
【题目】 When the sun began to rise, the sailors realized that the boat was blocked in ice. The captain had 【1】 asleep but the rest of the crew hurriedly woke him up. He took a small axe(斧), and 【2】 great care, so as to 【3】 a hole in the ice on the deck. He began to knock. From time to time a wave burst over the boat and swept over him but he kept working for ten minutes 【4】 the others looked on 【5】 . By this time he was 【6】 cold that he could no longer trust what he was doing.

Each member of the crew took it in 【7】 to cut the ice away as long as he could

【8】 it.

First, they had to knock off enough ice to get down on their 【9】 . Standing on that rolling deck meant 【10】 , because a man who had fallen into the sea could not have been rescued.

Then the captain discovered that ice was forming inside the cabin(船舱). He called 【11】 one of the crew and together they managed to get the stove alight, hoping that it would 【12】 enough heat to warm the cabin above 【13】 point. Unless the ice in the bottom could be melted enough so that the 【14】 could be raised, they were in 【15】 .

It took an hours 【16】 before the boat began to float better. But by this time they had succeeded in 【17】 most of the ice.

Throughout the afternoon, the coating of ice began to build up again 【18】 their work. In face of this danger, Captain Slater 【19】 the crew to clear the ice so that the boat would 【20】 until the next morning. Then they settled down to wait for another day.

A. gone B. fallen

C. become D. grown

A. at B. for

C. with D. by

A. make B. drill

C. dig D. fill

A. until B. before

C. after D. while

A. excitedly B. anxiously

C. happily D. strangely

A. too B. so

C. as D. very

A. surprise B. time

C. trouble D. turn

A. support B. help

C. bear D. put up

A. knees B. legs

C. feet D. arms

A. life B. pain

C. damage D. death

A. to B. on

C. up D. at

A. get out B. give off

C. get over D. give in

A. boiling B. marking

C. freezing D. melting

A. boat B. deck

C. sail D. back

A. ruins B. excitement

C. danger D. surprise

A. delay B. work

C. break D. play

A. piling B. getting

C. freezing D. removing

A. because of B. though

C. as long as D. in spite of

A. suggested B. made

C. demanded D. agreed

A. sink B. blow

C. float D. flow

【答案】【1】 B

【2】 C

【3】 A

【4】 D

【5】 B

【6】 B

【7】 D

【8】 C

【9】 A

【10】 D

【11】 A

【12】 B

【13】 C

【14】 A

【15】 C

【16】 B

【17】 D

【18】 D

【19】 C

【20】 C

【解析】【1】根据but the rest of the crew hurriedly woke him up.推测,船长睡着了。fall asleep睡着了。

【2】 with great care细心地,是固定搭配,在此作状语。

【3】 make a hole弄一个洞。drill指用钻去钻;dig指用铁锹去挖。船长用的工具是斧头,故选A。



【6】根据下文的that he could no longer trust what he was doing.可知,此处为sothat句型。

【7】 in turn依次,轮流。根据each member of the crew推知,众船员轮流干了起来。

【8】 bear忍受,表明大家在尽全力干,能干多长时间就干多长时间。put up后加上with,也可表示忍受



【11】 call to sb.大声叫某人;call on拜访(某人);call up打电话;call at拜访(某地)。四个词组中只有call to合乎语境。

【12】点上炉子是为了让炉子散发(give off)热量,保持船舱温暖。get out离开;get over克服;give in屈服。





【17】 remove去除,等于take away。

【18】 in spite of尽管,表示让步关系。

【19】 suggest,make和agree都不能接动词不定式作宾补。demand sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事。

【20】 float漂浮,清除冰的目的是使船不要下沉。


【题目】My dad's company used to provide rental accommodations for its employees. Usually the accommodations were in 【1】 building and we were on Level 4.

For two years, my dad had been trying his application for a 【2】 level house to make the 【3】 more easier for my mom who had __【4】__ complications(并发症) after her second operation. She was advised to have outdoor 【5】 but going up the stairs every day was 【6】 for her. As luck had it, my dad's ground level application was 【7】 . Hearing the good news, Mum and Dad were extremely 【8】 to move into the ground level accommodation in a separate building.

Without wasting time they did the big 【9】 the following Saturday and Mum's 【10】 was removed. The following Monday, when my dad was about to enter the house, he saw old lady and her old husband 【11】 to bring a wheelchair down the stairs. He was 【12】 and moved. When he ran quickly to 【13】 them, the old lady said, "Don't worry, son. We are used to it now .We have been doing the same thing for our 【14】 daughter during the past 15 years." Her kind and yet sad words 【15】 my dad in the heart.

The following Saturday, my mum and dad 【16】 the apartment with the old couple and they were back to Level 4 in their previous building.

My father was dead for twenty years, 【17】 it is still in my memory that every timethe old couple 【18】 my dad and me anywhere, they would just look at us with 【19】 in their tearful eyes and say to me, You have an angel for a father!and it brought tears of 【20】 to my eyes every time.

A. commercial B. multi-level

C. three-story D. historic

A. ground B. top

C. fourth D. higher

A. work B. treatment

C. climb D. visit

A. cured B. lessened

C. suffered D. treated

A. practice B. education

C. training D. exercise

A. confusing B. different

C. exciting D. difficult

A. approved B. delayed

C. rejected D. developed

A. serious B. eager

C. proud D. curious

A. job B. offer

C. return D. move

A. anxiety B. excitement

C. happiness D. illness

A. stopping B. waiting

C. learning D. struggling

A. satisfied B. shocked

C. interested D. encouraged

A. inform B. greet

C. help D. serve

A. disabled B. intelligent

C. lucky D. careless

A. inspired B. struck

C. broke D. disappointed

A. sold B. shared

C. compared D. exchanged

A. since B. for

C.but D. so

A. described B. met

C. reminded D. praised

A. appreciation B. sadness

C. regret D. envy

A. sorrow B admiration

C. pride D. guilt

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