
4.Make sure that young children can not ______ pools,lakes and rivers by themselves.(  )
A.get closedB.get close toC.close toD.get close.

分析 确保孩子他们自己无法靠近水池、湖泊或者是河流.

解答 答案:B
解析:分析句子结构可知,that后面的宾语从句中缺少谓语;故C选项直接排除.根据句意"确保孩子独自无法靠近水池、湖泊或者是河流"可知A选项(closed意为"关闭的")排除;be/get close to意为"靠近/接近…",故D选项排除.综上,本题答案为B选项.

点评 本题考查动词短语的辨析,做此类题题目时一定要清楚各个选项的含义及用法,再结合句意及其它要求选出最终答案.

9.An egg sinks to the bottom if you drop it into a glass of ordinary drinking water but what happens if you add salt?The results arc very interesting and can teach you some fun facts about density(密度).
     What you'll  need:
*One egg*Water*Salt*A tall drinking glass
     Pour water into the glass until it is about half full.
      Mix in lots of salt (about 6 tablespoons).
     Carefully pour in plain water until the glass-is nearly full (be careful not to mix the salt water with the plain water).
     Gently lower the egg into the water and watch what happens.
     What's happening?
      Salt water is denser than ordinary tap water.The denser the liquid is,the easier it is for an object to float in it.When you lower the egg into the liquid it drops through the normal tap water until it reaches the salt water,at this point the water is dense enough for the egg to float.If you were careful when you added the tap water to the salt water,they will not have mixed,enabling the egg to amazingly float in the middle of the glass.
21.Which of the following is the CORRECT order?B
①Mix in lots of.salt.
②Gently lower the egg into the water.
③Carefully pour in plain water until the glass is nearly full.
④Pour water into the glass until it is about half full.
22.What will happen if you drop an egg into a glass of water with about 6 tablespoons of salt?A
A.It will float in the water.
C.Nothing will happen.
B.It will sink to the bottom.
D.The result is not known.
23.Why can the egg float in the water according to the passage?C
A.Because ordinary tap water is denser than salt water.
B.Because ordinary tap water is as dense as salt water.
C.Because'the denser the liquid is,the easier it is for an object to float in it.
D.Because the more the liquid there is,the easier it is for an object to float in it.
16.Lakeway Middle School Now Has Its Own School Store!
The Lion's Den
Stop by the Lion's Den before or after school or during lunch to check out the various goods available at our new school store.Here you can find school supplies,gym uniforms and gifts.Choir(合唱团) students manage the store and are ready to serve you.Money raised from sales will help purchase new music,costumes,and sound equipment for the choir.
Location:Room 2258,next to the dining hall
Hours:Monday-Friday 7:30-8:00 A.M.,11:30 A.M.-1:30 P.M.,and 3:30-4:15 P.M.
Everything you need for school is available at the Lion's Den.Come in today to see for yourself!
Used Book Donations
Donations of used books are welcome and rewarded.Drop off your used book donations in the store.For every five books donated,receive a Lions Reward Coin good for 25cents off your next purchase at the Lion's Den.
Save and Win
Bring the following coupons(优惠券) in when you visit the Lion's Den.You can save 20% off your first purchase,receive a free pen or pencil,and enter your name and grade in a drawing to win a T-shirt.Scan the QR code,and you can get more discount information.

56.The Lion's Den raises money toB.
A.buy books       
B.help school choir
C.support the poor    
D.build a new school
57.If you donate five used books,you can getA.
A.a Lions Reward Coin
B.20% off
C.more discount information
D.a free pencil or pen
58.Your personal information is needed toC.
A.get the membership       
B.join the school choir
C.win a T-shirt      
D.scan the QR code
59.We can probably read this passage fromD.
A.a textbook    
B.a travel guide
C.a science magazine    
D.a school website.
    Wood-block printing first appeared in the early Tang period.During the Song dynasty,the technique of block printing was very advanced.Books were (61)beautifully(beautiful) printed.Even today the books (62)printed (print) at the time are valuable and treasured by libraries and book collectors.
    However,block printing (63)was (be) not very convenient.Every two pages of a book had to be carved on a wood block,and a big book would require many blocks.Besides,there had to be large places for storing the books.(64)To overcome (overcome) these shortcomings,Bi Sheng invented the movable type during the years between 1041and 1048.One word was carved on one piece of clay,(65)which was hardened with fire.Then clay characters were set on (66)aniron plate according to the text of a book.Then ink was applied to them and (67)sheets(sheet) of paper spread over them,and the printing was done.Bi Sheng's invention made printing faster and easier (68)than before.Later,movable type of metal and wood was made and widely used.
The technique of printing was gradually known to other Asian countries and Europe.The great influence printing had (69)onthe advance of civilization is too clear to need any (70)explanation(explain).

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