.

C.Technology is not developed in a day.

D.No calculators, no digital maps.









细节理解题。根据文章第二段Talking with people who're good at finding their way around or using paper maps, I often hear lots of frustration with digital maps(在与那些擅长找路或使用纸质地图的人交谈时,我经常听到人们对电子地图感到沮丧)可知,很多人觉得使用电子地图会让人感到沮丧。故选C项。


推理判断题。根据第三段But consider what digital navigation aids have meant for someone like me. Despite being a frequent traveler, I'm so terrible at finding my way that I still use Google Maps every day in the small town where I have lived for many years. What looks like an imperfect product to some has been a significant expansion of my own abilities(但是想想数字导航对像我这样的人意味着什么。尽管我经常旅行,但我很不善于找路,所以在我居住多年的小镇上,我仍然每天使用谷歌地图。在某些人看来不完美的产品,其实是对自己能力的极大扩展)可知,作者对导航应用持支持态度。A. Doubtful 怀疑的;B. Supportive 支持的;C. ambiguous 模糊不清的;D. Uncaring 心不在焉的。故选B项。


主旨大意题。根据第四段In Istanbul, in contrast, where I grew up, none of those hold true. For one thing, the locals rarely use street names.Besides, the city is full of winding, ancient alleys that meet newer avenues at many angles(相比之下,在伊斯坦布尔,在我成长的地方,这些都不成立。一方面,当地人很少使用街道名称。此外,这座城市到处都是蜿蜒而古老的小巷,从多个角度与新的街道交汇)可知,作者从小生活在伊斯但布尔。街道很少有名字,蜿蜒而古老的小巷与新建的达到纵横交叉,形成各种角度。由此可知,第四段主要在说在这样的地方最好向当地人问路。故选C项。


推理判断题。根据最后一段Let's come back to my original questions. While we often lose some skills after leaving the work to technology, it may also allow us to expand our abilities. Consider the calculator: I don't doubt that our arithmetic skills might have dropped a bit as the little machines became common, but calculations that were once boring and tricky are now much more straightforward and one can certainly do more complex calculations more confidently(让我们回到我最初的问题上来。当我们把工作留给技术后,我们经常会失去一些技能,它也可以让我们扩展我们的能力。以计算器为例:我毫不怀疑,随着小型机器的普及,我们的算术技能可能有所下降,但曾经枯燥而棘手的计算现在变得更加简单明了,人们当然可以更加自信地进行更复杂的计算)可知,虽然我们放弃了一些技能但同时我们也能扩展我们的能力,更加自信的处理一些复杂的问题。y由此判断出当技术关闭了一扇门,它同时也打开了一扇门。故选A项。


【题目】 An American brother and sister have survived a 14-hour swim to safety in the Caribbean after the fishing boat they had rented sank off the north coast of St Lucia.

Dan Susk, 30-year-old IT professional from San Francisco, said he had been fishing in rough seas with help from his sister, Kate Suski, a 39-year-old architect, when the ship began to sink on 21April. Water flooded the engine room. The captain threw life jackets to the Suski and said, “Jump out! Jump out!” The Suski obeyed and jumped into the water with the captain and the first mate (大副). Less than five minutes later the boat sank. They were at least eight mile was telling us to stay together, and that help was on its way and that we needed to wait, Kate Suski said. After an hour, when no help came, the Suski decided to swim for it and lost sight of the captain and the first mate.

A helicopter appeared in the distance but no one spotted them. Several hours went by, and the sun began to set. “There’s this very real understanding that the situation is dire,” Kate Suski said both considered the possible ways we might die. Would we drown? Be eaten by a shark? Would our legs give out and make it impossible to swim?

They swam for 12 to 14 hours, talking as they pushed and trembled their way through the ocean. When in the moonlight they finally came within about 10 meters of land they realized that they were looking at steep rocky cliffs and would be beaten to death against them if they tried to approach any closer. They swam until they noticed sand nearby around midnight and dragged themselves ashore. Later, the Suski were treated in hospital. They learned that the captain and the first mate were rescued after spending nearly 23 hours in the water.

1How many people were there on the fishing boat before it sank?



2What does the underlined word "dire" in Paragraph 3 mean?



3What do we know about the Suskis?

A.They were rescued by a helicopter.

B.They survived 23 hours in the water.

C.They swam over eight miles to the shore

D.They got back on land as soon as they saw it.

4Which of the following can best describe the Suskis?

A.Brave and calm.B.Strong and sensitive

C.Optimistic and generous.D.Faithful and curious

【题目】Dear Friends,

You may be familiar with our growing collection of remarkable true stories from around the world about young animals facing disaster and misfortune: a baby hippo orphaned during the Asian tsunami and adopted and raised by a 130-year-old giant tortoise; a baby polar bear abandoned at birth by his mother and hand-raised by a caring zookeeper at the Berlin Zoo.

We are now pleased to introduce you another remarkable true story—unlike our other land-based stories, this one rises from the sea. The name of the book is called Winter’s Tail. This is the story of Winter, a young female dolphin who injures and then loses her tail after being injured off the coast of Florida. The injured Winter is rescued from a crab trap and brought to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, a marine animal hospital, where she at first adjusts and learns to swim without her tail by moving her body with a side-to-side action. Winter’s actions and behaviors cause great concern among her caretakers because it is clear to them that she is injuring her body and internal organs with this painful and inelegant method of movement.

But luckily, an engineer designed an artificial tail that enables Winter to once again swim like a dolphin. The solution to this problem came from the miracle of modern technology. It was very challenging but now Winter is thriving and using her new tail with great command. Winter has already become an inspiration and an icon for millions touched directly and indirectly by all types of challenges.

This is an interesting book. I hope you enjoy the interesting and touching story of one brave little dolphin who learned how to swim again.

With love and hope,


1From the passage, what can we know about Winter?

A.She was rescued by a zookeeper.

B.She gets used to living without her tail.

C.She was abandoned at birth by her mother.

D.She swims again with the help of an engineer.

2The letter is probably written to .



3Why does the author write this letter?

A.To call on people to protect the animals.

B.To arouse people’s interest in this story book.

C.To attract more people to watch the dolphin show.

D.To inform the development of modern technology.

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