The Baima is a minority group of about 1,400 people. They have lived in Northern Sichuan and Southern Gansu Provinces for centuries. They have long depended on the forests as their main source of income. But since a ban on cutting down forests was introduced in the late 1990s to fight yearly flooding, the villagers have had to look for other means of earning a living.

Several are now in the process of developing a small tourism industry as their lands are rich in forests and natural scenery and are the home of the giant pandas. Xiangshujia, in particular, is becoming a popular bed and breakfast centre for tourists heading to Wanglang to see the giant pandas. Visitors are also starting to take notice of the Baima people themselves.

As our jeep stopped in the courtyard of a house, we were greeted by the village leader Li Qin and young Baima girls dressed in traditional costumes with white feathers in their hair. As we took our places on wooden benches near an open fire, the girls began to sing traditional songs as they served us.

“The number of tourists is growing,” said Li Qin. “We realize that to attract visitors we have to show our culture by offering more traditional singing and dancing and ensuring our houses are built in the traditional way.”

Relations between the Baima people and the reserve were once tense following the ban on cutting down forests. Villagers had to make a new living. They entered the Wanglang Nature Reserve to collect wild mushrooms and herbs (药草), often at the expense of disturbing the pandas’ habitat. But things greatly improved as villagers started receiving training in how to sell things to tourists.

“Our aim was to deter the villagers, because they often disturbed the pandas’ habitat, and to ensure they could have a long-lasting means of earning a living,” emphasized Chen Youping, director of the Wanglang Nature Reserve. “All the money from the reserve goes back into the community and conservation projects,” said Chen. “We take into consideration first the animals and then tourism.”

From Paragraph 1 we learn that ________.

A. the Baima has the longest history among all the minority groups in China

B. the Baima people live in most areas of Sichuan and Gansu Provinces

C. forests are the main source of firewood for the Baima people

D. in order to fight floods, the Baima people are forbidden to cut down forests

We can infer that the Baima girls wore their traditional costumes to greet visitors mainly because _______.

A. they wanted to look more beautiful

B. their leader Li Qin asked them to do so

C. it was a way to show their culture to attract visitors

D. it was necessary before they sang traditional songs

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the ban on cutting down forests?

A. The Baima people had a tense relationship with the reserve.

B. Villagers had to look for other means of making a living.

C. The pandas’ habitat was often disturbed by villagers.

D. Villagers stopped selling things to tourists.

The underlined word “deter” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “________”.

A. punish    B. stop     C. encourage   D. threaten

The baby monkey is much more developed at birth than the human baby. Almost from the moment it is born, the baby monkey can move around and hold tightly to its mother. During the first few days of its life the baby will approach and hold onto almost any large, warm, and soft object in its environment, particularly if that object also gives it milk. After a week or m, however, the baby monkey begins to avoid newcomers and focuses its attentions on “mother" 一 the real mother or the mother-substitute (母亲替代树).

During the first two weeks of its life warmth is perhaps the most important psychological (心理的) thing that a monkey mother has to give to its baby. The Harlows, a couple who are both psychologists, discovered this fact by offering baby monkeys a choice of two types of mother-substitutes 一 one covered with cloth 4nd one made of bare wire. If the two artificial mothers were both the same temperature, the little monkeys always preferred the cloth mother. However, if the wire model was heated, while the cloth model was cool, for the first two weeks after birth the baby monkeys picked the warm wire mother-substitutes as their fuvorites. Thereafter they switched and spent most of their time on the mw comfortable cloth mother.

Why is cloth preferable to bare wire? Something that the Harlows called contact (接級) comfort seems to be the answer, and a most powerful influence it is. Baby monkeys spend much of their time rubbing against their mothers' skins, putting themselves in as close contact with the parent as they can. Whenever the young animal is frightened, disturbed, or annoyed, it typically rushes to its mother and rubs itself against her body. Wire doesn't “rub" as well as does soft cloth. Prolonged (长时间的) “contact comfort" with a cloth mother appears to give the babies confidence and is much more rewarding to them than is cither warmth or milk.

According to the Harlows, the basic quality of baby’s love for its mother is trust. If the baby is put into an unfamiliar playroom without its mother, the baby ignores the toys no nutter how interesting they might be. It screams in terror and curls up into a furry little ball. If its cloth mother it now introduced into the playroom, the baby rushed to it and holds onto it for dear life. After a few minutes of contact comfort, it obviously begins to feel more secure. it then climbs down from the mother-substitute and begins to explore the toys, but often rushes back for a deep embrace (拥抱) as if to make sure that its mother is still there and that all is well. Bit by bit its fears of the new environment are gone and it spends more and more time playing with the toys and less and less time holding onto its “mother.”

50. Psychologically, what does the baby monkey desire most during the first two weeks of its life?

A. Warmth.             B. Milk.                C. Contact.            D. Trust.

51. After the first two weeks of their life, baby monkeys prefer the cloth mother to the wire mother because the former is ______.

A. larger in size                                     B. closer lo them

C. less frightening and less disturbing      D. more comfortable to rub against

52. Whal docs the baby monlcry probably gain from prolonged Mcontact comfort"?

A. Altenlion.                                        B. Softness.

C. Confidence.                                     D. Interest.

53. It can be inferred that when the baby monkey feels sccure, ______.

A. it frequently niftheft back for a deep embrace when exploring the toys

B. it spends more time screaming to get rewards

C. il is less attracted to the toys though they are interesting

D. it cares less alxnii whether itA mother is still around

54. Hie main purpose of ihc passage is to ______.

A. give the reasons for (he experiment

B. present the findings of the experiment

C. introduce the method of the experiment

D. describe the process of the experiment

I climbed Kilimanjaro with Lava Expeditions (探险队) during the rainy season.
I flew to Nairobi in Kenya and spent several days there. At my hotel in Nairobi I met the rest of the group with whom I would spend the next week. We all travelled on the bus together for a 6-hour journey into Tanzania and then Arusha , a quiet town.
After we arrived at our hotel in Arusha , we had dinner and a few drinks. Then we were introduced to more members including Taddeus Minja, the main guide, who was very experienced — climbing Kilimanjaro runs through the generations (代) of his family.
The next day the Lava Expeditions members checked if we had the correct and enough clothing for our expedition on Kilimanjaro. Only one person needed to bring more clothes.
After that we set off, walking in the rain through the beauty of the rainforest, all the way to the first camp. I was happy the next few days as the view was so wonderful and changed every day. I suffered a little during the trip and I felt so tired. But the members of Lava Expeditions provided me with lots of encouragement, which was one of the best memories. Finally we reached the top of Kilimanjaro in bright blue skies.
I felt excited about climbing Kilimanjaro and the feeling didn’t change during my trip. Lava Expeditions looked after me so well that I was deeply thankful for their help.
【小题1】How did the author get to Nairobi?

A.By bus.B.By train.C.By air.D.On foot.
【小题2】What do we know about Taddeus Minja according to the passage?
A.He organized the journey.
B.He was the main guide of Lava Expeditions.
C.He was the manager of a hotel in Arusha.
D.He had little knowledge about climbing mountains.
【小题3】How did Lava Expeditions help the author while climbing Kilimanjaro?
A.By carrying bags for him.
B.By offering food to him.
C.By encouraging him.
D.By teaching him climbing skills.
【小题4】What did the author think of his climbing Kilimanjaro?
A.Tiring and disappointing.
B.Tiring but excited.
C.Dangerous but exciting.
D.Dangerous and tiring.
【小题5】What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To tell readers about Lava Expeditions.
B.To give readers advice on climbing Kilimanjaro.
C.To encourage more people to climb Kilimanjaro.
D.To share his experience of climbing Kilimanjaro.

A yoga master made a shocking statement that Abraham Lincoln had been a Himalayan yogi in a past life.Lincoln delivered a proclamation setting up Thanksgiving as an American holiday in 1863.Research throws light on a possible Hindu (印度的)origin for the American celebration of Thanksgiving.

"The holiday of Thanksgiving has a Hindu origin," says Richard Salva, author of a book on the reincarnation (转世)of Abraham Lincoln entitled Soul Journey: From Lincoln to Lindbergh which is based on a statement by the great master of yoga, Paramhamsa Yogananda, who declared that Abraham Lincoln had been a Himalayan yogi in a past life, and that he was reborn as the famous pilot, Charles Lindbergh.

“During my search for signs of a past-life yoga practice,” SaIva said, “I noticed that President Lincoln repeatedly chose Thursdays as national days of prayer, fasting (禁食),and thanksgiving.This was interesting, because Thursday is considered a holy day — a day for prayer, fasting, and spiritual reflection — among Hindus, who call it “guru day”.”

“Lincoln also set aside time on Thursdays to grieve(哀悼) for his son,Willie, who died in Washington.Clearly, Thursdays had a spiritual significance in Lincoln's mind.

In his book, Richard Salva presents more than 500 connections between Lincoln, Lindergh, and the ancient spiritual science of yoga. The connections run through every aspect of the human condition and provide convincing evidence that Lincoln had had a Hindu past life.

More than one out of every five Americans today believes in reincarnation—yet few are aware of how past-life patterns affect them. Soul Journey tries to fill this gap, by offering a substitute experience of reincarnation. Through clear and persuasive similarities between the lives of Lincoln and Lindbergh, the book discovers how the hidden laws of fate and reincarnation impact the events of his or her daily life. It addresses other issues, such as the secret spiritual history of America's greatest president, including his past life as a Himalayan yogi; the hidden clues that reveal past lives; the greatness he achieved; and the spiritual principles behind the yoga postures that millions now practice.

1.Based on Richard Salva’s view, ______.

A.Hindus started the holiday of Thanksgiving

B.the Americans copied Thanksgiving from Hindus

C.Charles Lindbergh had been a Himalayan yogi

D.Thanksgiving had Hindus roots

2.We can draw a conclusion from the passage that ______. India all the prayers are done on Thursday India Thursday is a religious day

C.Abraham Lincoln was once a famous pilot

D.Paramhamsa Yogananda once taught Lincoln yoga

3.When it came to the comparison between Lincoln and Lindbergh, the author held a ______ attitude.

A.neutral           B.doubtful          C.negative          D.positive


The bus is a usable form of transportation all over the world because we can easily take it to go everywhere. Also, we do not need to worry about danger on a long-distance trip. Now, we have comfortable buses in London. I would like to describe how comfortable they are. First, the number of seats on a bus has been reduced from 44 to 19. The reason why the number of seats is now 19 is that the seats have been changed to big and comfortable sofas.

Originally, they changed the normal seats to airplane seats and took out ten seats from the buses. However, every customer wanted to have a more comfortable seat on the bus when they went on long-distance trips, so they changed them to sofas. Also, the owners of the bus companies wanted to make more money, so they tried to meet the passengers’ needs. They changed the airplane seats to sofas, so the number of seats is now 19.

As the new buses appear, the prices go up, too. The owners have many ideas, which you have probably never thought about before. Now they have bus attendants who serve water, snacks, newspapers, and towels.

Also, you can change the direction and the height of the sofa to make yourself more comfortable, and there is a service bell on each sofa. Moreover, some companies show movies on the buses. In addition, when you go on a long-distance trip, they have luxurious(豪华的) buses that have an LCD screen on each seat. That is not the only surprising thing on the bus. They also have different TV channels, movie channels, and seventy TV games for killing time while you are on the bus.

1.How many airplane seats did they put in a bus originally?

A. 10 seats.  B. 19 seats.    C. 34 seats.    D. 44 seats.

2. The direction and height of the sofas can be changed so that ______.

A. they can take up less space            B. they can hold more people

C. passengers can feel more comfortable   D. passengers can watch a movie

3.If you are thirsty and want to have a drink while sitting in the bus, you’d better _____.

A. go to the front of the bus to get it   B. get off the bus to buy some by yourself

C. change the direction of the seat    D. ring the bell on your sofa

4.Though there are fewer seats on the buses, _____.

A. the bus can pick up as many passengers as before

B. the owners get more money by offering better service

C. the bus fare remains the same as before

D. the bus is as crowded as it was before



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