
【题目】 Smooth balls of ice rolled ashore on a beach in Finland and piled up like a huge bunch of turtles' eggs. But where did these “ice eggs” come from?

Amateur photographer Risto Mattila stumbled upon the strange sight while walking with his wife on Hailuoto Island. The temperature remained around minus 1degree Celsius that day, he said, and the wind blew quickly across the beach. “There we found this amazing phenomenon. There was snow and ice eggs along the beach near the water line”.

The “ice eggs” littered an area the length of about one-quarter of a football field and ranged in size from that of an average chicken egg to that of a powerful soccer ball. Mattila took a photo, noting that he had “never seen anything like this during 25 years around here.” Others came upon the ice eggs, too. “I've never seen this before. The whole beach was almost full of these ice balls,” said Tarja Terentjeff, who lives in the nearby town of Oulu. Another local, Sirpa Tero, told CNN she’d seen snowballs line the shoreline before, but not over such a large area.

“Although it happens once in a blue moon, these ice eggs form similarly to sea glass or rounded stones that wash up on the beach.” said BBC Weather expert George Goodfellow. Chunks() of ice break off from larger ice sheets in the sea and either slide to shore on the incoming tide or get pushed in by strong spells of wind at the water' s surface, he explained. Waves buffet(冲击) the ice chunks as they travel, slowly eroding their rough edges into smooth curves. Seawater sticks and freezes to the forming eggs, causing them to grow like snowballs do as they roll across the ground, leaving behind nothing but smooth and shiny “eggs” for curious tourists to happen upon.

1The underlined phrase “stumbled upon” in Paragraph 2 can be best replaced by_ _

A.pulled throughB.survived from

C.ran acrossD.took notes of

2What can we know from Paragraph 3?

A.It was a very unusual phenomenon.B.Ice eggs gathered in a football field.

C.Only a quarter of the area was stricken.D.The beach was completely ice-covered.

3According to Goodfellow, how did the “ice eggs” come into being?

A.By means of sea water buffeting the wood chunks.

B.On the basis of the strong force of the cold wind.

C.By way of the special location and cold weather.

D.Through a rare combination of weather and waves.

4What does the text mainly talk about?

A.An extraordinary trip of “ice eggs”.B.The power of wind and seawater.

C.A strange weather-based occurrence.D.How snowball affected the shoreline.







这是一篇新闻报道。主要报道了光滑的冰球滚到芬兰的海滩上,像一大堆海龟蛋一样堆积起来,业余摄影师Risto Mattila和妻子在Hailuoto岛散步时偶然发现了“冰蛋”这一不同寻常的现象,文章还说明了“冰蛋”形成的原因。

1词义猜测题。根据后文the strange sight while walking with his wife on Hailuoto Island.可知业余摄影师Risto Mattila是在和妻子在Hailuoto岛散步时偶然发现了这一奇怪的景象。故划线短语意思为“偶然遇到”。故选C

2推理判断题。根据第三段中I've never seen this before.(我以前从未见过这种情况)以及Another local, Sirpa Tero, told CNN she’d seen snowballs line the shoreline before, but not over such a large area.可知另一位当地人Sirpa Tero告诉CNN,她以前看到过雪团在海岸线上排列,但没有看到过这么大的区域。由此可推知,这是一个非常不寻常的现象。故选A

3细节理解题。根据第四段中Chunks of ice break off from larger ice sheets in the sea and either slide to shore on the incoming tide or get pushed in by strong spells of wind at the water' s surface, he explained. Waves buffet the ice chunks as they travel, slowly eroding their rough edges into smooth curves. Seawater sticks and freezes to the forming eggs, causing them to grow like snowballs do as they roll across the ground…可知他解释说,大块的冰块从海上更大的冰原上脱落,要么随着潮汐滑向岸边,要么受到海面强风的推挤。海浪冲击着它们移动的冰块,慢慢地将它们粗糙的边缘侵蚀成光滑的曲线。海水会粘在正在形成的卵上并冻结,导致它们像雪球一样在地面上滚动……由此可推知,根据Goodfellow的说法,“冰蛋”是在特殊的天气和海水的共同作用下形成的。故选D

4主旨大意。根据第一段Smooth balls of ice rolled ashore on a beach in Finland and piled up like a huge bunch of turtles' eggs. But where did these “ice eggs” come from?可知光滑的冰球滚到芬兰的海滩上,像一大堆海龟蛋一样堆积起来。但是这些“冰蛋”是从哪里来的呢?业余摄影师Risto Mattila和妻子在Hailuoto岛散步时偶然发现了“冰蛋”这一不同寻常的天气现象,文章还说明了“冰蛋”形成的原因。所以短文主要是关于奇怪的天气现象。故选C


定义猜词,可以根据定义信息和举例猜测词义。如文中常用refer to, be calledthat's to say, such as等。

逻辑猜词可以根据同义词、反义词、因果关系词等猜测词义,例如,similarly, the same as, but, however, while, on the other hand, since ,because等,所猜词与这些提示词前/后面部分的含义一样、相反或是前因后果。




如第一小题,根据后文the strange sight while walking with his wife on Hailuoto Island.可知业余摄影师Risto Mattila是在和妻子在Hailuoto岛散步时偶然发现了这一奇怪的景象。故划线短语意思为“偶然遇到”。故选C


【题目】 You may feel pressured to plan out your whole life before you start applying to colleges. 1Though some people have well-focused career goals early in life, others don't — and they still find their way to the right job. Staying flexible when it comes to thinking about your future may be the right choice for you.

The world changes.

Webmasters didn't exist a generation ago. The world changes so fast that new careers appear all the time, while others become less common. 2

There’s no one perfect career.

When choosing a career, you'll try to match your skills and interests with work in certain areas. 3 Even jobs sounding ideal will probably involve some things you dislike. But many jobs will suit you and allow you to use your talents.

You can only plan so far ahead.

4 That's because as important as planning and research are, chance still plays a role. Keep an open mind, learn to tolerate some degree of uncertainty and watch for opportunity.


Many people feel pulled to a job that's familiar, popular or profitable. In the long run, however, people are generally happier and more successful if they choose a career that matches their interests and strengths. Take the time to develop your interests and then look for a career that will satisfy and fulfill you.

A.Satisfaction is key.

B.There won't be one perfect match.

C.But most people have ever experienced the stress.

D.Your feelings about what you want to do may be unclear.

E.Change your mind if you can’t find a suitable job at present.

F.Did you ever hear someone say something like, “I fell into my career”?

G.Pay attention both to the changes in your interests and to developments in the career world.

【题目】 Los Angeles is always a popular holiday destination. To fully enjoy your travel there, you should know its food, weather, and also traffic. While driving in L. A. is similar to that in other areas, there are a few specific rules to note.

HOV lanes (车道)

On many L. A. freeways, one or more lanes at the far left are used as high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. They usually have limited access and you can only enter or exit where there is a break in the double yellow line. Most HOV lanes require a minimum of two people in the car; some require three. Vehicles towing trailers (拖车) are NOT allowed in the HOV lane, regardless of how many people are in them.

Toll (收费) lanes

On certain freeways, the HOV lanes are double-purposed as toll lanes for people driving alone who have a FasTrak, an electronic toll collection system. Therefore, you also have to have one in that lane as a HOV, which is inconvenient if you’re just visiting. FasTrak is in effect on parts of the 110 freeway between the 405 and 10 freeways, and on parts of the 10 freeway east of Downtown L. A.

Cell phones

It is against the law to talk on a cell phone while driving without using a hands-free device. Holding a cell phone to your ear while driving will land you with a ticket.


Driving under the influence is taken seriously in L.A. The legal blood alcohol limit is 0.08%, but you can be charged with lower levels if they show you can’t function normally. Placing an opened bottle of alcohol in the passenger area while driving (or sitting) is illegal. Any opened container of alcohol has to be transported in the trunk.

1What do you know about HOV lanes?

A.They encourage people to share cars.

B.They are on the far right of freeways.

C.They are intended for larger vehicles.

D.They allow cars to enter over the double yellow line.

2Which is surely against the road rules in L. A.?

A.Driving on the 110 freeway with a FasTrak.

B.Putting the cell phone in the car while driving.

C.Riding with an opened bottle of alcohol in back seats.

D.Going below the blood alcohol limit of 0. 08%.

3Where is the text most probably taken from?

A.A traffic law.B.A road map.

C.A guidebook.D.A report.

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