

【1】Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a hospital.

C.At the office.

【2】When does the woman get a pain in stomach?

A.About an hour after she has eaten.

B.About an hour before she has eaten.

C.Just when she begins to eat.

【3】What can you conclude about the woman’s husband from this conversation?

A.He eats very quickly.

B.He doesn’t eat as quickly as his wife.

C.He sometimes eats more slowly than his wife.






M:Hello,Ms Thomas.What can I do for you?

W:Well,I’ve been having bad stomach pains lately,doctor.

M:Oh,I’m sorry to hear that.How long have you been having them?

W:Just in the last few weeks.I get a very sharp pain about an hour after having meals.

M:I see.Do you get this after every meal?

W:Let me think.No,it’s usually in the afternoon,after lunch.

M:Well,what do you have for lunch?

W:Oh,I mostly just have a quick hamburger and rush back to the office.We’re very busy at the moment.

M:Well,I don’t think it’s a serious thing.Maybe you eat too quickly.It’s bad for your health.

W:My husband is always telling me that.

M:Anyway,I’ll give you something for it and see what happens.Take the medicine three times a day.

W:After meals or before?

M:After eating.

W:Thank you,doctor.

M:You’re welcome.


【题目】材料一 当前,受经济利益、多元思想、多元文化的影响,社会出现了一些道德危机和道德焦虑。面对跌倒的老人无人敢扶,轧伤了的孩子无人敢救;做了好事反成肇事者,见义勇为反而走上被告席……但也应当看到,这只是社会的个别行为和少数现象。近来,无私救助溺水者的“最美女护士”、用双臂撑起坠楼男孩生命的四位“最美农民工”、为孩子教育而奉献青春的“最美乡村教师”、尽职尽孝的“最美母亲”……他们的行为激发了社会向善的力量,让生活变得温暖明亮。

材料二 近年来,某市在建设文化强市的过程中进行了一些有益尝试,取得了良好的效果。如开展“唱红歌,诵经典”主题文化活动,进一步激发了全市人民的爱国热情,坚定了马克思主义共同信念;抓住创建全国文明城市的契机,在全市大力开展各种争优创先文明活动,大力宣扬诚信、文明、友善等社会主义核心价值观;举办科博会,在展示本市科技成果和文化特色的同时,也在交流中吸取了国内外最新科技成果;加大对公益事业投入力度和文化企业扶持力度,围绕宜居城市和教育城市两大主题,不断提升该市的知名度;开展“中国梦”主题征文活动,广大干部群众积极投稿,全市掀起了一场共建美丽城市的热潮;联合多个部门整治网吧、KTV等娱乐场所,净化了文化环境!



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