
12.Recently,university students around the world were asked to volunteer in a global experiment called Unplugged.It was designed to see how young people would react if they were asked to observe a total media ban by unplugging all forms of media devices for 24 hours.
Unplugged is being run by Dr Roman Gerodimos,a lecturer in Communication and Journalism at Bournemouth University.During the experiment,Dr Gerodimos said there were already  signs of how much the exercise affected volunteers.He said:"They're reporting withdrawal symptoms,overeating,feeling nervous,isolated and disconnected."
During their 24-hour test,three of the experiment's participants were followed around by a BBC reporter plus cameraman.They were asked to write down 100 lines about their day offline,but of course,they all waited until the next day when they had access to their laptops.
Elliot Day wrote:"Today,my whole morning routine was thrown up into the air.Despite being  aware of the social importance of the media,I was surprised by how empty my life felt without the radio or newspapers."
From Caroline Scott,we read:"I didn't expect it,but being deprived of the media for 24 hours resulted in my day-to-day activities becoming so much harder to carry out than usual…I didn't break out in a cold sweat like our lecturer expected us all to,but It's not something l would like to do again!"
And Charlotte Gay wrote:"I have to say the most difficult item for me to be without has been  my  mobile;not  only is it a social device,it's  my main access point of communication."
Earlier in the year,a UK government study found that in the UK we spend about half our waking hours using the media,often plugged into several things at once.So,with technology continuing to develop at an alarming rate,how much time will you set aside for sleep in the future?
71.What can we learn about the volunteers?B
 A.Volunteers didn't write down about their day offline.
 B.Volunteers weren't allowed to use any media for 24 hours.
 C.Volunteers  were followed around by Dr Roman Gerodimos.
 D.Only volunteers in the UK took part in Unplugged experiment.
72.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the participants'feelings?

A.Anxious.  B.Lonely  C.Bored.   D.Despaired.
73.Which of the following is true of Caroline Scott?C
 A.The media ban affected his temperature.
 B.His work went on smoothly without the media.
 C.His work was carried on hard without the media.
 D.His life was empty without the radio or newspapers.
74.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A
 A.People should use the media devices reasonably.
 B.People can easily survive the media devices addict.
 C.People can spend more time sleeping in the future.
 D.People spend about half the time using the media devices.
75.The text is most probably a.C
 A.newspaper ad     
B. book review
 C.news report   
D.science fiction story.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了年轻人对于电器装备的过分依赖,为了研究这一现象的具体影响,进行了一项被称为Unplugged的活动,根据研究,媒体已经对我们造成了深刻的影响,离开媒体的人产生了暴饮暴食,精神紧张的症状,作者旨在呼吁我们合理使用媒体技术,不要被它掌控.

解答 71.B 细节理解题.根据文章第一段It was designed to see how young people would react if they were asked to observe a total media ban by unplugging all forms of media devices for 24 hours.可知是让那些年轻人24小时不使用电器.故选B.
72.D  细节理解题.根据文章第一段最后一句"They're reporting withdrawal symptoms,overeating,feeling nervous,isolated and disconnected."可知ABC三项的内容都是文章提及的症状,只有D项是文章没有提及的症状;故选D.
73.C 推理判断题.根据文章倒数第二段From Caroline Scott,we read:"I didn't expect it,but being deprived of the media for 24 hours resulted in my day-to-day activities becoming so much harder to carry out than usual…I didn't break out in a cold sweat like our lecturer expected us all to,but It's not something I would like to do again!"说明他的工作是要依靠媒体的,如果没有了媒体,他的工作很难进行.故选C.
74.A 推理判断题.根据So,with technology continuing to develop at an alarming rate,how much time will you set aside for sleep in the future?说明我们要拿出一点时间出来做别的事情,不要受媒体的影响.可推测作者希望我们要合理使用媒体技术.故选A.
75.C 推理判断题.通读全文,可知本文讲述的是年轻人对于电器装备的过分依赖,为了研究这一现象的具体影响,而进行的一项被称为Unplugged的活动.文章中对此进行了报到和说明,可推测本文属于新闻报道类.故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

5.We sometimes think global warming or climate change is a problem very far away from our lives,and that only the government needs to worry about it.But it's hardly possible to completely stay out of it-scientists are now 95percent sure that humans have been the"dominant cause"of global warming trends since the 1950s.
One of the conclusions of a report released on Sept 27by the United Nations says that human activities have caused global temperatures to rise by 0.89 0C between 1901and 2012.That might not seem like a lot,but the truth is that a major part of that heat has been absorbed into the oceans,which is not surprising given that they cover two thirds of Earth's surface.Also,water has a much greater capacity (容量) to absorb heat than the air does,according to The Economist.
While many greenhouse gases occur naturally and are needed to keep the Earth warm enough to support life,humans'use of fossil fuels is the main source of excess (多余的) greenhouse gases.According to CNN,by driving cars,using electricity produced by burning coal and oil or heating our homes with coal or natural gas,we release a large amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Your body can barely feel a difference of 0.89 0C,but the Earth's ecosystems are so sensitive that even small changes can disturb them.It often starts with the smallest creatures at the bottom of the food chain,eventually affecting bigger animals,many of which could end up becoming extinct.
Global warming is also linked to an increase in extreme weather.A larger amount of carbon dioxide traps more energy inside the atmosphere.This changes the patterns of storms and rainfall in many regions and can lead to droughts and floods.Worse still,melting sea ice in warmer oceans is causing sea levels to rise at a speed of more than three millimeters per year,according to The Guardian,which also increases the risk of flooding.
"The report should serve as another wake-up call that our activities today have a profound impact on society,not only for us,but for many generations to come,"French Michel Jarraud,secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization,said at a news conference.

68.The underlined word"dominant"in the first paragraph means"D".
A.common     B.indirect    C.secondary    D.leading
69.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.Greenhouse gases have been proven to harm merely the Earth.
B.There is little we can do to prevent global warming.
C.Global warming can increase the chances of droughts and floods.
D.The hugeness of oceans makes them better absorbers of heat than the air.
70.The rise in global temperatures between 1901 and 2012D.
A.is more harmful to smaller creatures than bigger ones
B.is not serious because most of the extra heat has been absorbed by the oceans
C.has made the Earth's ecosystems more sensitive to changes
D.is likely to cause many species to become extinct
71.What is Michel Jarraud's attitude toward the report released by the UN?B
A.Negative. B.Supportive. C.Doubtful. D.Uninterested.
3.Kelly Reeves was getting ready for a trip when her phone slipped into a sink full of water.Panic moment!She quickly picked up the wet phone and tried to turn it on,but nothing worked.Her first reaction?She got dressed,drove to the nearest store,and bought a new model at full price.A new study finds that fear of losing your phone is a common illness.About 66percent of those surveyed suffer from (nomophobia) or"no mobile phone phobia".Interestingly,more women worry about losing their phone than men.Fortunately,there's a solution.The first step is to figure out if you have nomophobia.Checking your phone too often is one thing,but the true sign of a problem is that you can't conduct business or go about your routine when the fear becomes so severe.Do you go to unusual lengths to make sure you have your phone?That's another sign of a problem.If you find you check your phone plenty of times per hour,or a total of an hour per day,there may be a problem.Some of the treatments are similar to those for treating anxiety attacks:leaving the phone behind and not checking e-mail or text messages,and then learning to tolerate the after anxiety.Even if this leads to a high level of worry and stress,the solution is to push through the fear and learn to deal with not having your phone.Of course,there are also technological alternatives.Luis Levy,a co-founder at Novy PR,says he uses an application called Cerberus that can automatically track the location of his phone.To find it,he can just go to a Web site and see the phone's location.He also insures his phone through a service called Asurion.The company's description of its product reads like a prescription for anxiety:"60million phones are lost,stolen or damaged each year.You'll have complete peace of mind knowing that your phone is protected and you can quickly reconnect with family,friends and work,as soon as the very next day!"

26.Why does the author mention Kelly's experience in the first paragraph?A
A.To introduce the topic for discussion.
B.To inform us that mobile phones are useful.
C.To warn us that we should be careful.
D.To tell us to get phones ready for a trip.
27.The underlined word"nomophobia"in Paragraph 2meansB.
A.Habits of using mobile phones.
B.Fear of losing mobile phones.
C.Eagerness for new mobile phones.
D.Independence of mobile phones.
28.Which way is suggested by the writer to treat nomophobia?A
A.Avoiding using a phone for some time.
B.Learning more about modern technology.
C.Protecting one's phone against any damage.
D.Not using a mobile phone in one's daily work.
29.Why can the service called Asurion help to treat nomophobia?C
A.It lets you know other people also lose their phones.
B.It will give you a new phone through insurance.
C.It enables you to reconnect with your acquaintance.
D.It gives you a prescription to treat nomophobia.
30.What is the passage mainly about?D
A.Attitude toward mobile phone.   B.New mobile phone technology.
C.Disadvantages of mobile phone.  D.Solutions to nomophobia.
20.Generational differences and the economy (经济) are shifting (转移) more responsibilities for children from their parents to grandparents,according to a new survey.
More than one-third of grandparents aged 50and older contribute financially to their grandchildren's upbringing,and 11percent have a grandchild living with them,the poll (民意测验) by AARP,the group for 36million older US citizens,showed.
Forty percent of people who responded to the telephone survey,whose average age was 69,reported spending more than $500on grandchildren over the past year beyond traditional gifts. Education costs accounted for 53percent,daily expenses for 37percent and medical costs for 23percent.Sixteen percent provided daycare for grandchildren.
"They are the safety net for American families,helping to pay for practical expenses and necessities,"said Amy Goyer,AARP's multi-generational and family issues (问题) expert.
"We see many providing daycare services,while growing numbers even have grandchildren living with them,"she said,referring to the 16percent who watch their grandchildren while the parents are at work or school.
Generally nearly 90 percent of the 1,904 grandparents questioned said they play a very or somewhat important role in their grandchildren's lives,and about 70percent live within 50miles of the closest one.
The poll conducted by Woelfel Research Inc.also showed that grandparents were increasingly keyed to the younger generation's life issues and preferred ways of communicating.
More than one-third connect with their grandchildren via email or text messaging,while half said they routinely discuss topics ranging from values and spirituality to drug and alcohol use.
Nearly 40 percent said they had discussed dating or sex with at least one grandchild.Some 60percent said they spoke with their grandchildren at least once a week.
Most of the grandparents said they had five or more grandchildren,while one-fourth said they had grandchildren of a different race or mixed race.

60.The passage mainly tells usD.
A.the differences between generations are huge
B.how Woelfel Research Inc.conducted the poll
C.parents are the safety net for American families
D.grandparents take more responsibilities for grandchildren
61.Grandparents discuss with their grandchildren on various topics EXCEPTA.
A.races        B.values     C.drug use            D.spirituality
62.Which of the following is TRUE about grandparents?D
A.Most of them have grandchildren of a different race.
B.One third keep in touch with their grandchildren via email.
C.Nearly 40percent discussed dating with more than one grandchild.
D.About three fifths communicate with their grandchildren at least once a week.
63.What does the author think of the phenomenon mentioned in the passage?D
A.Reasonable.        B.Unbelievable.
C.Acceptable.        D.Not given.
17.Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever,even though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started.Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country.In fact,according to an official report on youth violence,"In our country today,the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment,but the terrible reality of violence".Given that this is the case,why aren't students taught to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems,drive cars,or stay physically fit?
First of all,students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable.A report on violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult (侮辱).For example,a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime.Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults,which in turn can lead to violence.The problem isn't in the sandwich,but in the way students deal with the conflict.
Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable,they can practice the golden rule of conflict resolution (解决):stay calm.Once the student feels calmer,he or she should choose words that will calm the other person down as well.Rude words,namecalling,and accusations only add fuel to the emotional fire.On the other hand,soft words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.
After both sides have calmed down,they can use another key strategy (策略) for conflict resolution:listening.Listening allows the two sides to understand each other.One person should describe his or her side,and the other person should listen without interrupting.Afterward,the listener can ask nonthreatening questions to clarify the speaker's position.Then the two people should change roles.
Finally,students need to consider what they are bearing.This doesn't mean trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person.It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to accomplish.For example,a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things.Students need to ask themselves questions such as these:How did this start?What do I really want?What am I afraid of?As the issue becomes clearer,the conflict often simply becomes smaller.Even if it doesn't,careful thought helps both sides figure out a mutual solution.
There will always be conflict in schools,but that doesn't mean there needs to be violence.After students in Atlanta started a conflict resolution program,according to Educators for Social Responsibility,"64percent of the teachers reported less physical violence in the classroom; 75percent of the teachers reported an increase in student cooperation; and 92percent of the students felt better about themselves".Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends,teachers,parents,bosses,and coworkers.In that way,conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.

32.This article is mainly aboutD.
A.the lives of school children            
B.the cause of arguments in schools
C.how to analyze youth violence         
D.how to deal with school conflicts
33.From Paragraph 2we can learn thatB.
A.violence is more likely to occur at lunchtime
B.a small conflict can lead to violence
C.students tend to lose their temper easily
D.the eating habit of a student is often the cause of a fight
34.Why do students need to ask themselves the questions stated in Paragraph 5?C
A.To find out who is to blame.
B.To get ready to try new things.
C.To make clear what the real issue is.
D.To figure out how to stop the shouting match.
35.The writer's purpose for writing this article is toC.
A.complain about problems in school education
B.teach students different strategies for school life
C.advocate teaching conflict management in schools
D.inform teachers of the latest studies on school violence.

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