
10.They say they look forward tosigning(sign) an agreement this month.

分析 他们说他们期待这个月签订协议.

解答 答案signing.考查动词V-ing形式.look forward to为固定词组,意为"期待".to为介词,其后的动词要用V-ing形式.sign为动词,意为"签订".故用signing.

点评 考查动词填空的题,留意题干中的固定搭配.

20.Protagoras was among the great teachers of ancient Athens.He taught many subjects,including the laws of argument(辩论)and the right use of language.It is said that he was the first teacher to accept money for his services.
A student,Evalthus,heard of this famous teacher and asked him to give him lessons.However,Evalthus didn't want to pay for his lessons at once,and after some discussion it was finally agreed between them that Evalthus should pay only if he won his first case in the court.For if he won,it would prove that he had been taught well.
The lessons began and Evalthus proved himself to be a good student.But he refused to pay Protagoras anything at the end of his studies.
Protagoras therefore took Evalthus to the court and told the judges that he wanted his money.He explained that he must be paid whether he won or lost the case."Whatever you decide,"he declared(宣称)to the judges,"I must be paid.For if you decide in my favor(赞成),then I win the case,and so I must be paid.But if you decide against me,then Evalthus has won his first case in the court; according to our agreement,he must pay me for his lessons.Therefore,I shall get my money whatever happens."
The Athenian judges found no fault(过错)in it,so they asked Evalthus to reply.
"No,it's quite clear,"said Evalthus,"that I need not pay.If the judges decide in my favor,then I have won the case,and I need not pay.But if Protagoras wins,then I have lost my first case.Therefore,according to our agreement,I do not have to pay.So I need not pay in any event."
As both arguments appeared to be faultless,the judges were unable to come to a decision.They therefore ordered the two men to appear before them one hundred years later.
21.Evalthus would pay ProtagorasD.
A.before he started his lessons          
B.after he finished his lessons
C.after the court decided against him     
D.after the court proved that he was taught well.
22.What do we know about Protagoras?B
A.He won the judges'favor in the end and got his money.
B.He was probably the first teacher to accept money for his lessons.
C.He didn't teach Evalthus well because Evalthus didn't pay.
D.He was not confident of his winning the case in the court.
23.The underlined phrase"in any event"in the last but one paragraph meansA.
A.whatever it costs 
B.whatever happens
C.wherever it happens 
D.whenever it happens
24.Why did the judges ask Protagoras and Evalthus to come to the court one hundred years later?
A.They couldn't make a decision
B.They needed to think it over again.
C.They wanted to make fun of them.
D.They wanted more money from them.
25.What is probably the best title for the text?C
A.A Smart Student-Evalthus         
B.A Great Teacher-Protagoras
C.Come Here One hundred Years Later    
D.A Fight Between Teacher and Student.
18."Why do we have to learn all this dumb stuff?"
Of all the complaints and questions I have heard from my students during my years in the classroom,this was the one most frequently asked.I would answer it by telling the following legend.
One night a group of nomads (游牧民) were preparing to retire for the evening when suddenly they were surrounded by a great light.They knew they were in the presence of a godly being.With great expectation,they awaited a heavenly message of great importance that they knew must be especially for them.
Finally,the voice spoke,"Gather as many pebbles (鹅卵石) as you can.Put them in your bags.Travel a day's journey and tomorrow night will find you glad and it will find you sad."
The nomads shared their disappointment and anger with each other.They had expected the inspiration of a great universal truth that would enable them to create wealth,health and purpose for the world.But instead they were given a silly task that made no sense to them at all.However,the memory of the brilliance of their visitor caused each one to pick up a few pebbles and store them in their bags while voicing their displeasure.
They traveled a day's journey and that night while making camp,they reached into their bags and discovered every pebble they had gathered had become a diamond.They were glad they had diamonds.They were sad they had not gathered more pebbles.
It was an experience I had with a student,whom I shall call Alan,early in my teaching career that illustrated the truth of that legend to me.
When Alan was in the eighth grade,he majored in"trouble"with a minor in"suspensions (停学)".He had studied how to be a bully and was getting his master's degree in"thievery".
Every day I had my students memorize a quotation from a great thinker.As I called the roll (点名),I would begin a quotation.To be counted present,the student would be expected to finish the thought.
"Alice Adams-‘There is no failure except…'"
"‘In no longer trying.'I'm present,Mr.Schlatter."
So,by the end of the year,my young pupils would have memorized 150great thoughts.
"People nowadays know the price of everything and the value of nothing."
"No pains,no gains."
"If you can conceive it,and believe it,you can achieve it."
No one complained about this daily routine other than Alan-right up to the day he was expelled (开除) and I lost touch with him for five years.Then one day,he called.He was in a special program at one of the neighboring colleges and had just finished parole(假释).
He told me that after being sent to juvenile hall (少管所) and finally being shipped off to the California Youth Authority for his wrong doings,he had become so disgusted with himself that he had taken a razor blade and cut his wrists.
He said,"You know what,Mr.Schlatter,as I lay there with my life running out of my body,I suddenly remembered that quote you made me write 20times one day."There is no failure except in no longer trying."Then it suddenly made sense to me.As long as I was alive,I wasn't a failure,but if I allowed myself to die,I would most certainly die a failure.So with my remaining strength,I called for help and started a new life."
At the time he had heard the quotation,it was a pebble.When he needed guidance in a moment of crisis,it had become a diamond.And so it is to you,I say,gather all the pebbles you can,and you can count on a future filled with diamonds.
55.What does the underlined sentence"it will find you sad"(Para.4)mean?D
A.The God told the nomads to gather pebbles that made no sense to them.
B.The pebbles won't enable the nomads to create fortune.
C.The God didn't give the nomads the message they expected.
D.The nomads regretted not having gathered as many pebbles as possible.
56.Which of following sentences from the passage brings out the author's sense of humor?B
A.They were given a silly task that made no sense to them at all.(Para.5)
B.He majored in"trouble"with a minor in"suspensions".(Para.8)
C.People nowadays know the price of everything and the value of nothing.(Para.13)
D.You can count on a future filled with diamonds.(Para.19)
57.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A
A.Not all the nomads gathered and stored some pebbles in their bags.
B.Students who finished the half-sentence quotation were counted present.
C.All students don't like the daily routine of finishing the half-sentence quotation.
D.It was the strong faith of never dying a failure that saved Alan's life.
58.Why did Alan want to kill himself after being shipped off to the California Youth Authority?D
A.He hated the hard life in the juvenile hall.
B.He was expelled by the school in the end.
C.He was badly treated at the California Youth Authority.
D.He felt so disappointed and hopeless about himself and his future.
59.According to the passage,we can conclude that Mr.Schlatter is an educator ofB.
A.sympathy and kindness                    
B.wisdom and patience
C.generosity and creativity                   
D.faith and devotion
60.Which of the following may probably be the best title?C
A.A Naughty Trouble-marker                 
B.Pebbles and Nomads
C.The Magic Pebble                        
D.A Quotation that Saved Life.

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