曹操 《短歌行》
陶渊明 《归去来兮辞》
李白 《梦游天姥吟留别》
辛弃疾 《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》
【答案】示例一 叹息如朝露般短暂易逝的人生 曹操的梦想是贤才和霸业 渴望贤才归附建功立业 遭到权贵排挤而离开朝廷的际遇 李白的梦想是名山和仙境 渴盼寻仙访道笑傲权贵
示例二 厌倦黑暗污浊的官场 陶渊明的梦想是田园和山水 渴盼纵情山水乐天安命 愤恨统治者的苟安与懦弱 辛弃疾的梦想是失地和战场 只愿驱除鞑虏收复河山
result in consist of pick up lift up be replaced with take control of depend on have an impact on contribute to make up |
【1】The worn-out tires of the cars new ones.
【2】The anti-smoking rules will young people.
【3】We need two more players to the team.
【4】Jack is one of the authors the book.
【5】It’s no easy task to a class of young children.
【6】This club more than 2,000 members.
【7】His drink driving this traffic accident.
【8】There is no need to your voice. I’m not deaf.
【9】Whether she can attend our wedding ceremony her husband’s wishes.
【10】The boy the hat for the old lady.