

1导致长江三角洲和松嫩平原年平均气温存在差异的主要因素是( )





2关于长江三角洲农业生产的叙述,正确的是( )














材料一 浪漫主义文学的兴起是由18世纪末和19世纪初欧洲的社会政治状况决定的。1789年的法国资产阶级革命,推翻了封建专制政权,建立了资产阶级统治。这次革命影响巨大,意义深远,它震撼了整个欧洲的封建统治,许多国家掀起了资产阶级民主革命和民族解放运动。但是,在保卫和巩固这次革命成果的过程中,曾出现极其复杂的形势,经历了一场革命和反革命、复辟与反复辟的长期斗争。法国大革命后出现的动荡、混乱、灾难的局面,完全不是人们期望的。伟大的启蒙学者们所预言的那个理想社会根本没有出现。贫富对立变得更加尖锐阶级压迫更加残酷,资产阶级的恶德败行以最丑恶的形式表现出来。法国革命后的现实宣告了启蒙运动理想的破灭,在广大社会阶层中引起了一种普遍的失望情绪,浪漫主义正是这种失望情绪在文学上的反映。


材料二 资本主义在欧洲各国不同程度的发展,人们头脑中的物质利益观念不断加强,金钱成了衡量人的主要的或唯一的尺度,人与人之间的关系也随之发生变化。人在挣脱封建束缚从而获得一定的人身自由后,又在物质财富面前丧失精神的、心理的以及人格的自由;在热衷于创造物质财富并依赖于物质财富的生存环境中,人对人的压迫与剥削以新的形态表现出来,人与人之间的关系趋于恶化。现实告诉人们,启蒙主义者所宣示的价值和浪漫主义者所追求的理想并未实现,人们须以一种新的冷静的眼光重新看待现实和思考自己的命运,并寻求改善自己的生存处境的方法。于是,追求客观冷静地分析与解剖现实的社会心理和风气随之形成,反映在作家创作上,就是他们摒弃浪漫主义的主观想象和抒情,通过对社会现实作如实细致的描绘,揭露社会的黑暗,展示在物质与金钱挤压下人的各种心态……




A. Question relentlessly(持续).

B. Create a challenge.

C. Expect things to be fun.

D. Add variety to your life.

E. Connect to what you already know.

F. Absorb other peoples enthusiasm.

The more I observe brilliant people, the more I notice that one distinguishing characteristic they have is immense curiosity. How does curiosity contribute to someone’s brilliance? It gives you a fresh perspective. Curious people can see something that many other people can’t. It gives you fresh ideas. Using the term from The Medici Effect, curiosity gives you intersection experience where concepts from different fields collide with one another and produce fresh ideas. Since curious people get more intersection experience, they consequently get more fresh ideas.

Now that we’ve seen how important curiosity is, how can we develop it? Here are some tips:

【1】 Rather than expecting things to be boring, expect them to be fun. This small change in your mindset(心态) can make a big difference. Once you do it, it will be much easier for you to find the fun side of practically anything.

【2】 Often something seems boring because it’s delivered poorly. That’s perhaps one thing that makes great teachers great: they can connect their students to the fun side of what they’re teaching. So one way to develop your curiosity is to watch the talks of those who are enthusiastic about their fields. Don’t just absorb their knowledge; absorb their energy too.

【3】 By creating a challenge, you will want to prove to yourself (and perhaps to others) that you can make it. One good way to do that is by creating a project: building something real out of what you learn. Another way is to create a contest with your friends to find out who can do something faster or better.

【4】 Things will be more exciting if you can connect what you’re learning to what you already know. Why? Because that improves your understanding of the world and allows you to see new possibilities you’ve never realized before.

【5】 Avoid boredom and find new possibilities by exploring new topics. Read books in new types. Meet people with different professions.

The core is simple, actually. All the advice above can be summarized to just one: make things fun.

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