







【解析】例句和C项中的 意思都是估量、估计。A项,规章、制度。B项,次、回,量词。D项,通,过。


【题目】To a watching world, Mike and Mary Murray were a perfect couple. They had been high school sweethearts.

And they ______ to have a happy marriage. Mike had a good job, and Mary was able to ______ home with their children. They owned their home and ______ kids, two cars, and a family dog. ______ to Mike, after seven years of marriage, something was terribly wrong. The Murrays had ______ their material goals and Mike ______, Now what? He began to look to his job for fulfillment and often worked 60 hour ______. Mary poured herself into the children. It was so ______ for her to turn her focus from Mike to 6-month-old Eric and 2-year-old Brittany.

And now the marriage seemed ______. Their lives were traveling in two different directions. They no longer really communicated---yes, they answered ______ questions, but they didnt talk ______ as they had in the early years of their marriage. Mike felt trapped. I ______ had time to do things that I wanted to,” he said. Mike did not share his feelings with Mary. Instead, he followed the slippery path of many others---he became involved with (与……纠缠不清) a woman at work, who was ______ her husband. It began as a simple friendship. “I was able to listen and she was able to listen,” Mike recalls.

Mary ______ the battle in Mikes soul. He wasnt home as much, and we werent talking as much, she said. I was wrapped up in the kids and I just couldnt imagine anything ever ______. The situation became worse when the Murrays attended a wedding and began to argue. Mary asked Mike if he was seeing ______ and he said, “Yes. It’s just an emotional(情感的)thing.” Mike can still remember the ______ of hurt and total surprise on Mary’s face. She was troubled, and he knew that he had turned against his best friend ______ high school. The expression on her face jarred(刺激) him into ______, and he began to understand the ______ he was doing to his family.

【1】 A. happened B. appeared C. looked D. had

【2】A. live in B. study at C. stay at D. be out of

【3】 A. one B. no C. three D. two

【4】A. Luckily B. As C. Thanks D. But

【5】A. arrived B. reached C. got to D. made

【6】A. surprised B. understood C. wondered D. asked

【7】 A. a week B. for a week C. on a week D. over a week

【8】 A. difficult B. comfortable C. apply D. easy

【9】A. empty B. separate C. full of job D. true of life

【10】 A. simple B. surface C. scientific D. social

【11】A. at all B. anything C. heart to heart D. in pain

【12】 A. really B. likely C. always D. never

【13】 A. loved by B. separated from C. different from D. cared by

【14】 A. knew B. understood C. admitted D. had no idea of

【15】 A. to take place B. to happen C. happening D. done

【16】 A. her B. someone else C. the matter D. anything

【17】 A. look B. face C. feeling D. want

【18】 A. since B. from C. to D. of

【19】 A. fact B. reality C. her life D. his life

【20】 A. good B. wrong C. harm D. harmful

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