
12.Miss Li ___________ as a secretary for five years in the company,and now she is general manger of it.(  )
A.servesB.servedC.had servedD.has served

分析 李小姐曾在那家公司做过五年秘书,现在是那里的总经理.

解答 答案B.考查时态.serve as固定词组,意思"担任",由后面的时间状语and now可以知道前面是说得以前,没有强调动作对现在造成的影响,所以用一般过去时.故选B.A选项为一般现在时的第三人称单数形式,C选项为过去完成时,D选项为现在完成时.

点评 考查时态的题,要在题干中找到动作发生的具体时间.

2.Friday,December 30,2011 has been cut for the tiny South Pacific island nation,Samoa as it moved its time zone 24 hours ahead to catch up with Asia,New Zealand and Australia. On New Year's Eve,Samoa will Slave jumped to the west of the international dateline,which runs through the Pacific Ocean and broadly follows the 180 degree line of longitude (经线).
Its Prime Minister said it would make it easier for Samoa to trade with their key partners."No longer shall we have people ringing us up on Monday from New Zealand and Australia thinking it is Monday when we are closing our eyes and praying at churches.And in the same way,on our Fridays when we ring up and already our contacts are holidaying on their Saturdays,"he told Radio New Zealand on Friday.
To help win public support,the government declared employers must still pay workers for the missing Friday,although banks will not be allowed to charge interest for the lost day.
Countries are free to choose whether the dateline passes to the east or west,and Samoa's decision means all new maps will need to change.But some tourism operators are worried Samoa will lose business by losing its position as the last place on earth to see the sunset each day,although it is now one of the first places to see in each new day.
Samoa,a country of about 180,000 people,used to be in the same time zone as New Zealand and Australia,but went back a day in 1892,celebrating July 4 twice and aligning itself with the United States.The date change is not the first major change in Samoa in recent years.In 2009,the country switched to driving on the left hand side of the road from the right hand side,in line with New Zealand and Australia.
71.Samoa moved its time zone 24 hours ahead toD   
   A.trade with the United States
    B.be the first place to see in each new day
    C.follow the international dateline
    D.be in the same time zone as Australia
72.Which of the following is true according to the text?A
A.It's Monday now in Samoa while it is Sunday in America.
    B.Samoa once had a date change about 200 years ago.
    C.Samoa and America are now in the same time zone.
    D.In Samoa,cars move on the right hand side of the road.
73.On the missing Friday,___ in Samoa,C
    A.banks still charged interest      B.all the people had a day off
    C.workers still got paid            D.all celebrated New Year's Eve
74.The underlined word"aligning"in the last paragraph possibly meansB.
    A.celebrating     B.adjusting        C.moving           D.trading
75.What's the text mainly about?D
    A.The change of international dateline.
    B.The first nation to greet New Year.
    C.A new neighbor of Australia.
    D.A new date change in Samoa.
1.Whether you live in Seattle or the Sahara desert,the time has come to invest in a good raincoat or umbrella,a new study suggests.
As global temperatures continue to rise,more"extreme rain"events---intense,cats-and-dogs downpour---can be expected,said the study,published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change.And that,scientists said,means an increased flood risk,particularly for the world's driest areas.The study challenges the idea that global warming is causing dry areas to become drier and wet areas wetter.
"In both wet and dry regions,we see these great increases in heavy precipitation (冰雹),"lead author Markus Donat,a climate scientist at the University of New South Wales,told Nature.
Donat and his team collected data from 1951to 2010on extreme precipitation events from 11,000weather stations around the world,Nature reported.In that time,the number of days with"extreme precipitation"increased 1percent to 2percent per decade.
"We found a strong relationship between global warming and an increase in rainfall,particularly in areas outside of the tropics,"Donat said in a statement.
"Importantly,this research suggests we will see these extreme rainfall events increases at regional levels in dry areas,not just as an average across the globe,"Donat added.
Peter Stott,a senior climate scientist at Met Office,told Climate Central that the study's findings are important,because more violent rainfall and flooding will"challenge our capability to adapt to a rapidly changing climate."
As Nature reported,the research aligns (结盟) with a 2015study that found global warming has led to a sharp increase in record-breaking precipitation events.Donat told Nature that his study should come as a warning to world governments.

1.Which of the following is one of the study's findings?B
A.Global warming is causing dry areas to become drier and wet areas wetter.
B.Extreme rain events can be expected at regional levels in dry areas.
C.Extreme rainfall events increase at regional levels in wet areas.
D.Rainfall increases particularly in the tropics areas.
2.Why does Scott think the findings are important?C
A.The research aligns with a 2015study.
B.They are about extreme precipitation events.
C.They remind us to adjust to rapid climate changes.
D.The study involves many famous climate scientists.
3.The purpose of the study is toD.
A.encourage investors to start business in Seattle or the Sahara desert
B.persuade people to take a raincoat or an umbrella with them
C.challenge the previous findings of research on climate
D.warn world governments to focus on global warming.

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