


My name is Billy Smith. I’m 50 years old this year. I was about 440 pounds two years ago. ____【1】____(fortunate), I managed to lose weight.

I began to gain weight when my mom developed Parkinson’s disease in 1994. I soon became her caregiver, and continued to provide her __ 2____ care for over 10 years. But when the pressure of taking care of my mother and ___3____(keep) my job got too much for me, I began to skip meals and feed on fast food. I gained weight quickly.

My huge weight gain caused me to develop high blood pressure. I also had __4___(difficult) in breathing at times. In 2014 I went to see my doctor, ___5_ told me that I would die within two years if I didn’t lose weight. This wasn’t what I expected. I wanted to see my young son grow up, and I knew it was time to make a change.

I started to eat healthy food and work out in the gym. Finally, I ____6__(succeed) in losing weight. Now I weigh just 260 pounds. I had never been to my son’s Parents’ Meeting __7___ I was so ashamed and __8___(scare) that my weight would lead to him being laughed at. Now , __9___(look) normal, I can do the things I have never been able to do, ____【10____should have done as his father.













【1】Fortunately 在英语中副词通常做状语修饰形容词、副词或动词,形容词通常做定语或表语修饰名词。所以本句中使用副词fortunately做状语修饰后面整个句子。

【2】with 考查固定搭配。动词短语provide sb with sth提供某人某物;我很快就成为她的护理人员,我继续向她提供护理服务10多年的时间。

【3】keeping 考查动名词。本句中动名词短语keeping my job与前半句中的taking care of my mother是并列结构,都作为介词of的宾语。

【4】difficulty 考查名词。横线前面有动词have,说明横线应该使用名词difficulty做它的宾语,构成句式have some difficulty in doing sth做某事有困难。

【5】who 考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是my doctor,关系代词who指代先行词在句中做主语,引导定语从句,不能省略。

【6】succeeded 考查时态。本文全文都叙述过去发生的事情,都使用一般过去时,所以本句使用过去式succeeded。

【7】because 考查连词。句意:我从来没有参加过儿子的家长会,因为我很不好意思担心我的体重会让他收到嘲笑。根据句意可知上下文之间是因果关系,所以使用because引导原因状语从句。

【8】scared 考查形容词。本句中形容词ashamed与scared构成并列关系,后面的从句“that my weight would lead to him being laughed at”作为形容词scared的宾语。

【9】looking 考查非谓语动词。本句中动词短语look normal与句子主语I构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词短语looking normal在句中做状语。

【10】but 考查连词。句意:现在看起来很自信,我能够做我从来没有做过的,但却是他的父亲做的事情。上下文之间为转折关系,所以使用连词but引导。



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项 (A、B、CD) 中,选出最佳选项。

Early Native American groups lived in different cultural areas. Their environments had 1 resources. Each group made particular products or developed certain skills, based on their own 2 . As they perfected their skills, 3 exciting began to happen. For the first time in their history, they had more things than they 4 .

They wouldn’t let their products go to 5 , of course. When Native American groups began to communicate with each other, they began to 6 things with others. The 7 they traded goods and services without using any form of money was called bartering(以物易物). Thanks to bartering, people began to enjoy a better 8 of life. To barter with others meant that work became much 9 . No one group had to work as hard as before to make or find everything they needed for survival.

Native American groups would often travel long distances for the chance to 10 with each other. In between trading times, they would 11 or collect extra products. They kept them especially for the 12 of bartering with other native groups at their trade meetings.

Another 13 of trading between cultural areas was that people could enjoy products that were 14 to make with the resources in their own 15 . For example, people from the Desert Southwest area 16 tools made from whalebone(鲸骨). There was no whalebone available in the 17 . However, they could get it fromthe natives living in the Pacific Northwest area.

Some people 18 use bartering today to get things they need. You might 19 to do the dishes for your brother if he will take you to the movies. Especially in hard economic 20 people return to the age-old way of getting things they need.

【1】A. strange B. ordinary C. similar D. different

【2】A. skills B. interests C. resources D. customs

【3】A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

【4】A. found B. collected C. needed D. sold

【5】A. market B. town C. waste D. charity

【6】A. buy B. share C. produce D. save

【7】A. way B. idea C. plan D. study

【8】A. variety B. habit C. quantity D. quality

【9】A. harder B. dirtier C. easier D. nicer

【10】A. greet B. trade C. work D. play

【11】A. use B. create C. send D. advertise

【12】A. goal B. value C. purpose D. point

【13】A. choice B. trouble C. benefit D. pleasure

【14】A. illegal B. necessary C. impossible D. natural

【15】A. desert B. trade C. group D. area

【16】A. designed B. wanted C. discovered D. invented

【17】A. water B. sea C. desert D. land

【18】A. yet B. still C. even D. never

【19】A. fear B. earn C. offer D. refuse

【20】A. developments B. changes C. disadvantages D. times


Everyone wants to be happy, but not everyone can make it. Do you want to have a good mood every day? If so, the following steps will be useful to you.

Be grateful.

1 They can be simple things like the purple flower on the sidewalk, the beautiful sunset, and the hot shower you take every day. When you have a grateful heart, you’11 cherish them and be naturally filled with happiness.


When you put your mind, heart and soul into what you’re doing, you’re creating a happiness state—called the “flow”. When you’re living in the flow, you’re less likely to mind what others may think about you, and less bothered by unimportant things. The result? More happiness, of course!

Become a problem solver.

Happy people are problem solvers. 3 Instead, they face up to the challenge and channel their energies into finding a creative solution. By becoming a problem solver, you’ll build up your self-confidence and your ability to accomplish whatever you determine to do.

Practice forgiveness.

Hatred and anger are forms of self-punishment. When you forgive, you’re actually practicing kindness to yourself. 4 Everyone makes mistakes. It’s through our mistakes that we learn and grow to become a bigger and better person.

Give back.

Doing good is one of the surest ways to feel good. According to Harvard, when people do good, their brains become active in the very same reward center that is stimulated when they experience other rewards. 5

A. Go with the flow.

B. Focus/span> on what you are doing.

C. And most importantly, learn to forgive yourself.

D. When they face a challenge in life, they don’t fall into a sad state.

E. When they meet with difficulties, they will solve them on their own.

F. So It’s not a surprise that people who care more about others are happier.

G. Slow down, look around, and pay attention to the little details in your life.


“Who can ever have imagined that someone like me would make it this far?” asked Chad Wood last week during his high school graduation speech as the best student. Chad offered 1 to his fellow classmates to never give upand the words 2 much more to himself. That’s because Chad is deaf, and he told the story of the serious troubles he 3 to graduate first in his class at Harrison High school in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Chad didn’t start to 4 until he was 5, according to his mother, Pam Wood. Although her son was 5 a disadvantage, she was determined not to treat him 6 .“I’ve expected him to do everything every other kid does, and I saw no 7 why he couldn’t,” she told ABC News. “And if he 8 the first time, we just tried again.”

Chad, 17, worked hard throughout school, 9 no special treatment but sitting at the front of the class and using a special audio system so he could hear the teacher. All his hard work 10 . He received full school fare to Vanderbilt University. “Deafness had taught me a lesson to never 11 ,” he said in the speech. ”Not when the experts tell you it cannot be done. Not when you have 12 so far behind that escaping seems the only way 13 . Not when achieving your dreams seems an entire 14 .”

Chad spoke for about four minutes, after which he received a standing applause from the class and 15 messages from family, friends and strangers. “They’ve been sending me messages on Facebook, email; they’ve been talking to me in person telling me how it had a 16 on their lives and how they’re really 17 by it,” Chad told ABC News. “It feels 18 . Seeing that my words 19 have a power on someone and that they want to work harder 20 my words makes me feel wonderful.”

【1】 A. warning B. description C. advice D. information

【2】 A. analysed B. meant C. recognized D. persuaded

【3】 A. needed B. faced C. consisted D. foresaw

【4】 A. cry B. write C. smell D. hear

【5】 A. at B. for C. under D. by

【6】 A. deadly B. kindly C. differently D. similarly

【7】 A. harm B. reason C. trouble D. conclusion

【8】 A. failed B. organized C. succeed D. blamed

【9】 A. receive B. receiving C. to receive D. received

【10】 A. set off B. dropped off C. took off D. paid off

【11】 A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give away

【12】 A. waited B. walked C. fallen D. gone

【13】 A. up B. off C. in D. out

【14】 A. impossibility B. success C. victory D. possibility

【15】 A. scientific B. negative C. supportive D. cautious

【16】 A. reward B. power C. source D. detail

【17】 A. defeated B. exposed C. educated D. puzzled

【18】 A. unwilling B. amazing C. shocking D. embarrassing

【19】 A. actually B. suddenly C. strangely D. extremely

【20】 A. apart from B. according to C. instead of D. because of



Healthy Sleep Tips

Keep a regular bed and wake time schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night. ___【1】__ Try not to break this rule on weekends when it may be easy to stay up late. As with your bedtime, try to keep your regular wake time even on weekends.

___3___ When its time to sleep, make sure that your environment is dark. Heavy curtains or shades can help block light from windows, or you can try an eye mask to cover your eyes. A bedroom that is too hot or too cold can also influence sleep quality.

Turn off your TV. Many people use the television to fall asleep or relax at the end of the day. ___3__ However, television actually makes the mind excited, rather than relaxing it.

__4__ Exercise helps promote restful sleep if it is done several hours before you go to bed. Exercise can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. Try to finish exercising at least three hours before bed or work out earlier in the day.

Ask your doctor for advice. Use a sleep diary and talk to your doctor. Note what type of sleep problem is affecting your sleep. Try these tips and record your sleep and sleeprelated activities in a sleep diary. ___5__

A. Exercise at the right time.

B. Change your sleeping position.

C. Keep your room dark and cool.

D. Choose a time when you normally feel tired.

E. You may even have a television in your bedroom.

F. If problems continue, discuss the sleep diary with your doctor.

G. Sleeping well is important for keeping our mind and body healthy.

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