【题目】A senior lawmaker on Thursday warned of increasing mortality of lung cancer caused by air pollution.

Of all cancers, lung cancer mortality rate has increased the fastest in recent years, said lawmaker Yang Wei, director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and member of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee.

Yang told a group discussion that recent studies show lung cancer is the top killer for males and the second largest killer for females, partially caused by accumulation of air pollutants.

"We always talked about smoking less to keep healthy, but one of the primary reason is the polluted air," he told lawmakers discussing a report on the enforcement(实施) of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution.

China has vowed to strengthen air pollution control. Beijing will adopt a special air pollution control plan for the upcoming APEC meetings, featuring temporary closure of factories in the event of a pollution warning.


1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120词就十面霾伏发表看法,内容包括:

(1) 你身边有雾霾现象吗?

(2) 请阐述雾霾的成因;

(3) 你认为如何才能有效地控制雾霾现象?


1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能直接引用原文中的句子。

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。









【题目】Although most games have winners and losers, the goal of sports is not to win every game. The real goals include getting exercise, having fun, and learning important social skills, like sportsmanship.

Good sportsmanship is all about respect. Good sports (具有运动家品格的人) respect the other players on their team. They respect he players on opposing teams. They respect coaches, and they also respect the referees or other officials involved in their games. 1 they yell at their teammates and they talk back to coaches or referees.

Kids usually learn sportsmanship - good and bad - from the adults in their lives. 2 If parents and coaches show disrespect to other fans, referees, or each other, kids will likely act the same way on the field.

3 Some of them are very basic and easy to do, like shaking hands with other players before a game. Other examples may take a little more courage, such as acknowledging a great play made by the opposing team.

Learning good sportsmanship is important because it helps you develop an attitude of graciousness (礼貌) and respect that will carry over into all the other areas of your life. 4 Being a good sport in the classroom will eventually lead to being a good sport in the workplace.

So be a good sport in whatever you do! 5 When others see you acting in a way that makes it clear that winning isn’t the most important thing, you can move on to focusing on the important things, like having fun, getting exercise, and improving your skills!

A. Good sportsmanship can be shown in many ways.

B. On the contrary, bad sportsmanship is all about disrespect.

C. The example you set can be a powerful teaching tool for others.

D. Players ‘parents and coaches set examples that kids tend to follow.

E. We can be good sports by encouraging others but not laughing at them.

F. Starting as a good sport earlier will help you be a good sport as you get old.

G. If you’re a good sport on the field, you’ll also likely be a good sport in the classroom

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