
【题目】Last year,I lived in Chile(智利) for half a year last year. I lived with a Chilean family and had to do the same things as any Chilean teenager. I had good days and bad days I didn't understand.

Chuquicamata, my host community, is a mining camp. When I arrived there,I was scared. It was so different from what I was used to. There were lots of dogs on the streets,and there was no downtown(商业区),few good streets,and little to do for fun. Rain was not seen very often, earthquakes and windstorms happened quite often.

I had studied Spanish for two and a half years and was always one of the best students in my class. But in my first week in Chile,I was not able to communicate and I needed a person to whom I could explain my shock.But I couldn't speak the thoughts in my head and there were so many. Most exchange students experience this like me.And I had to deal with all the difficulties on my own.

However, as time passé, everything changed. I began to forget words in English and started to dream in Spanish and love Chilean food. I got used to not buying expensive things for fun. Fun in Chuquicamata was being with people. I took math, physics, chemistry, biology, Spanish, art, and philosophy in school.

What I lost was nothing compared to what I acquired. I learned how to accept and to succeed in another culture. I now have a deeper understanding of both myself and others.

【1】 What is this passage mainly about?

A. Peoples life in Chile

B. The hard life of an exchange student

C. The writers life in Chile as an exchange student

D. What the writer learned in Chile as an exchange student

【2】 When the writer arrived at Chuquicamata, he/she most probably felt ___.

A. happy

B. excited

C. sad

D. angry

【3】 What does the underlined wordacquiredin the last paragraph mean?

A. Enjoyed

B. Learned

C. Did

D. Picked

【4】 According to the passage, which of the following facts about Chile is TRUE?

A. All people there speak English

B. It has a lot of rain all year round.

C. It has a lot of earthquakes and windstorms

D. Its people like shopping very much

【答案】【1】 C



【4】 C




【4】细节理解题。根据第二段的earthquakes and windstorms happened quite often可知C正确。


【题目】Stamp collecting is easy when you do it as a hobby. You dont have to spend a lot of money on it. Sometimes stamps can be got from many sources(来源) for free.

Getting Started

If you have no stamps at all, you might want to buy a packet of 500 or 1,000 different worldwide stamps from a hobby shop or stamp dealer to get stared. One good choice is eBay. Try entering phrases like worldwide stamps in the searching box. However, even if you want to specialize in collecting stamps, my advice is not to spend much money on stamps in the beginning. Start off collecting stamps from many source for free until you have collected enough stamps and had enough experience.

Sorting Stamps

Assume (假设) you have some stamps and they are in paper. Before you take them from the paper, you should sort the stamps for example, by country. This is because dealing with stamps is much easier when they are on paper. When you take them off the paper, they become easy to bend, crease and tear easily.

Trimming (修剪) Stamps

Never try to take a stamp off its paper backing by pulling at it, even if it appears to be loose enough to do so. First, trim the paper around the stamp with a pair of sharp scissors making sure not to cut off the edge of the stamps. I suggest that youd better leave a quarter inch safety area from the edge of the stamp when you trim the paper before you are good at doing it.

【1】 This passage is written for people who .

A. have no money to collect stamps

B. want to sell their stamps

C. want to collect stamps

D. dont know how to sort stamps

【2】 The writer didn’t mention collecting stamps from a .

A. hobby shop B. shopping website C. post office D.stamp dealer

【3】 According to the writer, at the very beginning, stamp-collecting beginners shouldnt .

collect common stamps

borrow some stamps from their friends

act as an inexperienced collector

spend a lot of money in buying stamps

【4】 What does the writer suggest not do when trimming stamps?

A. Pulling at them to take them off the paper backing when they look loose.

B. Trim the paper around the stamps with a pair of sharp scissors.

C. Leave a quarter inch safety area from the edge of the stamp.

D. Make sure not to cut off the edge of the stamps.

【题目】Gregory Anderson, a specialist on endangered languages, once said, "Language is in many ways a window to the mind. What these languages contain are all kinds of ways that we organize the world. Languages reflect a different historical contact with other groups. And, for people who have no written history, language can be one of the ways to get the history just by looking carefully at the different parts in the language."

However, over half of the world's seven thousand languages are in danger of disappearing, and every two weeks one language disappears. One of the most endangered languages is called Siletz Dee-ni, a language from the northwestern part of the United States.

It was spoken on the Siletz reservation (居留地), where the tribe lives on a protected area within the state of Oregon. The reservation was created in the 19th century to hold people from 27 different native groups. The groups spoke different languages, so they developed Chinook Jargon. With its increased use as well as the use of English, the number of people speaking their native languages became smaller. Today, only one person on the reservation speaks Siletz Dee-ni.

Bringing back endangered languages is not easy, but it is very important. One example of this is taking place in the American state of Hawaii. Hawaii became a part of the United States in 1898. English became the official language of Hawaii. Slowly, fewer and fewer young natives learned to speak Hawaiian fluently. The language began to disappear.

In 1986, fewer than fifty children in Hawaii could speak their native language. That same year, the language ban (禁令) was removed because of strong disagreements from native groups. The Hawaiian language began to be taught again in schools. Today, about 2,000 children speak Hawaiian. Also, families now speak Hawaiian with their children at home. Anyway, it is up to the children to keep the language alive.

【1】 The author wrote the first paragraph to ________.

A. tell us that many languages are disappearing

B. tell us the importance of language

C. encourage us to be interested in studying language

D. tell us the characteristics of language

【2】 The underlined part "Chinook Jargon" in the third paragraph must be ________.

A. a hand sign B. a language

C. a language school D. a language textbook

【3】 After Hawaii became an American state, ________.

A. its culture was completely mixed with the American culture

B. all Hawaiian people got interested in learning English

C. Hawaiian was forbidden to be taught in the local schools

D. Hawaiian people created another language of their own

【4】 From the last paragraph we can infer that _________.

A. Hawaiian will become the official language in Hawaii soon

B. protecting the Hawaiian language is the biggest concern of the local people

C. parents play the most important role in protecting the Hawaiian language

D. more Hawaiian people have realized the value of their own language

【题目】 With only about 1,000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone(克隆)the animal and save the endangered species. Thats a move similar to what a Texas A M University researchers have been undertaking for the past five years in a project called Noahs Ark. Noahs Ark is aimed at collecting eggs, embryos(胚胎), semen and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen. If certain species should become extinct, Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor in Texas A Ms College of Veterinary Medicine, said there would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.

It is estimated that as many as 2,000 species of mammals, birds and reptiles will become extinct in over 100 years.

The panda, native only to China, is in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years.

This week, Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit. They are now trying to implant the embryo into a host animal. The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete.

The nuclear transfer(核子移植)of one species to another is not easy, and the lack of available panda eggs could be a major problem, Kraemer believed. They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy. It takes a long time and its difficult, but this could be ground-breaking science if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worth the effort, added Kraemer, who is one of the leaders of the project at Texas A M, the first-ever attempt at cloning a dog. They are trying to do something that has never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noahs Ark. Were both trying to save animals that face extinction. I certainly appreciate their effort and theres a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do. Its a research that is very much needed.

【1】 The aim of Noahs Ark project is to .

A. make efforts to clone the endangered pandas

B. save endangered animals from dying out

C. collect DNA of endangered animals to study

D. transfer the nuclear of one animal to another

【2】 According to Professor Kraemer, the major problem in cloning pandas would be the lack of .

A. available B. host animals

C. qualified researchers D. enough money

【3】 The best title for the passage may be .

A. Chinas Success in Pandas Cloning

B. The First Cloned Panda in the World

C. Exploring the Possibility to Clone Pandas

D. China- the Native Place of Pandas Forever

【4】 From the passage we know that .

A. Kraemer and his team have succeeded in cloning a dog

B. scientists try to implant a pandas egg into a rabbit

C. Kraemer will work with Chinese scientists in clone researchers

D. about two thousand species will probably die out in a century

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