
【题目】(2017·北京改编)She started the Ladybug Foundation, an organization aiming at getting rid of homelessness. She began to Big Bosses lunches, where she would try to persuade local business leaders to contribute to the cause.

A. sell B. deliver C. host D. pack


【解析】考查动词。A. sell卖;B. deliver传送投递C. host主办宴会;D. pack打包。句意:她开始主办大老板午餐会,说服那些商业领导们为她的慈善事业做一些奉献。此处考查host的特殊用法,host主办宴会,符合语境,选C。




Most of us will admit that on occasions we can be bad-tempered. This can be for a number of reasons.

1 As the body and mind are tired, it seems to take us less time to become angry just because of something that is of little importance. Young children are usually the cause of tiredness and it is highly likely that parents allow themselves to release (释放) their exhaustion directly at the children. Children are very good at remembering these instances and it will affect them for a long time. 2

Diet and lifestyle can be key factors in causing a bad temper. Some people don't realize that their diet can directly affect their moods. Processed food and items that contain a lot of sugars, especially those that aren't natural sugars, can cause a rise in blood sugar. 3 Similarly, lifestyle choices can encourage bad tempers and poor moods, especially if drug and alcohol are used too frequently. 4

If you have noticed that you are becoming increasingly bad-tempered, it is important that you take steps to try and regain control. 5 After you find the cause, try and make positive changes to prevent this from occurring in the future.

A.Find your ways to release your anger.

B.Check what it is that causes the bad mood.

C.Tiredness is often the most common reason.

D.Managing your anger is good for your health.

E.Therefore, it is important to have more patience when with children.

F.This rise can have a very negative effect o moods and mental performance.

G.So it is important to keep away from these temptations (诱惑) for your own mental state.


April 23 marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death. Organizations in Britain have planned numerous events to honor him.

In Stratford-upon-Avon, his birthplace, the tourism organization has a great number of free events, including performances of Shakespeare’s plays, and a dazzling fireworks display. And the BBC is broadcasting a live show from Stratfore-upon-Avon, celebrating Shakespeare’s widespread influence on the world. In England’s capital, the London Shakespeare Centre and King’s College London are holding a series of public performances, exhibitions and activities. It isn’t just England that honors the anniversary of the death of this extraordinary writer. In Washington, D. C., the Folger Shakespeare Library, which houses the world’s largest collection of documents relating to William Shakespeare, is displaying a series of exhibitions.

Shakespeare is probably the most famous author who ever lived and is considered a genius by most. He wrote around 37 plays and 154 sonnets(十四行诗), and his work has been translated into over one hundred languages! He penned beautiful metaphors(暗喻), serious dramas and amusing tales.

Shakespeare also invented many new terms and phrases. If someone’s behavior suggested they were not being honest and should not be trusted, Shakespeare called their actions suspicious. If someone was being silly and perhaps looking like a fool, Shakespeare found their actions laughable. And Shakespeare called people who offered their opinions on the quality of something critics. Today, for instance, food critics and film critics give audiences their opinions of food and film. The familiar phrase “break the ice”/span> comes from Shakespeare’s play The Taming of the Shrew. The “ice is broken” when a difficult conversation or meeting is calmed by some basic introduction, such as a simple game. More common words coined by Shakespeare include road, gossip, lonely, bump and hurry.

Four hundred years after his death, Shakespeare surely lives on, in everyday speech, as the most famous writer of all time!

【1】The main idea of the text is _____.

A. the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death

B. the influence Shakespeare has on English

C. the achievements of William Shakespeare

D. Shakespeare’s colorful and fruitful life

【2】 Shakespeare is honored in the following ways except_________.

A. a great number of free events in Stratford-upon-Avon

B. a series of activities in the London Shakespeare Centre

C. a series of exhibitions in the Folger Shakespeare Library

D. a live show of Shakespeare from Stratford-upon-Avon

【3】According to the next, a simply game to make a difficult conversation easy is called ________.

A. an ice-breaker

B. a suspicious man

C. a critic

D. a laughable man

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