
8.I wish you __   ___ me in peace-I've got a lot of work to do.(  )
A.had leftB.would leaveC.will leaveD.leave

分析 我希望你让我安静.我还有很多的工作要做.

解答 答案是B.
考查虚拟语气,根据句子"我还有很多的工作要做",动词不定时to do表示还没有做,可见wish引导的从句应该是对将来的希望,所以用情态动词+动词原形,故答案选B.

点评 虚拟语气是高考经常考查的内容,也是英语学习中的一个难点.虚拟语气用于表示说话人的假想、建议或主观愿望,所表示的假设并不是事实,而是不可能或是不大可能发生或实现的,除了掌握if条件句引导的虚拟语气之外,还要掌握一些与虚拟语气有关的固定句型结构,首先,判断是否需要使用虚拟.其次,结合虚拟语气句式,判断需使用何种时态及句式是解题的关键.

19.Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require three months of travel through Europe.I had been(41)Da couple of times,but I could hardly claim to know my way around the(42)C.Moreover,my knowledge of foreign languages was(43)Bto a little college French.
I(44)A.How would I,unable to speak the language,totally unfamiliar with local geography or(45)A systems,set up interviews and do research?It seemed (46)C,and with eonsiderable (47)B I sat down to write a letter begging off.Halfway through,a though (48)Athrough my mind:you can't learn if you don't try.So I  (49)Bthe assignment.
There were some bad (50)B.But by the time I had finished the trip I was an experienced (51)D.And ever since,I have never hesitated to head for even the most remote places,(52)Cguides or even advanced bookings,confident that somehow I will(53)B.
The(54)Ais that the new,the(55)C,is almost by definition scary.But each time you try something,you learn,and as the learning(56)Cup,the world opens to you.
I've learned to ski at 40,and (57)Dup the Rhine River in a balloon.And I know I'll(58)Adoing such things.It's braver or more(59)Bthan others.I'm not.But I'll accept anxiety as another name for(60)Dand I believe I can accomplish wonders.

58.A.go onB.give inC.pass byD.hand out
3.A group of foreign residents married to Japanese talked about their children's names.
Nicole Despres
Students services manager,40 (American)
We have no intention to live outside Japan so it made sense for the kids to take my Japanese husband's family name.However,we did want to have a Western name too,so all three of them now have both a Western and Japanese name.We agreed there would be no strange names,spelling or unusual kanji(Chinese characters in the Japanese language).All names had to be easy to say and familiar in both Japanese and English.
John McCracken
Company general manager,27(American)
My son's name is Aiden.In part because my wife and I met in university and as she was studying Irish history and I have some links to Scotland and Ireland,I wanted a unique Gaelic(盖尔族的)name.We settled for Aiden as we found kanji that can be used in Japan that means"legendary hero"
Paula Murakami
College women's Association of Japan,53(American)
My husband was very excited about choosing names,so I decided to let him choose.He wanted their first names to be Japanese and camp up with names that included the kanji character in his own name.Our boys,Hiroki and Kenta,never had any problems while living on the U.S.West Coast with Japanese names,and I think both as children and as adults,they love their names.
Jeff Ruiz
Recording engineer,42(Mexican)
My son's name is Lenny.My wife chose it together with me as we were looking for a name that works in both worlds-mine in Mexico,and hers in Japan-and the name Lenny is common everywhere.In Japanese we write the name in katakana as that is easy for Japanese people who seem to like names in two or three characters.

24.What do we know about the people mentioned in the passageA?
A.Nicole and her husband had an agreement on how to name the children.
B.Jeff will remain in Japan as his wife is not used to Mexican life.
C.The four couples have decided to live with the children in Japan forever.
D.Paula and her family would love to live on the U.S.West Coast.
25.Which of the following does the underlined word"katakana"meanB?
A.A Japanese system of grammar.
B.A way of writing the Japanese language.
C.A Japanese word which means"name".
D.A name popular with Japanese people.
26.What can we infer from the passageD?
A.Nicole and her Japanese husband have a daughter and two sons.
B.Paula has little say in making a decision at home.
C.John's wife is Irish and the couple have only one child.
D.Lenny is a name familiar to Japanese when written the Japanese way.
27.Which would be the best title for the passageC?
A.Is a western name better than a Japanese name?
B.Why does your child have two names?
C.How do you choose your child's name?
D.Do you settle differences in naming your child?
8.I climbed the ladder,heard my dive announced,and began the moves that would push me into the air.Pushing off the diving board with my legs,I lifted my arms and shoulders back,and knew immediately I would be close to the board and might hit my hands.I tried to correct myself as I turned,spreading my hands wide apart.Then I heard a strange sound and my body lost control.Moments later I realized I had hit my head on the board.
At the beginning,I felt embarrassed.I wanted to hide,to get out of the pool without anyone seeing me.Next I felt intense fear.Had I cut my head?Was I bleeding?Was there blood in the pool?Swimming to the side,I noticed many shocked faces.People were worried about my head; I was worried about something far more threatening.An official examined my head.In a hurry,I pushed him away,and everyone else who approached me."Don't touch me!"I felt like screaming."Get away from me!"
These were the trials (选拔赛) for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul,Korea.Until this dive,I had been ahead.But now,something else was more significant than winning.I might have endangered other divers'lives if I had spilled blood in the pool.For what I knew---that few others knew-was that I was HIV-positive.
According to my mother,my natural parents were Samoan (萨摩亚人) and only teenagers when I was born,so they gave me up for adoption.When I was only eighteen months old,I started gym classes.At ten,I explored doing gym exercises off the diving board at the pool.
Because of my dark skin,kids at school called me names.My diving made me feel good about myself when my peers made me feel stupid.At sixteen,I knew I had a shot at the 1976 Olympics.
Everyone was alarmed when I hit my head on the board in Seoul.Regardless,I made it to the finals.During my last dive in the finals,I enjoyed for the last time the quietness underwater and then swam to the side of the pool.The crowd cheered,and I knew I'd won---two gold medals.AIDS forced me to stop diving; I had to give up diving professionally after the Olympics.
41.Immediately before he hit his head on the board,the writerD.
  A.climbed the ladder             
B.started the moves that would push him into the air
  C.knew he was too close to the board      
D.corrected his actions when he turned
42.The writer pushed away everyone who came near to him becauseB.
  A.he hated them
  B.he was HIV-positive and feared that others would be infected if they touched his bleeding head
  C.he felt embarrassed and wanted to hide without anyone seeing him
  D.he felt like screaming
43.The writer's natural parents put him up for adoption becauseA.
  A.they were too young to raise him     B.they were too poor to raise him
  C.they didn't love him                D.they were Samoan
44.According to the passage,the writer's diving gave him the sense of beingC.
  A.stupid         B.strong           C.successful           D.lonely
45.After he hit his head on the board at the trails,the writerD.
A.practiced less                       
B.was scared and gave up diving forever
C.lost the chance to compete at the finals  
D.still got the chance to compete at the finals.

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