
  The 1980s was called the “Me Decade” because for many this time was marked by a fascination with the self. The idea that each person has a self may seem natuaral to us, but this concept is actually quite new. The idea that each human life is unique developed between the 11th and 15th centuries in Europe. Before that time, individuals were considered in relation to a group, and even today, many eastern cultures place more emphasis on the importance of a collective self than on a unique and independent self.

  Both eastern and western cultures see the self as divided into an inner, private self and an outer, public self. But where they differ is in terms of which part is seen as the“real you.” Western culture tends to promote the idea of individuality—a self that is separated from other selves. In contrast, many eastern cultures focus on an inter-independent self that gets its diversity in large part from inter-relationship with others.

  For example, a Confucian(孔子) idea stresses the importance of “face”—other people’s views of the self and maintaining one’s desired status in their eyes. In the past, some Asian cultures developed clear rules about the specific clothes and even colors that people in certain social classes and occupations were allowed to display, and these live on today in Japanese style manuals. This style of dress is at odds with such western practices as “casual Fridays,” which encourage employees to dress informally and express their unique selves.

1. Which is true about the self according to the text?

 A. Many eastern cultures see the self connected with others.

 B. Those born in the 1980s are generally most self-centered than others.

 C. The concept that eac person has a self may seem strange to eastern cultures

 D. Western cultures regard the self as an outer, public self while eastern cultures don’t.

2. What does the 2nd paragraph mainly talk about?

 A. How eastern and western cultures see the self.

 B. Eastern cultures contrast sharply with western cultures

 C. Both eastern and western cultures appreciate the importance of self

 D. Eastern cultures are as important as western cultures

3. A Japanese dress code is mentioned in the last paragraph to _________.

 A. explain the importance of “face”

 B. say how traditional the Japanese are

 C. emphasize the importance of eastern cultures

 D. show how eastern cultures see the self in relation to others

4. The underlined phrase “at odds with” most probably means_______.

 A. in agreement with               B. in disagreement with

 C. in comparison with              D. in need of








    For centuries,the only form of written correspondence (通信)was the letters, letters were, and are, sent by some form of postal service, the history of which goes back a long way .Indeed, the Egyptians began sending letters from about 2000 BC,as did the Chinese a thousand years later.

   Of course, modern postal service now are much more developed and faster, depending as they do on cars and planes for delivery. Yet they are still too slow for some people to send urgent documents (紧急文件)and letters.

   The invention of the fax (传真) machine increased the speed of delivering documents even more. When you send a fax,you are sending a copy of a piece of correspondence to someone by telephone service. It was not until the early 1980s that such a service was developed enough for businesses to be able to fax documents to each other.

   The fax service is still very much in use when copies of documents require to be sent ,but, as a way of fast correspondence, it has been largely taken the place of by email ,Email is used to describe messages sent form one computer user to another.

   There are advantages and disadvantages with emails. If you send some one an email , then he will receive it extremely quickly .Normal postal services are rather slow as far as speed of delivery is concerned.

    However, if you write something by email, which you might later regret ,and send it immediately, there is no chance for second thoughts. At least, if you are posting a letter you have to address and seal(封)the envelope and take it to the post box.There is plenty of time to change your mind .The message is think before you email!

41.We can learn from the text that__________.

A.email is less popular than the fax service        

B.the postal service has over the years become faster

C. the postal service has over the years become slower

D. the fax service has a history as long as the postal service does

42.It can be inferred from the text that_________.

A. the fax service had been fully developed by the 1980s

B. letters have been used in China for about 1,000 years

C. the fax machine was invented after the 1980s

D. letters have been used in Egypt for about 2,000 years

43.In the last paragraph, the writer mentions "think before you email" to show that________.

A. you may regret if you don’t your envelope         B. you may regret before you send something by email

C. you’d better not send your email in a hurry     D. you need plenty of time to send an email

44.The text mainly deal with_________.

A. the progress in correspondence                      B. the advantage of fax machines

C .the advantage of emails                                 D. the invention of fax machines

Until the 1980s, the American homeless population is mainly made up of older males. Today, homelessness strikes much younger part of society. In fact, a 25-city survey by the U. S. Conference of Mayors in 1987 found that families with children make up the fastest growing part of the homeless population. Many homeless children gather in inner cities; this transient(变化无常的) and frequently frightened student population creates additional problems — both legal and educational — for already overburdened urban school administrators and teachers.

??? Estimates of the number of homeless Americans range from 350,000 to three million. Likewise, estimates of the number of homeless school children vary radically. A U.S. Department of Education report, based on state estimates, states that there are 220,000 homeless school-age children, about a third of whom do not attend school on a regular basis. But the National Coalition for the Homeless estimates that there are at least two times as many homeless children, and that less than half of them attend school regularly.

??? One part of the homeless population that is particularly difficult to count consists of the “throwaway” youths who have been cast of their homes. The Elementary School Center in New York City estimates that there are 1.5 million of them, many of whom are not treated as children because they do not stay in family shelters and tend to live by themselves on the streets.

??? Federal law, the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, includes a section that addresses the educational needs of homeless children. The educational provisions(规定) of the McKinney Act are based on the belief that all homeless children have the right to a free, appropriate education.

1.It is implied in the first paragraph that ____.

A. the writer himself is homeless, even in his eighties

B. many older homeless residents are going on strike in 25 cities

C. there is a serious shortage of academic facilities

D. homeless children are denied the opportunity of receiving free education

2.The National Coalition for the homeless believes that the number of homeless children is _____.

A. 350,000??? B. 1,500,000?????? C. 440,000????? D. 110,000

3.One part of the homeless population is difficult to estimate. The reason might well be ____.

A. the homeless children are too young to be treated as children

B. the homeless population is growing rapidly

C. the homeless children usually stay outside school

D. some homeless children are deserted by their families

4.The McKinney Act is mentioned in this passage in order to show that ___.

A. the educational problems of homeless children are being recognized

B. the estimates on homeless children are hard to determine

C. the address of grade-school children should be located

D. all homeless people should have free education


Until the 1980s, the American homeless population is mainly made up of older males. Today, homelessness strikes much younger part of society. In fact, a 25-city survey by the U. S. Conference of Mayors in 1987 found that families with children make up the fastest growing part of the homeless population. Many homeless children gather in inner cities; this transient(变化无常的) and frequently frightened student population creates additional problems — both legal and educational — for already overburdened urban school administrators and teachers.
Estimates of the number of homeless Americans range from 350,000 to three million. Likewise, estimates of the number of homeless school children vary radically. A U.S. Department of Education report, based on state estimates, states that there are 220,000 homeless school-age children, about a third of whom do not attend school on a regular basis. But the National Coalition for the Homeless estimates that there are at least two times as many homeless children, and that less than half of them attend school regularly.
One part of the homeless population that is particularly difficult to count consists of the “throwaway” youths who have been cast of their homes. The Elementary School Center in New York City estimates that there are 1.5 million of them, many of whom are not treated as children because they do not stay in family shelters and tend to live by themselves on the streets.
Federal law, the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, includes a section that addresses the educational needs of homeless children. The educational provisions(规定) of the McKinney Act are based on the belief that all homeless children have the right to a free, appropriate education.
1.It is implied in the first paragraph that ____.

Athe writer himself is homeless, even in his eighties

Bmany older homeless residents are going on strike in 25 cities

Cthere is a serious shortage of academic facilities

Dhomeless children are denied the opportunity of receiving free education

2.The National Coalition for the homeless believes that the number of homeless children is _____.

A350,000? B1,500,000? C440,000? D110,000

3.One part of the homeless population is difficult to estimate. The reason might well be ____.

Athe homeless children are too young to be treated as children

Bthe homeless population is growing rapidly

Cthe homeless children usually stay outside school

Dsome homeless children are deserted by their families

4.The McKinney Act is mentioned in this passage in order to show that ___.

Athe educational problems of homeless children are being recognized

Bthe estimates on homeless children are hard to determine

Cthe address of grade-school children should be located

Dall homeless people should have free education


Self-employed private physicians who charge a fee for each patient visit are the foundation of medical practice in the United States. Most physicians have a contract relationship with one or more hospitals in the community. They send their patients to this hospital, which usually charges patients according to the number of days they stay and the facilities (operating room, tests, medicines that they use). Some hospitals belong to a city, a state or, in the case of veteran's hospitals, a federal government agency. Others are operated by religious orders(教会) or other non-profit groups.

Some medical doctors are on salary. Salaried physicians may work as hospital staff members, or residents, who are often still in training. They may teach in medical schools, be hired by corporations to care for their workers or work for the federal government’s Public Health Service.

Physicians are among the best paid professionals in the United States. In the 1980s, it was not uncommon for medical doctors to earn incomes of more than 100,000ayear.Specialists,particularlysurgeons,mightearnseveraltimesthatamount.Physicianslistmanyreasonswhytheydeservetobesowellrewardedfortheirwork.OnereasonisthelongandexpensivepreparationrequiredtobecomeaphysicianintheUnitedStates.Mostwouldbephysiciansfirstattendcollegeforfouryears,whichcancostnearly 20,000 a year at one of the best private institutions. Prospective physicians then attend medical school for four years. Tuition alone can exceed $ 10,000 a year. By the time they have obtained their medical degrees, many young physicians are deeply in debt. They still face three to five years of residency(实习阶段) in a hospital, the first year as an apprentice physician. The hours are long and the pay is relatively low.

Setting up a medical practice is expensive, too. Sometimes several physicians will decide to establish a group practice, so they can share the expense of maintaining an office and buying equipment. These physicians also take care of each other’s patients in emergencies.

Physicians work long hours and must accept a great deal of responsibility. Many medical procedures, even quite routine ones, involve risk. It is understandable that physicians want to be well rewarded for making decisions which can mean the difference between life and death.

1.According to the passage, it is very unlikely that an American hospital is owned by ______.

A.a church          B.a corporation       C.a city             D.a state

2.The expenses for becoming a doctor are spent on _______.

A.schooling and retraining

B.practice in a hospital

C.facilities he or she uses

D.education he or she receives

3.According to the passage, how long does it take for a would-be physician to become an independent physician in the USA?

A.About seven year.                       B.Eight years.

C.Ten years.                             D.About twelve years.

4.Sometimes several physicians set up a group medical practice mainly because _______.

A.there are so many patients that it is difficult for one physician to take care all of them

B.they can take turns to work long hours

C.facilities may be too much of a burden for one physician to shoulder

D.no one wants to assume too much responsibility

5.Which of the following statements could fully express the author’s view towards physicians’ payment in the USA?

A.For their expensive education and their responsibility, they deserve a handsome pay.

B.It is reasonable for physicians to have a large income because their work is very dangerous.

C.Physicians should be better paid because they work long hours under bad conditions.

D.Physicians have great responsibility, so it is understandable that they should be well rewarded.


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