

【1】When did the speaker first see the film?

A.Last night.

B.At the age of 20.

C. At the age of 9.

【2】Why did the speaker think it was a good film for the girls?

A.Because she liked it at their age.

B.Because it was a story about animals.

C.Because it was a funny story.

【3】What is the video about?

A.Romeo and Juliet.

B.A love story between two dogs.

C.Different lives of two dogs.






I saw a really good video last night when I was taking care of the kids.My sister asked me to look after my two nieces for a couple of hours while she went to the doctor’s.They’re both nine years old,they’re twins.I was a bit tired but I know they love watching films,so on my way to the house I went to the video shop and rented a Disney classic.I’d seen it myself 20 years ago when I was their age,so I was sure they’d enjoy it,and I was right.My nieces love dogs and as the film is about two dogs who fall in love,they sat in front of the TV for over an hour without moving! It’s a complicated love story because one of the dogs lives in the rich part of town and is very carefully looked after and has everything a dog could want,but the other is a street dog who lives on the poor side of town and has nothing.

So it’s a bit like Romeo and Juliet! But of course it’s a Disney film,so although there are some sad moments when we all cried,there’s a happy ending.Everybody who’s seen the film always remembers the scene when the two dogs are eating a plate of spaghetti which ends in a kiss!


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