
【题目】That day we set off early ___ good seats.

A. so that get

B. so as to getting

C. so as to get

D. in order that get


【解析】句意为“我们那天很早就出发了,为了可以得到好座位。”考查了so as to表示“为了……”之意的用法,后面接动词原形。






【1】对下列加点词语的解释不正确的一项是( )

A.越国以鄙远 越国:国名

B.且于楚也 贰:从属二主

C.唯君 图:考虑,谋划

D.失其所与,不 知:同

2下列各句中与顾不如蜀鄙之僧哉中的的意义相同的一项是( )





3下列各句中加点的词语与现代汉语意思相同的一项是( )





4下列各句中与何厌之有句式不同的一项是( )

A.吾谁与归 B.忌不自信

C.客之美我者 D.何罪之有

5全部属于烛之武劝说秦伯退兵理由的一项是( )







A.①③⑤ B.②④⑤

C.①②④ D.②③⑥

6下列对文段内容的解说不正确的一项是( )





【题目】For hundreds of years printing was difficult andvery slow. As more people learned to read, peoplewanted to find a quicker, better, and less expensiveway to print books. One of these people was Johann

Gutenberg, who was born in Mainz, Germany, around 1400.

Gutenberg was an intelligent man, and he wasgood at working with metal. His idea was to make ametal stamp for each letter of the alphabet(字母表)and use the letters over and over. He could put the

stamps together to make words and arrange(排列)thewords to make pages. With ink on the stamps, hecould press paper on them to make a page. This kindof printing press (印刷机) could make hundreds of copies of a single page quickly. After one page wasfinished, he could rearrange the same letters to makeother words and print other pages.

It took Gutenberg many years to make stampsfor each letter of the alphabet. When he finished thestamps, he didn't have enough money to make theprinting press. He borrowed money from a mannamed Johann Fust. They became business partners.After many years, Gutenberg's printing press was ready. Gutenberg printed his first book, the Bible,around 1455.

Johann Fust was a clever businessman. Heunderstood the value of Gutenberg's invention. Hetook Gutenberg to court (法院) because Gutenbergcouldn't pay back the money. Gutenberg had nomoney, so Fust took his printing press and started hisown business. He printed and sold more Bibles andkept all the money. Gutenberg was sad and diedin1468,a poor man.

Today people still remember Johann Gutenberg.The city of Mainz has a statue(雕像) of him and hisoriginal printing press is kept in a museum.

【1】 Paragraph 2 mainly tells us ____________.

A. the disadvantages of the old printing press

B. how Gutenberg's printing press worked

C. why Gutenberg decided to invent a printing press

D. how to arrange the words to make pages

【2】 According to the passage, Gutenberg ________.

A. had a hobby of collecting stamps

B. Learned printing from Johann Fust

C. printed only one copy of the Bible

D. spent many years inventing his printing press

【3】 It can be learned from the passage that _________.

A. Gutenberg lost his invention because he couldn't pay back the money

B. Gutenberg was a successful businessman and made a lot of money

C. Fust and Gutenberg always trusted each other

D. Fust thought Gutenberg's invention was useless

【4】 Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Fust lent money to Gutenberg because Gutenberg's printing press was ready.

B. The Bible is the first book that Gutenberg printed.

C. Gutenberg died in his eighties, sad and poor.

D. In order to remember Fust, his statue was built in Mainz, Germany.

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