




【解析】 解答本题要注意题干中的关键词:构图要素 寓意。再结合题干中的新疆举办的第十三届全国冬运会的会徽这一背景,寓意就应该容易理解了。




Friendships are very important to teenagers. Friendships provide teenagers with chances to develop social skills. Teenagers can learn how to end a fight and still remain friends. Friends provide fun and excitement for teenagers through games. Friends also give advice to one another. Teenagers talk through lots of problems with their friends. Friendships also provide help during times of difficulty. It is helpful for teenagers to have a friend who is going through the same situations.

What happens when youth don’t have friends? Teenagers without friends are usually more lonely and unhappy. They will have lower levels of grades and lower confidence. As they get older, they are more apt to drop out of school.

As kids move into their teenager years, friends and friendships play an important role in teenager life as a way of getting personal enjoyment and social learning.

Most teenagers will have friends who parents either like or dislike. However, it is important to keep in mind that one way teenagers can truly learn how to choose and keep friends is through personal experience, which is sure to have some mistakes. Parents should not be too hard on teenagers when they choose friends who are not good enough or when their friendship fails. Remember, every social experience helps teenagers to learn about different people and improve social skills.

As parents, it is important to encourage friendships among teenagers. However, it is important to know who your teenager’s friends are and to communicate openly about changes in friendships with your teenagers.

【1】How many advantages of friends and friendship are mentioned in the first paragraph?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.

【2】What does the underlined sentence probably mean?

A. They get better grades and leave school earlier.

B. They have a lower chance of leaving school earlier.

C. They have a higher chance of leaving school earlier.

D. They are good at dealing with social problems after school.

【3】Who are the most possible readers of the passage?

A. Teachers. B. Teenagers. C. Researchers. D. Parents.

【4】What is the best title for the passage?

A. Friendship May Be Dangerous

B. Friendship Is Important to Teenagers

C. Parents Should Choose Friends for Their Children

D. Parents’ Advice Is Important to Teenagers’ Friendship



He wishes the holiday season would end already. His back aches, his red suit feels like a spacesuit, his cheeks have gone tight from smiling for 12 hours—and still the kids keep coming and coming, like ants at a picnic. As Christmas becomes more commercialized (商业化) across the U. S. and Canada, so must Santa Claus. As the holiday begins earlier each year, so must its spokesmen.

The questions from children these days are harder than ever. Now, with thousands of children expecting a father or mother serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, the questions are as heartbreaking as they are unanswerable. For example, “Can you please bring Daddy home from the war in time for Christmas morning?”

Santa Claus; also have a pretty good chance of getting sued (指控). A professional Santa Claus in Canada told a story: A Santa had a girl on his knee, and he commented, “You have nice eyes and nice hair.” The girl later said it was sexual harassment (骚扰). When a Santa feels anxious, he often shows it in the same ways ordinary people do. The Santa Claus were always seen to hang around at the dinner table when the show ended. Many of them just sleep in bed for several days and don't see other children again.

【1】In the first paragraph,“spokesmen” refers to ______.


B.political leaders

C.organizers of the activities

D.Santa Clauses

【2】The passage implies that the job of Santa Claus is ________.

A.well-paid Bvery hard

C.worth doing D.dangerous

【3】According to the third paragraph, Santa Claus may sometimes be blamed for ________.

A.doing something against the law

B.hanging around the dinner table

C.being lazy and sleeping in bed for days

D.not playing their roles as expected

【4】What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Christmas: Not a Good Festival for Santa Claus

B.What Does Santa Claus Do for Children?

C.Is Santa Claus Really Alive?

D.A Christmas Story


阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。

In addition to seeing wonderful films, one of the joys of coming to the Quad Cinema is to hang out in the area. The Quad is located right in the heart of Greenwich Village, perhaps the most charming and interesting neighborhood in the city. Here are some attractions we suggest, all within a comfortable walk from the Quad.

Washington Square

As one of the best-known of New York City’s 1,900 public parks, it is a landmark (地标) in the Manhattan neighborhood of Greenwich Village, as well as a meeting place and center for cultural activity. Come on a Sunday when it’s most lively.

New York University

It surrounds Washington Square. See the impressive Bobst Library and visit the amazing bookstore. NYU is now considered one of the most powerful universities in the world.

Judson Memorial Church

Located on Washington Square south between Thompson Street and Sullivan Street, opposite Washington Square Park, this beautiful church was completed in 1892. The Judson is most famous for its vocal (声乐) participation in social events.

Washington Mews

It is a hidden, private street in New York City between Fifth Avenue and University Place just north of Washington Square Park. It was first developed as rows of stables (马厩) that serviced horses from homes in the area. Since the 1950s the former stables have served as housing, offices and other sets for New York University.

Jefferson Market Courthouse

It was built in 1833 a a market, and in the 1950s it was emptied and close to being destroyed. It was saved and turned into a library. Many consider it to be the most beautiful building in the village.

【1】What does the author want to tell in the passage?

A. To introduce some attractions near the Quad Cinema.

B. To suggest the Quad Cinema is the best place.

C. To show the Quad attracts a lot of visitors.

D. To tell readers to enjoy their life fully.

【2】The author mentions Washington Square because ________.

A. it is in the center of Greenwich Village

B. it has a history of more than 100 years

C. it has witnessed so many incidents

D. it is a landmark in the Manhattan neighborhood

3Where is Judson Memorial Church?

A. To the south of Washington Square.

B. Behind Washington Square Park.

C. Opposite Thompson Street.

D. Close to New York University.

【4】When Washington Mews came into being, ________.

A. it was designed for a university

B. it was intended for feeding horses

C. it was filled with free sets

D. it was a market for selling horses



For 80 years, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has kicked off the holiday season with glorious bands, balloons and floats (花车),and for one day, it has transformed New York City into a living comic book.

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is an annual parade presented by Macy's Department Store. It was first held in 1924. It was organized by Macy's employees, most of whom were first generation immigrants(移民),who wanted to celebrate holidays like they did in Europe. The employees dressed in costumes(盛装)and marched on the streets with floats, bands and live animals borrowed from a zoo.

With an audience of over a quarter of a million people, the parade was such a success that Macy's declared it would become an annual event.

In 1927 Felix, the Cat became the first parade balloon to float over the city. Large animal shaped balloons replaced the live animals from then on. These giant signature(特有的)balloons are by far the biggest attraction of the parade. Each year sees parade balloons adding new characters from comic strip characters to timeless toys.

One tradition long gone is the releasing of the balloons after the parade. They would float for days and the lucky finder or finders could claim a cash reward if he or she returned the balloon or its remains to Macy's.

The parade has gone on every year except during World War when, aside from not having much to cheer about, the helium(氦气)air and rubber used for the balloons were needed for the war effort.

When the parade returned in 1945,it was televised in New York for the first time and also traveled its current route for the first time.

Nowadays, more than 10,000 people participate in the parade and the National Broadcasting Company(NBC) will nationwide broadcast it live from 9 a.m. to noon. The NBC has even earned several Emmy Awards for this program.

As always, the parade will end with a visit from Santa Claus. The joyful old man will get settled in Macy's Department Store after the parade to start a month long search for who's been naughty and who's been nice.

【1】The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade originated from the fact________.

A.the first European immigrants showed thanks to the Indians for their help

B.Macy's Department Store hoped to thank its employees for their devotion

C.the first European immigrants showed their traditional celebration of holidays

D.the employees of Macy's Department Store showed thanks to the store

【2】The parade wasn't held once. The reason is that________.

A.people had to do other more important things that time

B.it was forbidden by the government that time

C.people couldn't afford the expensive parade that time

D.a great misfortune prevented it from going on that time

【3】According to the text, the following are true EXCEPT that________.

A.about two hundred and fifty thousand people participated in the first parade

B.large animal shaped balloons are one of the attractions in the parade

C.the visit from Santa Claus marks the end of the parade

D.the television's live broadcast makes the parade more popular

【4】The underlined word “kicked off” in the first paragraph means“________”.

A.put off B.opened up

C.dropped out D.turned into


To support and recognize the efforts of parents in bringing up their children, the Parents’ Day had began in USA. Parents’ Day actually gives an opportunity to the parents, their children and all the family members to gather at one place for celebrations. National Parents’ Day is important for all the children of the United States to show their love towards their parents. Apart from organizing a party and arrange some lovely activities, the children get the much required chance to gift cards and flowers to their parents.

5th May is the Children’s Day and 8th May is the Parents’ Day in South Korea. Therefore, it’s a very special month in South Korea. Actually celebrated as Mother’s Day, 8th May, gives the opportunity to the large mass of Korea to show respect and celebrate the efforts of their parents. Flowers are given to their parents. A quality time is spent together for conveying(传递) a message of love and expressing thankfulness to the parents.

Vietnam has a special day which is known as the Parents’ Day. Children grab the opportunity with both hands on 7th July every year to show love to their parents. It’s a day to show how special parents are to their own children. Parents and children enjoy the time as they gather at a place for taking part in different lovely activities. It’s a time to be happy. Parents get the opportunity to go out for the lunch and dinner along with their children. It’s, however, not a National Holiday in Vietnam but it’s a time for the Vietnamese to gift flowers and cards to parents.

The date of the Parents’ Day is different in different countries but purpose of celebrating the day is the same all over the world.

【1】According to the first paragraph, we can learn Parents’ Day ______.

A. has its origin in America

B. is only celebrated by the parents

C. gives an opportunity to the parents to have a rest

D. takes place on the same day as the Children’s day

【2】 Why is May a very special month in South Korea?

A. The parents can stay at home with their kids.

B. Kids receive many flowers from their parents.

C. There are two important days during this month.

D. Every family can get together happily on the weekends.

【3】What is the date of the Parents’ Day in Vietnam?

A. On 1st January..

B. On 5th May.

C. On 8th May.

D. On 7th July.





A扶辇下,触柱折辕 除:台阶。

B推堕驸马河中溺死,宦骑 亡:死亡。

C单于闻陵与子卿 素:一向。

D加以老母保宫 系:拘押。


A,单于使陵至海上 空自苦亡人

B前长君奉车 陛下所成就

C赐钱二百万 老母系保宫

D李陵俱为侍中 单于闻陵子卿素厚








A①④⑤ B①③⑥ C②③⑤ D②④⑥













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