
Both eastern and western cultures see the self as divided into an inner, private self and an outer, public self. But where they differ is in terms of which part is seen as the“real you.” Western culture tends to promote the idea of individuality—a self that is separated from other selves. In contrast, many eastern cultures focus on an inter-independent self that gets its diversity in large part from inter-relationship with others.
For example, a Confucian(孔子) idea stresses the importance of “face”—other people’s views of the self and maintaining one’s desired status in their eyes. In the past, some Asian cultures developed clear rules about the specific clothes and even colors that people in certain social classes and occupations were allowed to display, and these live on today in Japanese style manuals. This style of dress is at odds with such western practices as “casual Fridays,” which encourage employees to dress informally and express their unique selves.

  1. 1.

    Which is true about the self according to the text?

    1. A.
      Many eastern cultures see the self connected with others.
    2. B.
      Those born in the 1980s are generally most self-centered than others.
    3. C.
      The concept that eac person has a self may seem strange to eastern cultures
    4. D.
      Western cultures regard the self as an outer, public self while eastern cultures don’t.
  2. 2.

    What does the 2nd paragraph mainly talk about?

    1. A.
      How eastern and western cultures see the self.
    2. B.
      Eastern cultures contrast sharply with western cultures
    3. C.
      Both eastern and western cultures appreciate the importance of self
    4. D.
      Eastern cultures are as important as western cultures
  3. 3.

    A Japanese dress code is mentioned in the last paragraph to _________.

    1. A.
      explain the importance of “face”
    2. B.
      say how traditional the Japanese are
    3. C.
      emphasize the importance of eastern cultures
    4. D.
      show how eastern cultures see the self in relation to others
  4. 4.

    The underlined phrase “at odds with” most probably means_______.

    1. A.
      in agreement with
    2. B.
      in disagreement with
    3. C.
      in comparison with
    4. D.
      in need of

The Chinese-born American architect Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the most creative architects of our times. He has incorporated both eastern and western ideas into his designs.

Ieoh Ming Pei was born in Guangzhou, China on April 26, 1917. His father was a famous banker. In 1935, at the age of 17, he came to the United States to study architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1942, he entered the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

In 1964, Jacqueline Kennedy selected Pei to design the Kennedy library. After that he became well-known all of the world. People named it one of the Ten Best Buildings in the United States. In 1968, Pei started work on the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington D.C.. Over one million people visited the building during its first 50 days in existence.

Following the East Wing project Pei's fame has continued to grow widely. In 1983, French President commissioned(委任) Pei to help make the Louvre more modern. Ten years later, the completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre created a new historic landmark for Paris. Pei described it as, "the greatest challenge and greatest accomplishment of my career." At Fragrant Hill, a 300-room hotel in the Chinese capital, Pei has attempted to bring to his native China his often-quoted "third way of making buildings." Avoiding both a complete copying of traditional Chinese motifs(特色) as well as the modernism of the West, Pei has managed, at Fragrant Hill, to make one of his most eloquent(有说服力的) statements.

Pei has designed nearly 50 projects in the United States and abroad. About half of these projects have won major awards. Pei has been awarded the highest honors from nations over the world. In 1990, Pei was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George Bush for his contributions to world peace and service to the US government.

56. Which is the right order of the events of Ieoh Ming Pei?

Pei started work on the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington DC.

Ieoh Ming Pei entered the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

The completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre created a new historic landmark for Paris.

Ieoh Ming Pei was selected to design the Kennedy library.

Ieoh Ming Pei was born in Guangzhou.

Pei was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George Bush.

Ieoh Ming Pei came to Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

French President commissioned Pei to help make the Louvre more modern.

A. e-g-d-b-a-h-c-f     B. e-g-b-d-a-h-c-f     C. e-g-b-d-h-a-c-f       D. e-g-b-d-a-h-f-c

The underlined word “incorporate” can be replaced by __________.

 A. divide               B. combine            C. separate           D. part   

It was ____________ that Ieoh Ming Pei became world-famous.

A. after the completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre

B. after he designed East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington DC

C. after he designed the Kennedy library

D. after he designed the Fragrant Hill

__________ is an excellent building that shows both the traditional Chinese motifs and the modernism of the West.

A. Fragrant Hill 

B. Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre

C. The East Wing of the National Gallery of Art

D. Kennedy library

We can infer that about _________of Ieoh Ming Pei’s projects have won major awards.

A. 50              B. 15                C. 25               D. 35

  The 1980s was called the “Me Decade” because for many this time was marked by a fascination with the self. The idea that each person has a self may seem natuaral to us, but this concept is actually quite new. The idea that each human life is unique developed between the 11th and 15th centuries in Europe. Before that time, individuals were considered in relation to a group, and even today, many eastern cultures place more emphasis on the importance of a collective self than on a unique and independent self.
Both eastern and western cultures see the self as divided into an inner, private self and an outer, public self. But where they differ is in terms of which part is seen as the“real you.” Western culture tends to promote the idea of individuality—a self that is separated from other selves. In contrast, many eastern cultures focus on an inter-independent self that gets its diversity in large part from inter-relationship with others.
For example, a Confucian(孔子) idea stresses the importance of “face”—other people’s views of the self and maintaining one’s desired status in their eyes. In the past, some Asian cultures developed clear rules about the specific clothes and even colors that people in certain social classes and occupations were allowed to display, and these live on today in Japanese style manuals. This style of dress is at odds with such western practices as “casual Fridays,” which encourage employees to dress informally and express their unique selves.
【小题1】 Which is true about the self according to the text?

A.Many eastern cultures see the self connected with others.
B.Those born in the 1980s are generally most self-centered than others.
C.The concept that eac person has a self may seem strange to eastern cultures
D.Western cultures regard the self as an outer, public self while eastern cultures don’t.
【小题2】 What does the 2nd paragraph mainly talk about?
A.How eastern and western cultures see the self.
B.Eastern cultures contrast sharply with western cultures
C.Both eastern and western cultures appreciate the importance of self
D.Eastern cultures are as important as western cultures
【小题3】 A Japanese dress code is mentioned in the last paragraph to _________.
A.explain the importance of “face”
B.say how traditional the Japanese are
C.emphasize the importance of eastern cultures
D.show how eastern cultures see the self in relation to others
【小题4】 The underlined phrase “at odds with” most probably means_______.
A.in agreement withB.in disagreement with
C.in comparison withD.in need of

When you are in Nanoko, be sure to stay at the Garden Hotel, whether you come on business or on holiday you will find everything as comfortable and convenient as you would expect in a first class international hotel.
Every bedroom has its own bathroom, telephone, and colorful modern materials and furniture in the local style. In the Mistu Restaurant, you can choose your meals from a lot of dishes, both Eastern and European, as you will find anywhere in the country. In the Beach Bar, you can drink with your family and friends in air-conditioned comfort, listen to the music of internationally known artists. Or you can take your drink outside into the beautiful garden that gives the hotel its name, or to the tables that surround the swimming pool. Throughout the motel, you will find the service is both friendly and efficient.
By day the pool is alive with the holiday spirit and the happy shouting of children and by night, soft light and music make it a perfect place for a party, or simply for an after-dinner drink and conversation.
The Garden Hotel has its own minibus service. Give us a ring and we will arrange to collect you at the airport or in the city center.
If you prefer, we can arrange for you to visit the wainiri Islands that lie just off the coast. Here you can swim in peace; or you can fish there. As it is well known, Wainiri is really a good place for people going fishing. The Garden Hotel is right on the beach, only five minutes from Nanoko’s modern shopping center. Here you will find all that money can buy, at prices you can afford.
【小题1】Every bedroom at the Garden Hotel _____.

A.has a bathroom
B.has a colorful telephone in the local style
C.is colorful and modern with local style
D.is in an international style, comfortable and convenient.
【小题2】The hotel arranges for the visitors to _____.
A.go fishing off Cape St. Cermain near wainiri
B.go across to the Wainiri Islands to swim or fish
C.see amounts of sea lives off the coast of Wainiri
D.go by bus to the Wainiri Islands for peach
【小题3】You will find the Garden Hotel _____.           
A.on the beach not far from Nanoko’s excellent shops
B.on the beach where you will find all that money can buy
C.close to shops where everything is cheap and famous
D.just off the coast, five minutes from the shops

  The 1980s was called the “Me Decade” because for many this time was marked by a fascination with the self. The idea that each person has a self may seem natuaral to us, but this concept is actually quite new. The idea that each human life is unique developed between the 11th and 15th centuries in Europe. Before that time, individuals were considered in relation to a group, and even today, many eastern cultures place more emphasis on the importance of a collective self than on a unique and independent self.

  Both eastern and western cultures see the self as divided into an inner, private self and an outer, public self. But where they differ is in terms of which part is seen as the“real you.” Western culture tends to promote the idea of individuality—a self that is separated from other selves. In contrast, many eastern cultures focus on an inter-independent self that gets its diversity in large part from inter-relationship with others.

  For example, a Confucian(孔子) idea stresses the importance of “face”—other people’s views of the self and maintaining one’s desired status in their eyes. In the past, some Asian cultures developed clear rules about the specific clothes and even colors that people in certain social classes and occupations were allowed to display, and these live on today in Japanese style manuals. This style of dress is at odds with such western practices as “casual Fridays,” which encourage employees to dress informally and express their unique selves.

1. Which is true about the self according to the text?

 A. Many eastern cultures see the self connected with others.

 B. Those born in the 1980s are generally most self-centered than others.

 C. The concept that eac person has a self may seem strange to eastern cultures

 D. Western cultures regard the self as an outer, public self while eastern cultures don’t.

2. What does the 2nd paragraph mainly talk about?

 A. How eastern and western cultures see the self.

 B. Eastern cultures contrast sharply with western cultures

 C. Both eastern and western cultures appreciate the importance of self

 D. Eastern cultures are as important as western cultures

3. A Japanese dress code is mentioned in the last paragraph to _________.

 A. explain the importance of “face”

 B. say how traditional the Japanese are

 C. emphasize the importance of eastern cultures

 D. show how eastern cultures see the self in relation to others

4. The underlined phrase “at odds with” most probably means_______.

 A. in agreement with               B. in disagreement with

 C. in comparison with              D. in need of



The 1980s was called the “Me Decade” because for many this time was marked by a fascination with the self. The idea that each person has a self may seem natural to us, but this concept is actually quite new. The idea that each human life is unique developed between the 11th and 15th centuries in Europe. Before that time, individuals were considered in relation to a group, and even today, many eastern cultures place more emphasis on the importance of a collective self than on a unique and independent self.

  Both eastern and western cultures see the self as divided into an inner, private self and an outer, public self. But where they differ is in terms of which part is seen as the “real you.” Western culture tends to promote the idea of individuality—a self that is separated from other selves. In contrast, many eastern cultures focus on an inter-independent self that gets its diversity in large part from inter-relationship with others.

  For example, a Confucian(孔子) idea stresses the importance of “face”—other people’s views of the self and keeping up one’s desired status in their eyes. In the past, some Asian cultures developed clear rules about the specific clothes and even colors that people in certain social classes and occupations were allowed to display, and these live on today in Japanese style manuals. This style of dress is at odds with such western practices as “casual Fridays,” which encourage employees to dress informally and express their unique selves.

1. According to the passage , what does the author believe about the self?

 A. Many eastern cultures see the self connected with others.

 B. Those born in the 1980s are generally most self-centered than others.

   C. The concept that each person has a self may seem strange to eastern cultures

 D. Western cultures regard the self as an outer, public self while eastern cultures don’t.

2. What does the 2nd paragraph mainly talk about?

   A. How eastern and western cultures see the self.

   B. Eastern cultures contrast sharply with western cultures

   C. Both eastern and western cultures appreciate the importance of self

   D. Eastern cultures are as important as western cultures

3. A Japanese dress code is mentioned in the last paragraph to _________.

   A. explain the importance of “face”   B. say how traditional the Japanese are

   C. emphasize the importance of eastern cultures

 D. show how eastern cultures see the self in relation to others

4. The underlined phrase “at odds with” most probably means_______.

 A. in agreement with                B. in disagreement with

   C. in comparison with                D. in need of



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