
【题目】下列词语中不含错别字的一项是( )

A豁然开朗 忌恨 诬蔑 浅尝辙止

B纷繁芜杂 驱逐 衷心 独到见解

C不可估量 遗误 肤浅 插科打浑

D绰有成效 诽谤 诅咒 源远流长




【题目】Think you can't be happy?You'll think again after reading this story. Barbara Ann Kipfer hated her feet.They were too big and she always seemed to ____ over them when someone was ____ usually a smart guy.Come to think of it,her teeth were too big,too.The other kids teased(取笑)her because of the way she ____,and because she wanted to be a sportswriter some day.No matter what she did,she was teased for being ____

That's ____ she started writing down things that she liked in a notebook.It was like a friend,and it ____ me that there are good things,____ everything around me is unpleasant,she says.She copied the list over and over,____ new things every day.

One day,she decided to ____ her list with some of the girls in her class,hoping they would think it was as much fun as she did.But ____,they made her feel stupid again.They laughed at me, she remembers,I was ashamed,and I ____ doing it. Here comes the ____ part.When she was in 10th grade,Kipfer found her old notebook and decided to ____ where she left off.It was like a diary,like a photograph of my life, she says.She started writing to publishers,asking them if they'd be interested in printing her list as a book.

She kept writing to one company ____,because she liked the types of books it printed.He kept saying,It's just a list,what am I supposed to do with it?’” You're not ____ to do anything with it.Its ____ supposed to remind people of something they did that was really ____.

Finally,the publisher ____ to turn Kipfer's list into a book,which sold more than 1 million copies!14,000 Things to Be Happy About even ____ it to be New York Times Best Sellers List.____ being a bestselling author,Kipfer also went to realize her dream of becoming a sports editor at the Chicago Tribune.

【1】A.jump B.fall C.turn D.push

【2】A.nearby B.around C.watching D.laughing

【3】A.dressed B.lived C.thought D.looked

【4】A.silly B.special C.different D.shy

【5】A.how B.when C.because D.where

【6】A.reminded B.told C.persuaded D.helped

【7】A.because B.but C.unless D.even though

【8】A.adding B.finding C.making D.giving

【9】A.talk B.discuss C.share D.write

【10】A.then B.naturally C.further D.instead

【11】A.continued B.stopped C.enjoyed D.hated

【12】A.cool B.important C.difficult D.funny

【13】A.find out B.pick up C.think of D.give up

【14】A.in general B.at first C.in particular D.at last

【15】A.made B.going C.advised D.supposed

【16】A.often B.just C.also D.always

【17】A.excellent B.successful C.fun D.true

【18】A.hoped B.agreed C.refused D.considered

【19】A.made B.pushed C.improved D.helped

【20】A.Without B.Instead of C.While D.Besides

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