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Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Dear Lucy,

I¡¯d like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly in our culture. We¡¯ll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. We¡¯ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 o¡¯clock in the afternoon. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we¡¯ll wait for you at the gate at 9 in the morning.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


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¡¾ÁÁµã˵Ã÷¡¿±¾ÎĽṹ½ô´Õ£¬²ã´Î·ÖÃ÷¡£We¡¯ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy.ÖÐÓÃÁËwhichÒýµ¼µÄ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äºÍ¾äʽspend time doing¡£´ËÍ⣬»¹ÓÐif´Ó¾äÒÔ¼°Ò»Ð©¶ÌÓïÈçinvite you to join us£¬for a visit to£¬make dumplingsµÈ¡£



When Alice was sixteen, I was the one who wanted to run away from home. It was to see the changes coming over her. She skipped school, and refused to communicate. I tried being firm, but it didn¡®t . I saw a dark future for my once sweet daughter.

One school day Alice returned home very late. With a quarrel in view. I was surprised to see Alice was .

¡°I hope I did the right thing, Mom,¡±¡°Alice said. I saw a cat, all bloody but alive. I it to the vet¡¯s(³èÎïÒ½Ôº), and was asked to make payment . As I couldn¡¯t reach anyone at the phone number on the cat¡¯s tag(±êÅÆ), I had to pay the bill.¡±

In the following days, the owner still couldn¡¯t be . Alice paid the vet to continue treatment. I grew : what if the family had simply left the cat behind?

A week went by. A woman called to speak to Alice.

¡°She is at school,¡± I said.

¡°You have a daughter,¡± she said, apparently in tears.

Her family had just returned from abroad, and got a (n) from the vet. Their cat was recovering, thanks to Alice¡¯s . ¡°We can¡¯t wait to hug Cuddles again,¡± she sobbed.

Upon her return home, Alice was filled with at the news. So was I. I learned through another woman¡¯s eyes that my daughter was still a good person despite her teenage years. Her warm heart would surely guide herspan> in the right direction.

¡¾1¡¿A. pleasant B. painful C. unwise D. inspiring

¡¾2¡¿A. remain B. match C. appear D. work

¡¾3¡¿A. annoyed B. amused C. worried D. interested

¡¾4¡¿A. carried B. followed C. returned D. guided

¡¾5¡¿A. monthly B. honestly C. generously D. immediately

¡¾6¡¿A. trusted B. contacted C. persuaded D. satisfied

¡¾7¡¿A. active B. rude C. anxious D. proud

¡¾8¡¿A. pretty B. grateful C. wonderful D. curious

¡¾9¡¿A. apology B. invitation C. message D. reply

¡¾10¡¿A. suggestion B. donation C. encouragement D. help

¡¾11¡¿A. love B. anger C. regret D. joy

¡¾12¡¿A. troubled B. long C. boring D. quiet




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