
In Vietnam, Tet-Trung-Thu, or the Mid-Autumn Festival, is one of the most popular family holidays. It is held on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month.

Vietnamese families plan their activities around their children on this special day. In a Vietnamese folk story, parents were working so hard to prepare for the harvest that they left the children playing by themselves. To make up for that time, the parents would use the Mid-Autumn Festival as a chance to show their love and thanks for their children.

As a result, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Children’s Festival. In the United States, this tradition continues in many Vietnamese-American families. Activities are often centered on children and education. Parents buy lanterns for their children so that they can take part in a candle and lantern parade at dawn. Lanterns mean brightness, while the parade means success in school. Vietnamese markets sell a variety of lanterns, but the most popular children’s lantern is the star lantern. Other children’s activities include arts and crafts in which children make face masks and lanterns. Children also perform traditional Vietnamese dances for adults and take part in contests for prizes. Unicorn (麒麟) dancers are also very popular.

Like Chinese people, Vietnamese parents tell their children folk stories and serve moon cakes and other special treats under the bright moon. A favorite folk story is about a carp (鲤鱼) that wanted to become a dragon. The carp worked and worked and finally changed itself into a dragon. Parents use this story to encourage their children to work hard so that they can become whatever they want to be.

1.We can learn from the passage that Tet-Trung-Thu is celebrated ________.

A. in China and other Asian countries

B. by Vietnamese-American families

C. all over the world except Vietnam

D. across the United States

2.In both Vietnam and China, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, people would ______.

A. eat moon cakes B. buy lanterns for children

C. take part in contests D. buy a carp

3.What is the focus of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam?

A. Family get-togethers.

B. Children and education.

C. Relaxation and fun in the middle of the year.

D. Parents having more time with their children.

4.The parents tell their children folk stories because ______.

A. children like listening to them in the evening

B. they want to show their love for their children

C. they want to encourage their children to work hard

D. they want to make up for lost time


With these increased pressures and difficulty in ensuring a graduate job, more people are turning to recruitment(招聘) agencies for help. Luke Harper wrote for the Independent warning students to be cautious when using graduate recruitment agencies in their job hunt. The article’s main argument against graduate recruitment agencies is that they are looking to sign people up to the agency and harvest data, without having any real intention to personally find them a job.

The fundamental problem with this approach is a basic misunderstanding of how the recruitment part works. One of the more common ways is that recruitment agencies aim to find you a job to secure a fee from their clients(客户). Recruitment agencies operate as a business, not a careers service and are not expected to find you a job while you wait around.

There is no denying that among the recruitment agencies, there are some CV(简历) hungry, cut and shut agencies that are uninterested in the candidates they have on their books. However, nowadays these are in the minority and don’t tend to last very long.

Paul Farrer, Chief Executive of a leading recruitment agency is worried that a few bad apples are ruining the reputation of what is an excellent part. Farrer said “The trouble with such an imbalanced and misleading article is that some graduates may now be put off approaching recruitment agencies who may well be able to help them.”

Professionals in the industry are cautious of how some of the less respectable agencies operate. Earnest(认真的) recruiters believe that graduates should be aware that some of these agencies will take on graduates for all their details rather than helping them find a job, like Harper mentioned. To fight this, Farrar advises that “Graduates should have a simple checklist before approaching any agency. Has the agency taken the time to talk to me? Have they invited me to a face-to-face meeting? Have they guaranteed not to forward my CV to any employer without my permission? These three steps will safeguard every application.”

Farrer also pointed out that that is not the only safety net that graduates can rely on. He said “Graduates can also check to see if the agencies are members of either APSC or the REC, the two trade bodies they can make an official complaint to. The vast majority of recruitment agencies are professional organizations that help place thousands of graduates every year and poorly researched articles help no one.”

1.The main purpose of this passage is _______________ graduate recruitment agencies.

A. to advise readers to be cautious of

B. to argue against some misjudgment against

C. to explain why there is a prejudice against

D. to seek the solutions to the problems caused by

2.Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A. Luke Harper holds the same idea about jobs with Paul Farrer.

B. Recruitment agencies actually do the same work as a careers service.

C. Job hunters’ detailed information is of value to recruitment agencies.

D. A member of APSC or the REC will not cheat its clients.

3.What advice does Paul Farrer give graduates to avoid less respectable agencies?

A. Consulting professionals before giving their personal details to an agency.

B. Making a face-to-face investigation into an agency before approaching it.

C. Guaranteeing that the agency will not forward their CV to any employer.

D. Selecting some agencies that are monitored by official trade bodies.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards graduate recruitment agencies?

A. Neutral. B. Positive.

C. Negative. D. Not Clear.

Studying abroad will shape you in various ways. You will learn things you never would have if you had stayed home. When you are young and unattached, you should travel. Besides, you just might save a large sum of money. College is expensive in the United States. It’s cheap or free in other countries even for foreigners, so why not get out of here and come back smarter?

More and more American students are currently studying at German colleges. That number has increased 20% over the last three years. Living costs are about $7,000 a year, which is even lower than in other European countries. Germany encourages international students. They create a multicultural landscape that benefits German students as well. According to a new report, Germany is home to six of the world’s 100 best universities. These schools offer around 900 degrees completely in English and many German students speak the language.

You could be part of Finland’s excellent education system. The Finns charge no tuition and offer a number of courses purely in English. They would be happy for you to add flavor to their school scene. Cost of living there is high. Be prepared for frosty winters that far north, but you will get that sweet midnight sun in the summer.

Many other European nations offer cheap or free college for foreign students, but if South America is more your thing, try Brazil. Most of the education will take place in Portuguese, so if that is in your plan you can study near beautiful beaches and jungles. The University of Sao Paulo and State University of Campinas are both highly ranked internationally. Your money will go a long way there, too.

Many of the lessons you will learn will be outside the classroom. Living on the economy in a foreign country will keep you on your toes. You will learn new customs, how to bargain, stay safe, budget and become more flexible with people. There is no better way to learn a language than by immersing yourself in it. At first, it will be the toughest thing you have ever done. Eventually, it will become second nature.

1.German universities are popular among US students mainly because _________.

A. they offer a multicultural landscape

B. they belong to the world’s best ones

C. the cost of living there is reasonable

D. the students can get their degrees easily

2.The fourth paragraph suggests that __________.

A. students can learn to earn some money after class

B. many universities are surrounded by beautiful sceneries

C. Brazil provides excellent education to foreign students

D. students needn’t worry about their expense in Brazil

3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Foreign students are welcomed in Finland.

B. Studying abroad wisely can reduce your expense.

C. Students can learn English well only by learning abroad.

D. Cost of living in Finland is high because of its special climate.

4.What is the author’s attitude in the last paragraph?

A. Critical. B. Encouraging.

C. Doubtful. D. Objective.



A Young Man Learns What’s Most Important in Life

In his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and little to spend with his wife and son.

One day, his mother phoned him and told him that his old _________ , Mr. Belser, had died. She asked if Jack would attend the funeral. Jack remembered _________ some of his childhood days with his old neighbor. It had been so long since Jack had thought of him. He _________ thought Mr. Belser had died years before.

Jack’s mother said, “He didn’t forget you. When I saw him, he’d ask _________ you were doing. He’d remember the many days you spent at his home. After your father died, Mr. Belser stepped in to make sure you had a man’s _________ in your life.”

“He taught me carpentry(木工手艺),”Jack said. “I wouldn’t be in this business if it weren’t for him. He spent a lot of time _________ me important things. I’ll be there for the funeral. ”

Mr. Belser’s funeral was _________ . He had no children and most of his relatives had died.

The night, after he returned home, Jack and his Mom _________ the old house next door. The house was _________ as Jack remembered.

Jack told his Mom that there was a small gold box that Mr. Belser kept _________ on top of his desk. He had asked a thousand times what was inside, _________ Mr. Belser only said “The thing I value most.” It was _________ . The house was exactly how Jack remembered it, except for the box. He figured someone from the Belser_________ had taken it.

“Now I’ll never know what was so _________ to him,” Jack said.

Two weeks after Mr. Belser died, Jack discovered a note in his mailbox. “Signature requested on a package. Please __________ by the main post office.”

Next day Jack collected the package. The return address _________ his attention: “Mr. Harold Belser”.

Jack opened the package. Inside was the gold box and an envelope.

“Upon my death, please _________ this box and its contents to Jack Bennett. It’s the thing I valued most in my life. ”Jack _________ opened the box.

Inside he found a simple pocket watch and also these words ________ to it, “Jack, Thanks for your time! —Harold Belser.”

“My god! The thing he valued most was…my time. ”He couldn’t believe it.

Immediately he called _________ his appointments for the next two days, because he needed some time to spend with his family.

1.A. friend B. neighbor C. relative D. classmate

2.A. working B. playing C. spending D. talking

3.A. honestly B. actively C. foolishly D. carefully

4.A. when B. where C. how D. why

5.A. help B. influence C. shadow D. attitude

6.A. giving B. teaching C. helping D. assisting

7.A. big B. wonderful C. small D. moving

8.A. came B. returned C. painted D. visited

9.A. possibly B. strangely C. differently D. completely

10.A. buried B. discovered C. locked D. reached

11.A. so B. but C. or D. when

12.A. dear B. gone C. old D. clear

13.A. wife B. son C. family D. neighbor

14.A. valuable B. necessary C. important D. expensive

15.A. stop B. begin C. start D. hurry

16.A. gathered B. visited C. greeted D. caught

17.A. give B. improve C. return D. pay

18.A. casually B. sadly C. nervously D. carefully

19.A. attached B. writing C. reading D. printed

20.A. on B. at C. in D. off

Not many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was seventy – five, he gave $ 60,000 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a children’s ground.

As a result of his kindness, he became famous. Many people came to visit him. Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk, Johnson remarked that he was seventy-five and expected to live to be hundred. The newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at seventy-five. Johnson had a sense of humor. He liked whisky and drank some each day. “I have an injection (注射) in my neck each evening,” he told the newspaperman, thinking of his evening glass of whisky.

The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was seventy-five and had daily injection in his neck. Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain, asking him for the secret of his daily injection.

1.Johnson became a rich man through _______.

A. doing business B. making whisky

C. cheating D. buying and selling land

2.The gift of money to the school suggests that Johnson _______.

A. had many children in the school

B. was a strange old man

C. wanted people to know how rich he was

D. was kind and fond of children

3.Many people wrote to Johnson to find out _______.

A. what kind of whisky he had

B. how to live alone

C. how to become wealthy

D. in which part of the neck to have an injection

4.When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening, he really meant that ____.

A. he liked drinking a glass of whisky in the evening

B. he needn’t an injection in the neck

C. a daily injection in the evening would make him sleep well

D. there was something wrong with his neck


I met Ryan,a young man with cerebral palsy (脑瘫),in my biology class. My simple “Hello!” and his cheerful reply were the to our friendship from the first day of school. There was a time when Ryan was not able to come to school. He was in a great deal of after having a surgery on his legs,but he his sufferings from everyone.

In our junior year,we found that we didn’t a single class. This was not a problem,though. We just talked a little more in the hallway the break. That year seemed to fly by. One day,Ryan asked me to hold the torch (火炬) runner’s flag that would the spot where Ryan would his Olympic torch run. He gently explained that he would be honored I would accept this position for him. The Olympic committee sent a letter saying that the person that holds the flag for him must be someone to him. He said I was the only true friend he had made that talked to him and not to his wheel chair. How could I such a request?

On the morning of June 5th,as I walked down the sidewalk,my he and my mind became a factory of questions. I kept wondering how everything was going to happen and how Ryan would the huge crowd of thousands of people.

After the van arrived,the other runners got out and lined up outside the van,chanting his name,“Ryan!Byan!” Then all of the people in,“Ryan!Ryan!” The lift then lowered Ryan to the ground. There he was,in all his .

It all became slow motion at the sight of the arriving torch. The runner lit Ryan’s torch and then Ryan began his .As he took off down the street,the chanting became louder and louder.The filled the air and I felt I was on cloud nine. I could not have been any prouder of Ryan!He this moment—a historic moment —a moment that he was a part of and me to be a part of,too.

Mr Weinheimer,the next torch runner,bent over and gave Ryan a hug. That moment will last in time forever. It symbolized the whole of the flame:love,excitement,enthusiasm,brotherhood,and life of any man. The flame united us all and showed that love is really what makes this small world go around after all.

1.A. solutions B.keys C.routes D.responses

2.A. danger B.fear C.pain D.puzzle

3.A. hid B.prevented C.released D.relieved

4.A. change B.miss C.attend D.share

5.A. except B.for C.during D.before

6.A. mark B.test C.number D.decorate

7.A. cover B.begin C.continue D.lead

8.A. while B.although C.if D.unless

9.A. polite B.kind C.grateful D.important

10.A. ever B.never C.also D.even

11.A. admit B.refuse C.make D.repeat

12.A. ached B.raced C.stopped D.sank

13.A. explain to B.differ from C.respond to D.call on

14.A. joined B.stepped C.poured D.broke

15.A. potential B.preference C.glory D.surprise

16.A .training B.journey C.life D.struggle

17.A. anxiety B.satisfaction C.harmony D.excitement

18.A. deserved B.recalled C.treasured D.chose

19.A. promised B.encouraged C.allowed D.followed

20.A. mystery B.power C.information D.meaning

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