

1. 如果你能帮忙,我们将不胜感激。(it)

2. 你认为他退休后会住在哪里?

3. 他们能够毁坏房子,但是房子里的家具却留在原地。

4. 报告显示:我们正在进步,但是我们必须做出更大的努力。

5. 我们有六年没见面了。(since)


1We would really appreciate it if you could help.

2Where do you think he will live after he retires?

3They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture where it was.

4The report shows that we are making some progress but that we need to make greater efforts..

5It is/has been six years since we last saw each other.




The jobs of the future have not been invented, 【1】 By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.

1. Curiosity

Your children need to be deeply curious. 2 Ask kids, “What ingredients (配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time” and then try them out. Did those ingredients make the pancakes better? What could we try next time?

2. Creativity

True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new from it. 3 There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their Creativity.

3. Interpersonal Skills

Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know what is going on inside our own head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kids from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions. 4 “Why do you think she is crying?” “Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?” “If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?”

4. Self Expression

5 There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas music, acting, drawing, building, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another.

A. Encourage kids to cook with you.

B. And we can’t forget science education.

C. We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.

D. So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that don’t yet exist?

E. Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.

F. We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.

G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.



Not everyone is good at remembering names. 【1】 What’s worse is that someone else is with you and you know you’ll have to introduce the two of them to each other. Here are some strategies that may help you remember names easily.

Listen attentively.【2】Listen attentively to the name and concentrate on the face. Don’t look at the person’s clothes or her jewelry (首饰). If you did not hear the name clearly, ask the name to be repeated.

Find connections. The person you are introduced to may be a doctor, a mother of five or a cancer survivor. 【3】The details may come out during your conversation or another person may provide them at a later time.

Repeat the name. 【4】 If the conversation is short, once should be enough. For a longer conversation, you can repeat her name two or three times, but never use her name in every sentence.

Refer the name to another person. You can tell a friend or a family member that you met, for example, Anna Smith at a party. Describe a little about Anna. 【5】 However, this is an exercise for you to remember the person’s name.

A. Write down the name when necessary.

B. You’d better connect the details about the person to her name.

C. Of course your friend may not care so much for this information.

D. Pronounce and spell the name so that you can remember it.

E. Whenever you are introduced to someone, keep your mind on it.

F. During the course of your conversation with anyone new to you, use her name once in a while.

G. You may have been in situations where you see a familiar face but you just can’t remember her name.

【题目】Listening to music an help me focus better. Since I discovered it two years ago, I’ve used music to get through boring work or to focus creatively. I’ve found that it can make even the dullest jobs enjoyable and help clear mental blocks to creativity.

I first noticed the good effects of music while playing video games. It was a few days before Christmas in 2012 and I was playing online video games. My parents had just given me a new MP3, so I decided to listen to music through the headphones while I played. After a few minutes I noticed a great change in my style of play. I was playing more naturally. The music relaxed me, and, to a certain extent, distracted me from the game, allowing my subconscious(潜意识的)talent to come through. The music also helped me block out the outside world. With those headphones on I was like a machine, moving from one task to the next without unnecessary thoughts or actions.

Music can also have a great effect on mood, if I’m in a bad mood at work, I’ll listen to some of Bob Marley’s and get down to business. It always takes my mind off what I’m doing and makes me a happier person. The same is true of classic rock. One summer, I did a boring job collecting bottle openers by hand. Without a radio playing classic rock in the background, I would have hated life.

Listening to music with relaxing rhythms and a positive message helps you forget your work and think happy thoughts. But the results you see will depend heavily on your personal tastes. Experiment with the types of music you listen to during certain tasks. By trial and error you’ll finally discover your best choice. I’m always looking for new concentration aids, so I’d love to know what type of music works best for me.

【1】We can infer that the passage was written in .

A. 2010 B. 2012 C. 2013 D. 2014

【2】The author first discovered the effects of music .

A. from his parents B. by chance

C. at work D. when he was a child

【3】The author mentions the experience of collecting bottle openers in Paragraph 3 to .

A. tell us that life is dull

B. prove that music affects mood

C. tell us how to seek happiness

D. tell us bad mood can affect work

【4】In order to get the greatest effect of music, you are advised to .

A. listen to some of Bob Marley’s

B. only choose relaxing music

C. test all kinds of music

D. listen to classic rock

【题目】The scientist from the Lockheed Space Company work in Felton, California, with the help of a computer.But the computer is placed in Sunnyside, about 80 kilometers away.What scientists input (输入) is sent by telephone lines to the computer, and after a time, copies of the designs are needed back in Felton as quickly as possible Lockheed people have tried several ways of sending the prints, but the most effective seems to be by pigeon.Are pigeons really used to carry messages in these days? They are, and they send the prints faster and cheaper than any other way.

Human messengers are much more expensive and slower than the pigeons.The road to Felton goes through the mountains, and the driving is not easy.An electronic printout (电子打印输出) system could do the work in Felton, but at a cost of 10 dollars a print.Pigeons carry the designs for about 1 dollar each.

Now Lockheed people have ten pigeon messengers.The pigeons do the work, and they have made Lockheed more famous.You can often read the news about pigeons in the newspapers around the world

【1】The passage is mainly about ___________________.

A. Felton, California

B. the scientists

C. how to work with computers

D. sending prints by pigeon

【2】This story is unusual because pigeons ____________________.

A. don’t like carrying things

B. are often expensive to keep

C. seem out of place in the space age

D. aren’t friendly to the scientists

【3】Something that’s effective ________________________.

A. usually costs more

B. is something that works

C. is often unhappy

D. is often done by animals

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