
We apologize for any inconvenience you _______ have been caused by the delay of the flight.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

Acorn Bank  Garden & water mill

       A delightful walled garden with old varieties of fruit trees and flower borders, set against the backdrop of a 17th-century red sandstone house overlooking the Eden Valley. Herb garden planted with over 200 medicinal and culinary herbs. Dogs on leads are welcome on woodland walks. Children’s activity sheet available.

Temple Soverby, Near Penrich, CA 10 lsp   Tel: 017683 61893


       19 March—30 October, daily except Monday and Tuesday, 10 am—5pm

       Tearoom open from 11am—4. 30 pm, Shop 10am—5pm

Price: Adult £3, Child £1.5, Family £7.5

The Beatrix Potter Gallery

       Original sketches and watercolors by Beatrix Potter for her children’s tales. 2005 exhibition will feature. The Tale of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and The Tale of the Pie and The Patty-Pan. Also on display in this atmospheric 17t h-century building is information on Beatrix Potter’s life.

Beatrix Potter Gallery, Hawkshead, LA22 ONS  Tel: 015394 36355


 19 March—30 October, 10am—4. 30 pm, daily except Thursday and Friday. Also open 12—20 February, 2 & 3 June and 27 & 28 October.

Price: Adult £3.50, Child £1.70, Family £8.70

Hill Top

       Beatrix Potter wrote and illustrated many of the famous children’s stories in this 17th-century farmhouse which she bought 100 years ago. Today you can view her personal treasures and step into the garden which is planted with flowers and vegetables, just as it would have been in Beatrix Potter’s time.

       Please note that this is a small and popular house, which gets very busy especially in school holidays. At peak times there are queues and by the end of the day not all visitors may be able to visit the house (we apologize for this). Please collect a timed ticket (including NT members) from the ticket office in the car park on your arrival.

Hill Top, Near Sawrey, La22 OLF  Tel: 015394 36269


       19 March—30 October, 10: 30 am—4. 30 pm, daily except Thursday and Friday. Also open Thursday in August and 2 & 3 June and 27 & 28 October.

       Shop and Garden open Thursday and Friday, 10:am—5 pm. Ring for winter opening.

Price: Adult £5, Child £2, Family £12

. From the ads mentioned above, we can learn _______.

A. visitors can admire the scene of the Beatrix Potter’s time in Hill Top

B. visitors can admire the beautiful natural in both the Beatrix Gallery and Hill Top

C. the Beatrix Potter Gallery is more popular with children than Hill Top

D. Beatrix Gallery neighbors Hill Top

If the Smiths and their 2 children visit the 3 sites, they will have to pay _______.

A. £28.2                   B. £23.4            C. £28               D. £33

If you have the tickets, you must be able to _______.

A. visit Hill Top at opening time

B. visit the Beatrix Potter Gallery on Friday

C. visit Acorn Bank at opening time

D. visit the three sites at any time

We can learn from the ads that _______.

A. you can enjoy yourself with a dog as you like at Acorn Bank

B. it is convenient for you to get a timed ticket for Hill Top

C. children who have passed a quiz will be admitted to the Beatrix Potter Gallery   

D. you can book the tickets for Hill Top through the telephone number 015394 36355

The most common complaint about cellphones is that people talk on them to the annoyance of people around them. But more damaging may be the cellphone’s interruption of our thoughts.
We have already entered a golden age of little white lies about our cellphones, and this is in generally a healthy, protective development. “I didn’t hear it ring” or “I didn’t realize my phone had shut off” are among the lies we tell to give ourselves space where we’re beyond reach.
The concept of being unreachable is not new – we have “Do Not Disturb” signs on the doors of hotel rooms. So why must we feel guilty when it comes to cellphones? Why must we apologize if we decide to shut off the phone for a while?
The problem is that we come from a long-established tradition of difficulty with distance communication. Until the recent mass use of cellphones, it was easy to communicate with someone next to us or a few feet away, but difficult with someone across town, the country or the globe. We came to take it for granted.
But cellphones make long-distance communication common, and endanger our time by ourselves. Now time alone, or a conversation with someone next to us which cannot be interrupted by a phone, is something to be cherished. Even cellphone devotees, myself usually included, can’t help at times wanting to throw their phones away, or curse this invention.
But we don’t and won’t, and there really is no need. That we have the right to take back our private time is a general social recognition.
In other words, we don’t have to pay too much attention to the rings of our own phones. Given the ease of making and receiving cellphone calls, if we don’t talk to the caller right now, we surely will shortly later.
A cellphone call deserves no more importance than a word from the person next to us. Though the call on my cellphone may be the one-in-a-million from Steven Spielberg–who has finally read my novel and wants to make it his next movie. But most likely it is not, and I’m better off, thinking about the idea I just had for a new story, or the slice of pizza I’ll eat for lunch.

What does the writer think about people telling “white lies” about their cellphones?

A.It is a way to show that you don’t like the caller.
B.It is natural to tell lies about small things.
C.It is basically a good way to protect one’s privacy.
D.We should feel guilty when we can’t tell the truth.
What is the meaning of the underlined word “devotees” in Paragraph 5?
A.people who enjoy something. B.people who are bothered.
C.people who hate something.D.people who are interrupted.
. According to the author, what is the most annoying problem caused by cellphones?
A.People are always thinking of the cellphone rings so that they fail to notice anything else.
B.Cellphones interrupt people’s private time.
C.People feel guilty when they are not able to answer their cellphones.
D.With cellphones it is no longer possible to be unreachable.
. What does the last paragraph suggest?
A.A person who calls us from afar deserves more of our attention.
B.Steven Spielberg once called the author to talk about the author’s novel.
C.You should always finish your lunch before you answer a call on the cellphone.
D.Never let cellphones disturb your life too much.

Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities(设施) to the full.
Dining Room
Breakfast is served in the dining mom from 8 to 9:30 a.m.. Alternatively, the room staff will bring a breakfast tray to your room at any time after 7 a.m., if you place an order for it by telephone. In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door when you go to bed. Lunch: 12:00 to 2:30 p.m.
Dinner: 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Room Service
This operates 24 hours a day. Phone the Reception Desk, and your message will be passed on to the room staff.
Telephone: 48759
To make a telephone call, dial 0 for Reception and Laundry (洗衣店), and ask to be connected. We apologize for delays in putting calls through when the staff are very busy. There are also public telephone booths(电话亭)near the Reception Desk. Early calls should be booked with Reception.
The hotel shop is open for souvenirs(纪念品), gifts and toiletries(化妆品)from 9 a.m. to 5:30p.m.
Telephone: 48687
We have a laundry on the premises(附属)and will wash, iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to phone the laundrymen to collect them.
Telephone: 48867
The hotel bar is open from 12 to 2 p.m., and 7 p.m.  to 2 a.m.. The Reception staff will cash cheques and exchange money in many foreign currencies(货币).
【小题1】The announcement(通知) mainly gives us information about ________.

A.facilities in the hotel
B.providing passengers all kinds of service
C.the ways of serving
D.carrying out the promise of the hotel
【小题2】The card in a bedroom of the hotel is to announce that ___________.
A.you should keep silent when walking past the room
B.the passenger of the room is taking a rest
C.the waiters mustn’t enter the room
D.any visitors won’t bother the hotel guest
【小题3】You have arrived to stay at the hotel at 2 a.m., and want a snack(快餐), What should you do ?
A.Go to the hotel shop.
B.Go to the hotel bar.
C.Give a message to the waiter.
D.Phone Reception

The hit movie Notting Hill begins with a famous scene. Hugh Grant bumps (撞) into Julia Roberts and spills (洒) orange juice all over her. After the collision, Grant repeatedly says: “ I am so sorry. I am so sorry.”
His actions in this scene are very British. If Roberts’ character were from Britain then she would probably apologize repeatedly as well—even if the crash were not her fault. But this doesn’t happen in the film, as Roberts is from the US.
A report in The Telegraph last week said that three-quarters of British people apologize when they bump into someone in the street — regardless of whether they are responsible or not. In fact, we Britons use “sorry” in many situations. For example, if we mishear someone, we say “Sorry?” The person we are talking to will also apologize by replying: “No, I am sorry!” This can go on for up to five minutes as we compete over who is the most sorry.
Life is never as simple as “duibuqi” and “meiguanxi”.
How we use “sorry” has changed. Traditionally, “sorry” was used to express deep regret, but a survey in 2007 showed that we use it to mean anything from “what” to “whatever”.
Why are Britons so sorry? Mark Tyrell, a psychology writer in the UK, thinks about our apologetic tendencies are rooted in the British class system. We say sorry because historically the new middle classes in Britain had to apologize for not being working class, but also for not really being upper class. Another theory is that we apologize to avoid confrontation(冲突). For example, if you bump into someone they might get angry. To avoid this we instantly say “Sorry!”.
True manners are about being considerate and the modern day obsession with apologizing show that we are perhaps not as thoughtful as we once were. The word has lost some of its meaning. Do you see my point? Sorry, it might just be a British thing…
【小题1】What can we infer from paragraph 2?

A.In fact Roberts are responsible for the collision.
B.People from the US say “sorry” more than British people.
C.There is no crash happening in the film.
D.British people say sorry even if it is not their fault.
【小题2】Which of the following might Mark Tyrell agree to?
A.British people are sincere while saying sorry.
B.Now more British people say sorry because of the British class system.
C.British people say sorry to avoid quarrels.
D.British people apologize for not working hard.
【小题3】What does the author want to tell us with the passage?
A.British people overuse “sorry” in daily life.
B.British people now say “sorry” in different situations.
C.Middle classes in British are to blame for not being working class.
D.Britons say “sorry” to avoid confrontation.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “collision” in the first paragraph mean?

Making an apology is not the same as making amends. Sometimes we apologize just because it’s the easiest thing to do. What’s actually important is to identify where we go wrong, take full responsibility for our mistakes and , if possible, try to make up for them.

A recent case involving Hewlett-Packed, the US computer giant, shows the importance of presenting a sincere apology. The Chinese consumers who had bought notebook computers of certain models, which have been put on Chinese market since 2007, suffered a massive flash screen failures and overheating problems. Through investigation, Chinese AQSIQ(国家质检总局) identified these HP computers had quality problems and HP admitted this. HP made a proposal that they would extend the warranty period of such computers, but this could not satisfied the consumers. What they needed was a thorough description of the truth. HP has “sincerely” apologized. But the consumers remain angry, and say that only a product recall—as HP has done in the past—will prove that the apology is sincere.

Another apology that fell flat on its face was that of Thierry Henry, the famous French footballer. His deliberate handball in November 2009 created the goal which knocked Ireland out of the 2010 World Cup. The incident caused great anger in the football world, and eventually Henry issued and apology. Two days later, he wrote, “I’m not the referee…but if I hurt someone I’m sorry.” Better late than never, perhaps, but even then he passed the blame onto the referee!

Such high-profile cases, which attract a lot of publicity often under the spotlight, but similar incidents occur in our everyday lives. Stress caused by schoolwork and tiredness can sometimes result in outbursts of anger against friends and family. Have you ever lost your temper for minor reasons? After calming down, most people are quick to realize their mistake and apologize. But it’s just as important to identify what caused the error in the first place and take action to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

No one should hold a negative attitude to making a sincere apology. Empty words are easy to say, but they are as useless as they sound. A real show of remorse demands hard work and commitment to put error right. 

46. What does the author intend to tell us in the case of HP?

A. A true apology needs sincere actions.

B. HP should recall all the faulty computers.

C. Good quality makes a good company.

D. A company should apologize and pay for their mistakes.

47. According to the author, when we do anything wrong we firstly __________ .

A. make an apology face to face honestly

B. admit we were wrong and try to make the wrong right

C. take the responsibility for apologizing to others

D. choose the easiest thing to do

48. We can infer from the case of Thierry Henry that ______________ .

A. It’s never too late to say “I’m sorry.”

B. Writing an apology is not a good idea.

C. Henry didn’t identify his fault.

D. The football fans were mad with Henry.

49. Which of the following can best explain the word “commitment” in the last paragraph?

A. decision                B. promise             C. agreement                D. responsibility

50. What’s the best title of this passage?

A. What really puts things right                     

B. Don’t apologize easily

C. Making an apology—no one is out of exception

D. How to judge an apology—sincere enough?


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