

【1】What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Mother and son.

C. Schoolmates.

【2】Why does the woman blame the man?

A. He didn't hand in his project on schedule.

B. His project was not what he was supposed to write.

C. He was not supposed to finish his project by copying.

【3】What will the man probably do next?

A. He will hand in his project right now.

B. He will probably write his own project.

C. He will report the woman to Mr. Harper.






W: Hi, David! Mr. Harper has just asked me if you'd finished your project yet. It was supposed to be handed in yesterday.

M: I know. I'm just finishing it now.

W: He wanted to know if we'd done them together.I said no. What's yours on? It took me ages to do mine.

M: Well, I was really lucky. I found this book all about the population in New Zealand cities.

W: Is it good?

M: Yes, it's a great book! I photocopied three chapters. There are some brilliant charts and...

W: What are you going to do with all that?

M: Well, now I'm going to copy these pages and these charts and then I'll finish my project!

W: You're not supposed to just copy the book.

M: Oh! I think Mr. Harper won't know.

W: He will know! He asked us to write a list of all the books we'd used. Remember? That's not the point anyway.

M: What is the point then?

W: Well, the point is that you're supposed to write your own project--you can't copy someone else's writing.

M: Er... er... Well, you're right. Thank you for your reminding me of that.


(1) 正确答案为C。根据二人谈论要交的作业可知,二人为同学关系。

(2) 正确答案为C。根据You're not supposed to just copy the book.你不应该只是抄袭书上的东西。可知,女子指责男子不应该抄袭来完成作业,因此C项正确。

(3) 正确答案为B。根据女子说you're supposed to write your own project--you can't copy someone else's writing.你应该完成自己的作业,不能只是抄袭别人的。以及男子回答Well, you're right. 嗯,你说的对。可知,接下来男子会自己完成自己的作业,因此B项正确。


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