

When we are grown-ups, it’s quite natural to look back on our different stages of life and remember who was there to see us through. 16 While some people’s high school friendships gradually end, mine have stuck with me through every bit of life since. And I suppose high school friends are the friends you’ll build the strongest relationships with.

17 Whether it is the bad haircut or the braces(牙箍)you wear, your high school friends help you through it all. They tell you that you look wonderful when you cannot go out in public with that hairdo. 18

They understand the most about you. High school friends know you better than anyone else. They can just look at you and know how you’re feeling. You cannot hide much from them. 19 And they’d rather help deal with the problem at hand than let it go. So even when you don’t want to hear it, prepare yourself because they’re not going to stop trying until you’re back to your normal self.

They make for the best reunion. Reunions are harder to organize when friends live across the country. However, with high school friends, it’s easy to enjoy the time together you can often pick up just where you left off, no matter how long ago that was. Friendships can be hard to keep. 20

A. We could depend on our friends all the time.

B. They are with you through your embarrassing stages.

C. They can sense something is off when you’re th slightest bit strange.

D. For me, I often think about my fantastic group of high school friends.

E. They build up your self-confidence to get you through each tough situation.

F. Let’s pray the flower of friendship would always bloom brightly in our hearts.

G. But it never seems like hard work with the ones you’ve known and loved for long.









【1】根据空后的"While some people’s high school friendships gradually end, mine...""high school friends"可知,此处的内容应是有关作者自己在高中时与朋友之间的友谊的,故D项符合语境。

【2】根据下文中的"Whether it is the bad haircut or the braces(牙箍)you wear, your high school friends help you through it all"可知,朋友能帮你度过尴尬的阶段,故B项符合语境。

【3】根据E项中的"build up your self-confidence""each tough situation"与上文中的"They tell you that... that hairdo"的对应关系可知,E项符合语境。

【4】根据空前的"You cannot hide much from them"及空后的"And they’d rather help deal with the problem at hand than let it go..."可知,此处讲的是即使你只有一点点的异样,你的朋友也会察觉得到并帮助 你应对遇到的困难,故C项符合语境。

【5】本空为全文最后一句,应该是对文章内容的总结提炼。全文总体阐述了友谊的珍贵。根据空前 的"Friendships can be hard to keep"以及G项中的"But it never seems like hard work"与上文中的"hard"的对应关系和语义上的连贯性可知,G项符合语境。




Country music is one of the most popular music in the United States today because it is about simple but strong human feelings and events—love,sadness,good times and bad times. It tells real life stories and sounds the way people really talk. As life becomes more complicated (复杂),it is good to hear music about ordinary people.

Country music,sometimes called country western,comes from two kinds of music. One is the traditional music of the people in the Appalachian Mountains in the Eastern United States. The other is traditional cowboy music from the West. The singers usually play guitars,and in the 1920s they started using electric guitars. At first city people said country music was low class. It was popular mostly in the South. But during World War, thousands of Southerners went to the Northeast and Midwest to work in the factories. They took their music with them. Soldiers from the rest of the country went to army camps (军营) in the South. They learned country music. Slowly it became popular all over the country. Today country music is also popular everywhere in the United States and Canada—in small towns and in New York City,among black and white,and among educated and uneducated people. About 1,200 radio stations broadcast country music twenty four hours a day. English stars sing it in British English,and people in other countries sing it in their own languages. The music that started with cowboys and poor southerners is now popular all over the world.

1It can be learned from the passage that country music comes from ________.

A.the Northeast and Midwest

B.factories and army camps in the South

C.the Appalachian Mountains and the West

D.real life stories in small towns

2Before World Warcountry music was popular mainly in ________.

A.the South B.the North

C.the Midwest D.the Northeast

3During World Warmany Southerners went to the Northeast and the Midwest because ________.

A.they wanted to take music with them

B.they wanted to make other people like country music

C.they wanted to work in the factories there

D.they wanted to make country music popular

4Country music is one of the most popular music in the world today because ________.

A.city people said it was low class

B.people could sing it in many different languages

C.it started with cowboys and poor Southerners

D.it is loved by different kinds of people in the world


Top 4 New Museum Openings in 2017

Museum Barberini, Potsdam, Germany

In the magnificent reconstructed palace from which it takes its name, the Museum Barberini is a significant new attraction in the city of Potsdam’s already impressive historic centre. The museum will host exhibitions ranging from the old masterpieces to contemporary art. It is opening with the show Impressionism: The Art of Landscape, which will include works by Monet, Renoir and Caillebotte.

Opening late January, museum-barberni. com

Zeitz MOCAA, Cape Town, South Africa

A landmark opening, and not just for South Africa, the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa will be the biggest museum to open on the continent for over a century. It will be an influential place, too: the US $38m institution will be filled entirely with work created since the year 2000. The museum will be inside the 57-meter-high Grain Silo, a towering reminder of Cape Town’s industrial heritage——and soon to be a symbol of its creative future.

Opens 23 September, zeitzmocaa. Museum

Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, the US

With a new logo designed by Mark Bradford, which is meant to evoke the unique urban pace of Los Angeles, the ICA LA represents the rebranding and rehousing of the Santa Monica Museum of Art. It opens in a new space aims to bring together “architecture, urban design and sustainability to create cutting-edge environments for exhibitions, education, dialogue and collaboration”.

Opening in autumn, theicala. Org

Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, the US

With US politics as polarized(两极化) as it is now, there has perhaps never been a better time to reflect on the history of a country that was once so divided and endured five years of civil war. The Museum of the American Revolution does just that, taking a non-partisan(无党派的) view of the period through thousands of objects, artworks, manuscripts and artefacts. Exhibitions will take visitors on a chronological (按时间顺序的) journey, from the roots of resistance to the legacy of its outcome.

Opens 19 April, amrevmuseum. Org

【1】What can we learn about the Museum Barberini from the text?

A. Its name comes from an ordinary palace.

B. Works from the old masterpieces to contemporary art will be shown there.

C. The show is the most interesting part of its opening ceremony.

D. It will open in early January.

【2】In order to create cutting-edge environments, the Institute of Contemporary Art .

A. designs a new logo.

B. speeds urban pace of Los Angeles.

C. opens in a new location in LA arts district.

D. aims to bring together architecture, urban design and sustainability.

【3】If you want to look back on the period in US history when it endures five years of civil war, you can go

to .

A. the Museum Barberini B. the Zeitz MOCAA

C. the Institute of Contemporary Art D. the Museum of the American Revolution

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