

Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from

B. lead to

C. connect with

D. get rid of


【解析】摄入太多的脂肪和心脏病是前因后果的关系,所以用lead to导致



I was parked in front of the mall wiping off my car. Coming my way from across the parking lot was society would consider a bum(无业游民). From the of him, he had no car, no home, no clean clothes, and no money. He sat down in front of the bus stop but didn't look like he could have enough money to even the bus. That's a very pretty car, he said. He was but he had a(n) of dignity around him. I said, thanks, and wiping off my car. He sat there as I worked. The beg for money never came. As the silence between us widened something inside said, ask him if he needs any help. I was that he would say yes. Do you need any help? I asked. He answered in three but profound(深远的) words that I shall never . Don't we all? he said.

I had been feeling high, successful and important those three words me like a shotgun. Don't we all? I needed help. Maybe not for bus fare or a place to sleep, but I needed help. I my wallet and gave him not only enough for bus fare, but enough to get a warm meal and for the day. Those three little words still ring . No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have , you need help too. No matter how you have, no matter how you are with problems, even without money or a place to sleep, you can help.

【1】 A. that B. what C. which D. how

【2】2. A. expressions B. manners C. looks D. attitudes

【3】 A. ride B. buy C. drive D. stop

【4】 A. generous B. disappointed C. modern D. ragged

【5】 A. air B. atmosphere C. appearance D. figure

【6】 A. finished B. stopped C. continued D. began

【7】 A. quietly B. casually C. aimlessly D. eagerly

【8】A. interesting B. expected C. boring D. supposed

【9】 A. afraid B. glad C. doubtful D. sure

【10】A. simple B. complex C. strange D. rigid

【11】 A. accept B. forget C. respond D. choose

【12】 A. unless B. after C. until D. when

【13】 A. frightened B. moved C. wounded D. hit

【14】 A. reached in B. searched for C. looked up D. exposed to

【15】 A. shelter B. clothes C. reward D. blanket

【16】A. nice B. ridiculous C. true D. proper

【17】 A. submitted B. devoted C. applied D. accomplished

【18】 A. few B. many C. little D. enough

【19】 A. loaded B. puzzled C. angry D. unsatisfied

【20】 A. receive B. give C. need D. seek



A long flight can affect one’s biological clock, sometimes for days. Air travelers can get very tired and develop unpleasant feelings when they fly great distances across time zones. The natural order of things can become unbalanced on long, overseas trips from east to west or from west to east. This is what we call jet lag. ____【1】____

Try changing your meal and sleep times before you go.

Several days before you travel, start moving your bedtime and hours for meals closer to the times you plan to eat and sleep on your trip.


Change your watch when you get on the airplane. This is playing a trick on the mind. But it can help you to start thinking of the time at the other end of the flight. Try to sleep on the plane if it is nighttime in the place where you are going. Try to stay awake if it is daytime.

Arrive early.

If you are traveling for work or for a personal reason, try to arrive a few days early, if possible. ___3____

Drink water.

Drink lots of water before, during, and after your flight. ____4____ Alcohol can affect your sleep.

Move around.

During your flight, get up and walk around or stretch(伸展) every so often. ___5____ Exercise near bedtime can delay sleep, whether on an overseas trip or at home.

A. Play a trick on your watch.

B. Start making small changes while in flight.

C. Now the following tips can help you avoid jet lag.

D. Because exercise benefits you a lot after the flight.

E. But after you land, avoid heavy exercise near bedtime.

F. Avoid drinking alcohol a few hours before you plan to sleep.

G. This will give your mind and body more time to correct to the new hours.

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