


A. 旧金山(37°N122°W)区时为29552

B. 东京(36°N141°E)区时为301552

C. 国际标准时间为30852

D. 世界时为301352


A. 时值我国立春到雨水之间 B. 哈尔滨的白昼时间比广州长

C. 泰山6点前日出东南方向 D. 北京正午太阳高度比上海大


A. 地球公转速度变快 B. 太阳直射点向赤道移动

C. 西昌正午人影变长 D. 南极大陆极夜范围扩大











Elizabeth Freeman was born about 1742 to African American parents who were slaves. At the age of six months she was acquired, along with her sister, by John Ashley, a wealthy Massachusetts slaveholders. She became known as “Mumbet” or “Mum Bett.”

For nearly 30 years Mumbet served the Ashley family. One day, Ashley’s wife tried to strike Mumbet’s sister with a spade(铁锹).Mumbet protected her sister and took the blow instead. Angry, she left the house and refused to come back. When the Ashleys tried to make her return, Mumbet consulted a lawyer, Theodore Sedgewick. With his help, Mumbet sued(起诉) for her freedom.

While serving the Ashleys, Mumbet had listened to many discussions of the new Massachusetts constitution. If the constitution said that all people were free and equal, then she thought it should apply to her. Eventually, Mumbet won her freedom---- the first slave in Massachusetts to do so under the new constitution.

Strangely enough, after the trial, the Ashleys asked Mumbet to come back and work for them as a paid employee. She declined and instead went to work for Segdewick. Mumbet died in 1829, but her legacy(传家宝)lived on in her many descendants(后裔). One of her great-grandchildren was W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the founders of the NAACP, and an important writer and spokesperson for African American civil rights.

Mumbet’s tombstone still stands in the Massachusetts cemetery where she was buried. It reads, in part: “She was born a slave and remained a slave and remained a slave for nearly thirty years. She could neither read nor write, yet in her own area she had no superior or equal.”

【1】 Which of the following statements about Mumbet is true according to the passage?

A. She died in his 90s.

B. She served the Ashleys for nearly 4 decades.

C. Her sister was hit and ran away .

D. She was hit by Ashley’s wife

【2】In the fourth paragraph, the underlined word “declined” probably means______.

A. compromised B. refused

C. decreased D. agreed

【3】From the passage, we can infer_______.

A. Mumbet influenced her younger generation in a way

B. Mumbet went to work for the lawyer

C. the lawyer taught Mumbet how to apply for a job

D. Mumbet had only one grandchild

【4】What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. A shocking trial.

B. Mumbet and her sister.

C. The life of Mumbet.

D. The effect of Mumbet on her children.


As is known to all, nothing is more important than health. There is an English saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” It shows laughter is one of the most important factors that contribute to health. 1 Now, however, doctors have begun to investigate laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter is really good to people’s health.

__2__They wanted to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. __3___ It increases blood pressure, the heart beating and breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet.

Other tests have shown the function of laughter. They have drawn a conclusion that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effects of pain on the body. In one test doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated pain for the longest time was the one that listened to a funny program. _ 4___Scientists explained laughter helps to produce something that can reduce both stress and pain.

As a result of these discoveries, some doctors open laughter clinics .__ 5__ What’s more, doctors have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing ,making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects. Also, these effects are similar to those caused by laughter.

A. What resultedspan> in such a result?

B. Doctors carried out some tests.

C. The more you laugh, the healthier you are .

D. Until recently, few people took the saying seriously.

E. Laughter is reported to be a good medicine to the patient.

F. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise.

G. They help to improve their patients’ health by encouraging them to laugh

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