
【题目】Eating the Cookie

One of my patients, a successful businessman, tells me that before his cancer he would become depressed unless things went a certain way.

【1】 was having the cookie. If you had the cookie, things were good. If you didnt have the cookie, life was 【2】 .

Unfortunately, the cookie kept 【3】 some of the time it was money, and sometimes power. At 【4】 times, it was the new car, the biggest contract A year and a half after his diagnosis of prostate(前列腺)cancer, he sits 【5】 his head regretfully. It seems that I stopped learning how to 【6】 after I was a kid. When I give my son a cookie, he is happy. if I take the cookie away or it 【7】 , he is unhappy. But he is two and a half and I am forty-three. It has taken me this long to understand that the 【8】 will never make me happy for long.

The 【9】 you have the cookie it starts to fall to pieces or you start to 【10】 about it crumbling(弄碎)or about someone trying to take it away from you. You know, you have to 【11】 a lot of things to take care of the cookie, to keep it from crumbling and be 【12】 that no one takes it away from you. You may not even get a chance to eat it 【13】 you are so busy just trying not to lose it. 【14】 the cookie is not what life is about.

My patient laughs and says 【15】 has changed him. For the first time he is 【16】 . No matter if his 【17】 is doing well or not, no matter if he wins or loses at golf. Two years ago, cancer 【18】 me, What is really important? Well, life is important. Life any way you can have it, life with the cookie, life without the cookie. Happiness does not have anything to 【19】 with the cookie: it has to do with being 【20】 .

A. Happiness B. Success C. Business D. Love

A. normal B. Common C. worthless D. Useless

A. increasing B. changing C. decreasing D. recovering

A. one B. other C. no D. other

A. shaking B. nodding C. knocking D. raising

A. grow B. learn C. live D. work

A. burns B. breaks C. shares D. throws

A. disease B. change C. kid D. cookie

A. hour B. time C. second D. minute

A. think B. come C. worry D. doubt

A. give up B. add up C. use up D. call up

A. brave B. curious C. aware D. sure

A. unless B. because C. though D. until

A. Eating B. Protecting C. Having D. Making

A. death B. energy C. life D. cancer

A. happy B. weak C. pset D. sad

A. result B. fortunate C. business D. behavior

A. asked B. left C. deserted D. recognized

A. deal B. do C. connect D. link

A. alone B. alive C. ambitious D. active






















【2】考查形容词。从本段前文If you had the cookie, things were good.可知,此处是表达与good相反的意思与其形成对比,因此选C。


【4】考查短语理解。从前文的some of the time, sometimes可知,作者在对事情的表现形式进行列举,因此此处用other。





【9】考查名词。考查对名词引导的时间状语从句的理解,the minute…………”










【19】考查动词。从后文中的it has to do with可知答案。



【题目】On a cold evening of April our ship was sailing for Ireland. Suddenly a violent storm rose and overturned our ship. Fortunately I held a board and was washed up on an island.

It was completely dark. On reaching the island,I found a smooth place to lie down. Quite tired I slept for a long time. I woke up with a start when I was dazzled (使目眩) by glaring sunlight. How I felt hungry and thirsty!The island with its beautiful landscape at dawn appeared before my eyes.

I began to explore the island. It was an uninhabited island surrounded by trees. Yellow fruits on the trees made me feel hungry. I tasted one. How sweet and delicious it was!I ate greedily a lot then I lay down comfortably on the soft grass. Around me were fragrance (芳香) and singing of birds. There, far away, on the right, a waterfall was falling down the mountainside. I rushed toward it. In the afternoon when I was wandering around the island, I happened to find out a cave hidden behind the thick forest. It was convenient for me to turn it into a place for sleeping for the night.

Day in day out, nearly two weeks passed by. My food was mere fruit and some fish caught from the stream. Sometimes I tried to hunt some wild animals but in vain. Had I been equipped with necessary thingsI would have enjoyed remaining here for food.

One morning I caught sight of a boat. I signaled and shouted loudly. I was rescued but so far I have had the memories of a fairy land which I had once happened to discover!

【1】 What did the author do first after he was washed up on the island?

A.He looked for a passing ship.

B.He found something to eat.

C.He found a place to take a rest.

D.He made the island clean.

【2】 What is the RIGHT time order of the following things?

A.HE wandered around the island

B.He was dazzled by glaring sunlight

C.He ate a lot of wild fruits

D.He found the islands landscape was beautiful

A.bdac B.cdab C.acdb D.bdca

3What does the underlined part an uninhabited island”in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.An island with beautiful scenes but no fruit.

B.An island without humans living on it.

C.An island that no humans have visited.

D.An island with fresh air and trees.

【4】 What does this passage specially describe?

A.How the author overcame difficulties on the island

B.How the author spent the first night and the first day on the island

C.How the author got to the island

D.How the author escaped from the island

【5】 The author wrote his experience in a ________ tone.

A.light B.serious C.scared D.sharp

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