






(1)远书归梦两悠悠 ,正是诗人在盼远书而不至,觅归梦而不成的情况下,从心灵深处发出的一声长长的叹息。请赏析悠悠 二字的妙处。


【答案】(1)悠悠 二字既形象地显示出远书、归梦的杳邈难期,也传神地表现出两皆落空时怅然若失的意态。而夫妻双方山川阻隔,别后经年的时间、空间远隔,也隐见于言外。2)第三四句主要运用了借景抒情的表现手法。诗人借助对青苔 红树 以及 景、 色的描写,赋予客观景物以浓厚的主观色彩,营造出冷寂、凄清的氛围,表达了悲愁、孤寂和思亲的情感。(如从其他角度回答,如一、互文手法,二、拟人手法,言之成理也可给分)

【解析】(1)本题考查鉴赏诗歌语言的能力。诗人远别家乡和亲人,时间已经很久。妻子从远方的来信,是客居异乡寂寞生活的慰藉,但已很久没有见到它的踪影了。在这寂寥的清秋之夜,得不到家人音书的空廓虚无之感变得如此强烈,为寂寞所咬啮的灵魂便自然而然地想从归梦 中寻求慰藉。即使是短暂的梦中相聚,也总可稍慰相思。但路迢归梦难成 (李煜《清平乐》),一觉醒来,竟是悠悠相别经年,魂魄未曾入梦






【题目】In the seventh grade, Brittany Blythe dreamed of being a cheerleader. Her school's coaches were less than enthusiastic. "They said, ‘I don't know how you'll be able to do it,”she recalls. “‘You won't be able to do it. ’”

But Brittany, now a junior at Strath Haven High School near Philadelphia, persisted. And when the junior team cheerleaders won a competition last year, she was right there, dancing and cheering with the rest of the team.

Not bad for someone whose legs were amputated(切断)below the knee when she was two years old.

Brittany, 18, was born without shin bones (胫骨)—"just blood and muscle tissue" as she puts it. When she tried to walk, her legs twisted. After the operation, she adapted quickly. “From that day, I basically jumped up and wanted to do everything”she says. Prosthetic legs (假肢)allowed her to move

around upright, but too slowly to keep up with her friends. Brittany's solution take the legs off and walk on her knees—something she still does when safety and comfort permit.

She's rarely been discouraged. Other children teased her through the years, especially in junior high school, but she says the challenge only made her stronger. Now she's trying to convince her coaches to let her remove the prostheses and be a flyer, the cheerleader who's thrown in the air and caught by her teammates.

Brittany doesn't think her problems are any more difficult than the next person's. “My disability was the first thing I had to get through, and that's going to prepare me for the future she says. It's all just a test If someone throws you a ball, what are you going to do?”

1 What was the coaches' first attitude towards Brittany's dream?

A. Supportive.

B. Enthusiastic.

C. Optimistic.

D. Doubtful.

2 What was Brittany's reaction after the operation?

A. She abandoned herself to self-pity.

B. She refused to use the prostheses.

C. She accepted the result and tried to get used to it.

D. She became a flyer.

3 We can learn from the last paragraph that Brittany __________

A. doesn't think she is better than others

B. is not well prepared for the future

C. takes a positive attitude towards life

D. likes the challenge of learning new things

4 What's the best title for the text?

A. A new leg, a new life

B. A new cheerleader, a new record

C. Passing the test

D. Seeking advantages

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