
假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr. Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,已使行文连贯。













Elephants practice altruism (利他主义). An Indian elephant called Chandrasekharan lifted poles off a truck as it moved along, and placed them in . When Chandrasekharan came to one hole dug in the ground, he to put the pole in. , the owner checked and discovered a dog sleeping in it. Only when the dog was would Chandrasekharan put the pole in. This sort of is typical of elephants.

Elephants really do have long . Elephants eat an incredible variety of foods and need to cover large distances to get it. They need to know to go at what time of year. They learn this and it. They also have communication and societies. They need to remember all the different individuals’ and smells so as to be socially adept(精通的). The old saying, “An elephant never ,” is fairly true.

I once had a love-hate relationship with an elephant in Zimbabwe in 1991. Every day I’d out of the front gate and an elephant would attack my vehicle. And every day I’d rev(加速) my engine and the door and tell him to get away and then we would go our ways. Every single day this happened without . If other vehicles came and went he would them and then go for mine.

One day I went out in a(n) vehicle, stopped nearby and watched for a while. The wind changed, and he caught my smell. , he recognized me as usual.

More recently it has been that spindle neurons(纺锤体神经元)play an important role in the development of behavior. Spindle neurons are found in the brains of humans, great apes, dolphins and elephants.

1. A. holes B. bags C. trucks D. houses

2. A. pretended B. refused C. began D. tried

3.A. Suddenly B. Fortunately C. Sadly D. Eventually

4.A. beaten B. fed C. gone D. buried

5.A. relationship B. work C. expression D. behavior

6.A. memories B. stories C. noses D. teeth

7. A. whether B. where C. when D. why

8.A. remember B. choose C. enjoy D. show

9.A. close B. complex C. direct D. happy

10. A. tastes B. numbers C. names D. voices

11.A. stops B. hesitates C. forgets D. returns

12. A. just B. walk C. run D. drive

13.A. paint B. open C. hit D. repair

14.A. easy B. separate C. proper D. familiar

15.A. failure B. pain C. help D. patience

16.A. protect B. attack C. ignore D. follow

17.A. old B. expensive C. large D. different

18. A. At first B. Of course C. By the way D. On the contrary

19.A. found B. understood C. recorded D. recommended

20.A. anxious B. terrible C. intelligent D. strange

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are free, but without tutoring, and are open to anyone, anywhere in the world. The courses are flexible — normally three to five hours of study a week — done at any time, short (5 to 10 weeks) and video-rich. They are also heavily dependent on crowd sourcing: you can discuss a course with fellow students through online forums, discussion boards and peer review. Students don’t have to finish the courses, pass assessments or do assignments, but, if they do, they get a certification of participation.

The Open University launched FutureLearn, the UK’s answer to US platforms such as Coursera, EdX and Udacity, which have been offering MOOCs from top US universities for the past two years. The response has been incredible, with more than three million people registering worldwide. Meanwhile, in 2012, Edinburgh University became the first non-US institution to join Coursera’s partnership, comprising 13 universities. “We already run 50 online master’s degrees, so this was a logical expansion,” says Professor Jeff Haywood, Edinburgh’s vice-principal. “It’s an investment in teaching methods research. How am I going to teach introductory philosophy to 100,000 people? That’s what I call educational R&D.” He adds “If you look ahead 10 years, you’d expect all students graduating to have taken some online courses, so you’ve got to research that. Our MOOCs are no more in competition with our degrees than a lifelong learning course because they don’t carry credits.”

Cooperation is key, Haywood stresses. It is far better to offer 20-30 courses in your own areas of expertise (专门技能) and let other institutions do likewise. Professor Mike Sharples, FutureLearn’s academic lead, goes further: “We’ve tied the elements available before into a package of courses offered by leading universities worldwide on a new software platform, with a new way of promoting it and also a new social-learning teaching method. You won’t just receive an exam, but be able to discuss and mark each other’s assignments.”

Bath University, one of more than 20 universities working with FutureLearn, launches its first course, Inside Cancer, next January, and regards MOOCs as a way of breaking down age barriers. “There’s no reason why someone doing GCSEs should not look at our MOOCs and get quite a way through them, or someone at PhD level and beyond,” says Professor Bernie Morley, expert for learning and teaching.

1.MOOCs have these features EXCEPT that ________.

A. MOOCs have a platform for learners to share their learning experience

B. MOOCs provide teachers’ instructions if you have some difficulty

C. MOOCs can be adjusted according to people’s learning pace

D. MOOCs are free of charge for anyone

2.The response to FutureLearn has been thought to be unbelievable mainly because ________.

A. all the courses on the platform are available to anyone in the world

B. Edinburgh University became the first non-US institution to join it

C. students can get a certification of participation without passing assessments

D. the number of people registering in the platform is beyond expectation

3.What can be inferred from Professor Bernie Morley in the last paragraph?

A. People at PhD level have already known everything about MOOCs.

B. People with various learning levels will probably show interest in MOOCs.

C. Inside Cancer will be the most popular course for someone doing GCSEs.

D. MOOCs are not so competitive as lifelong learning courses due to the problems of credits.

4.The passage mainly deals with ________.

A. the appearance of a new learning platform

B. the various opinions on FutureLearn

C. the popularity of no-credit courses

D. the advantages of online teaching methods

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was no wonder I was not looking forward to entering the ninth grade. High school is well known for being a battleground, where everyone seems to be ________ through physical changes and emotional mood swings(情绪波动). For me, ________ was my punishment.

I had always ________ insecure and out of place as one of the ________ members of my class, standing a head above the other girls and standing at the ________ of the line to avoid sticking ________.

I especially hate being around large groups of ________, like during the social hour after services at my church. ________ the prayers were finished, I would ________ as quickly as possible so I could ________ some well-meaning congratulations, “Ruthie! Look how tall you’re getting!”

My grandfather would watch me ________ increasingly uncomfortable, but he did not ________ at my self-consciousness(自我意识) or try to comfort me. ________, he would remind me. “Stand ________ and tall,” he would say, as I ________ tried to shrink(缩) myself. Even at age 15, I understood that his advice was about ________ than just feet and inches.

My grandfather ________ in war-torn Europe. When German soldiers ________ his hometown, he joined the army to ________ his country’s freedom. “Stand straight, stand tall,” ________ something else back then.

1.A. gettingB. puttingC. lookingD. going

2.A. ageB. weightC. heightD. face

3.A. becomeB. goneC. placedD. felt

4.A. fatterB. tallerC. thinnerD. shorter

5.A. headB. endC. frontD. side

6.A. toB. offC. upD. out

7.A. peopleB. girlsC. teachersD. students

8.A. UntilB. UnlessC. OnceD. While

9.A. leaveB. comeC. stopD. walk

10.A. acceptB. receiveC. avoidD. refuse

11.A. makeB. moveC. turnD. become

12.A. lookB. stareC. smileD. laugh

13.A. InsteadB. BesidesC. HoweverD. Therefore

14.A. backB. straightC. upD. by

15.A. satisfactorilyB. happily

C. unsuccessfully D. unwillingly

16.A. otherB. moreC. lessD. rather

17.A. grew upB. workedC. diedD. travelled

18.A. helpedB. developedC. occupiedD. visited

19.A. look afterB. fight forC. work withD. stay with

20.A. meantB. advisedC. carriedD. included

Many people now have problems with sleep. Drinking milk is helpful. A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good night’s sleep. But now a study has found it really does help people nod off—if it is milked from a cow at night.

Researchers have discovered that “night milk” contains more melatonin(褪黑激素), which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety.

The study, by researchers from Seoul, South Korea, involved mice being fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night.

Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food.

Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.

While the effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night.

Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content, which helps people to relax.

Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening. The more fat you take in before bedtime, the greater burden you will put on your body at night.

1.According to the text, the mice fed with daytime milk ________.

A. started sleep more easily

B. were more anxious

C. were less active

D. woke up later

2.Which of the following is true of melatonin according to the text?

A. It’s been tested on mice for ten times.

B. It can make people more energetic.

C. It exists in milk in great amount.

D. It’s used in sleeping drugs.

3.What can be a suitable title for the next?

A. Night Milk and Sleep

B. Fat, Sugar and Health

C. An Experiment on Mice

D. Milk Drinking and Health

4.How does the author support the theme of the text?

A. By giving examples.

B. By stating arguments.

C. By explaining statistical data.

D. By providing research results.

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