
【题目】-So you gave her your phone?

- ,she said she'd return it to me when she could afford her own.

(2011 .大纲全国)

A. My pleasure

B. Not exactly

C. No doubt

D. All right


【解析】句意:那么说来你把你的手机给她了?”“也不完全是这样。她说她能够自己买得起一个手机时,就把它还给我。Not exactly不完全是之意,符合题意。My pleasure表示很乐意帮你,别客气No doubt表示无疑地,很可能地All right表示好吧


【题目】A young man wanted to learn the art of sword fighting.He went to the greatest instructor(教练)and said,“Please teach me sword fighting”,the instructor gladly accepted him.

In the days that followed the instructor gave him many chores(杂务)to perform. But there was no mention of the sword. The young man got disappointed, saying, “Great teacher, kindly begin my lessons.”The instructor agreed.

The next day when the young man was cooking, the instructor came from behind and hit him with a wooden sword and disappeared. The young man was taken by surprise. The next day, the same thing happened. The young man now started preparing himself mentally to counter(反击)any such surprise attack.

Next time when the instructor came to attack him, the young man was able to dodge(躲闪)the sword.He was very happy and asked the instructor, “Now have I learnt the art of defending myself?”The instructor did not respond to his question.

Such surprise attacks became common and the young man got more and more skillful in counting the attacks well. One day the young man saw the instructor engaged seriously in a task. He thought, “Now let me catch the instructor unawares and attack him.”He took the wooden sword and attacked the instructor without making a sound from behind.But the instructor was fully prepareed for it. He turned around and defended himself most skillfully.

Realization struck the young man that moment. He thought, “How great this instructor is! Today I have learnt the real secret of sword fighting. He has taught me that waving the sword and learning the opponent′s(对手的) moves are not the essentials of sword fighting.What is important is to read what goes on in the opponent′s mind and to counter his movement and his thoughts too.”

The young man continued to work hard and became a great sword fighter.

【1】When the young man asked the instructor to accept him, the instructor_____.

A. asked him if he did house work at home

B. told him the art of fighting at once

C. met his requirement without hestitation

D. quickly hit him with a sword

【2】 When he attacked the instructor, the young man_______.

A. was seriously engaged in a task

B. wanted to give him a lesson

C. didn't want to learn more from him

D. didn't do it successfully

【3】 According to the passage, what is the most important thing in being a good sword fighter?

A. To be able to counter any surprise attact.

B. To attack the instructor successfully.

C. To know what your opponent is thinking.

D. To have a great instructor with good methods.

【4】 Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A. Good students come from famous teachers.

B. There is no end to learn something well.

C. A good beginning is half done.

D. Nothing is difficult to a willing heart.

【题目】While assisted living centres have been available in the United States for many years, the growth and availability of assisted living has had a dramatic increase since the early 1990s. An assisted living centre is a residential alternative that promotes maximum independence for each resident through a combination of supportive services and assistance. The definition of assisted living from one state to another may vary and so will the cost and types of services.

Assisted living centres vary in size, style and the optional services they may offer. Small family style living centres or the larger complex units can be found in the United States. Some facilities are operated by nonprofit organizations, while others are proprietary In addition, some facilities may be colocated or affiliated (附属) with a hospital or nursing facility.

An assisted living centre is any institution, rest home, boarding home, place, building or agency that is maintained and operated to provide personal care and services which meet some needs beyond basic provision of food, shelter and laundry in a free standing, physically separate facility which is not otherwise required to be licensed.

In general terms, an assisted living centre is required to provide assistance with daily living activities, including eating, bathing, dressing and personal hygiene; three meals a day; supervision (监督,管理) of self-administration of medications; laundry service including personal laundry, housekeeping, and 24-hour staffing.

【1】What is an assisted living centre?

A. A hotel that serves meals.

B. A place for children to be taken care of.

C. An entertainment place for adults.

D. A place which gives supportive services and assistance.

【2】 Which of the following is TRUE?

A. All assisted living centres offer the same kinds of services.

B. A1l assisted living centres cost the same.

C. There are different kinds of assisted living centres in the United States.

D. All assisted living centres are of the same size.

【3】 The underlined word "proprietary" in the second paragraph probably means "____".

A. state-owned

B. governmental

C. owned by a charity organization

D. private

【4】 An assisted living centre offers the following services EXCEPT ____.

A. meals

B. washing

C. education

D. housekeeping

【5】 What does the passage talk about?

A. What's an assisted living centre?

B. Assisted living centres are popular in the United States.

C. Assisted living centres offer good services.

D. Welcome to the assisted living centre.

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