


1. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家,文化形式多样,尤其以古诗歌闻名于世。

2. 诗歌有一定的韵律,语言简洁,具有易学、易记的特点。

3. 诗歌富含感情色彩,且富有想象力,深受孩子们的喜爱。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Bob,

I was glad to hear from you. _________________________________ _________________






Best wishes.


Li Hua



Dear Bob,

I was glad to hear from you. In your letter, you asked me why Chinese parents like educating their children using ancient poems. Then I tell you.

China, in its long history, has developed a variety of cultural forms, of which ancient poetry is the most famous.

As you know, the poem is a form of rhythmic language, and poems often describe complex things in simple ways, using just a few words. These two characteristics especially appeal to children, who can learn and recite poetry easily. Once a poem is memorized, it’s hard to forget. What’s more, poems are both emotional and imaginative, which was deeply loved by children. So here are the reasons.

Best wishes.


Li Hua





Are you a procrastinator?

Following a schedule and doing things on time is extremely important in today's busy world. Unfortunately, not everyone is good at doing this. Many people are procrastinators; they put off doing things that they need to until it's too late.

We all put off doing things at times. Statistics show that 90% of university students will often put off studying for a test or writing an important paper the night before, 25% of university students put off almost everything all the time. This more serious form of procrastination can result in a student dropping out of school. Students who put off doing their assignments once in a while get further and further behind in their studies. Before long, they feel completely helpless. For the chronic(长期的)procrastinator, often the only way to solve this problem is to quit school.

According to recent studies, there are three main reasons that students put off doing things. First, many have poor time-management skills and often try to do too much in too little time. In the end, these students often feel helpless and will put off doing many things they need to. Another reason why students put off doing things is that they feel a subject is boring and have difficulty concentrating on an assignment.These students will often avoid doing something because they don't like it. A third reason why many students put off doing things is that they often worry that their work will never be as good as it should be and fear failure of any kind, which, unfortunately , can often cause these students to put off doing any work at all.

Do you recognize any of these signs in yourself? If so, you may want to do something about your tendency towards procrastination. The following five tips may be helpful.

First, list the things in life that are important to you, and then list the reasons why you are at school or university. Look at the two lists and see where they match. Is there something you need to do in order to achieve a life goal?

Second, chose realistic goals for yourself; don't try to do more than you can.

Third, once you have identified our goals, list them and ask yourself "Which should I do first?" As you become more aware of what you need to do and when you need to do it, you will feel more in control and will be able to complete tasks on time.

Fourth, manage your time wisely. Create a schedule that allows adequate time for accomplishing a goal; for example, your schedule should give you enough time to study for and pass a test, as well as time to relax.

Finally, when you accomplish a goal, do something good for yourself as a reward.

If you believe that you are a chronic procrastinator, you should try to get help before it is too late. Talk to a professional, and discuss the problem. If you are a mild procrastinator, make sure to keep yourself motivated, but don't worry too much. Remember-we all put off doing things at times.

Are you a procrastinator?

Frequency of procrastination

·Everyone puts off doing things【1】 .

·90% of university students will often put off dong things.

·25% of university students 【2】 doing things all the time.

【3】 that procrastination will lead to

·At the beginning, they get further and further behind in their studies.

·Before long, they feel completely helpless.

·For the chronic procrastinator, often he or she has no 【4】____ but to quit school.

Main reasons for procrastination

·First, many are not skillful at managing time well.

·Second, they feel a subject is boring, which makes it difficult for them to 【5】___ on an assignment.

·Third, they expect to do everything【6】 and fear failure of any kind.

【7】 to avoiding procrastination

·First, identify your life goals.

·Second, choose realistic goals for yourself

·Third, list your goals in order of priority.

·Fourth, manage your time in a 【8】 way.

·Finally, 【9】 yourself for accomplishing a goal.

Advice to procastinators

·For a chronic procrastinator,【10】 a professional.

·For a mild procrastinator, make sure to keep yourself motivated, and don't worry too much.



Social media and the mobile web have given rise to a strange phenomenon called the selfie.It refers to a picture of yourself, usually shared on any social networking website.

【1】 Some selfies are extreme close-ups, and others show part of an arm held straight outward.A few of them even feature the subject standing in front of a bathroom mirror.

Everyone takes selfies, but the younger crowd seems to be especially involved in the trend. Young people are relatively heavier digital users.They are interested in staying connected to their friends. 【2】

There are also kinds of psychological factors driving people to take a selfie and upload it to a social networking site. 【3】 A quick and easy way to attract other's attention is to get "likes" and comments from friends.Secondly, it's human nature to show off your own great achievements.When you feel good about yourself or look good, it's far too easy to take out your phone and document it all through one or several selfies. 【4】 That's right.Sometimes people are bored at work, bored at school, bored at home and even bored on the toilet.Last but not least, social media is about being social! If that means uploading as many selfies as possible, then so be it.It's fun, and it's a cool way to sort of document your own life.

Finally, there are things to be mindful of when you're posting.It's easy to think you're sharing a photo with a few people. 【5】 So don't post anything online, selfie especially.

A.There are lots of selfie styles.

B.The rise of selfies has become universal.

C.Social media, to some extent, is the driving force of their selfie activity.

D.The desire to take, post and get "likes" on selfies goes back to a biological behavior.

E.But the whole world of social media is public and every individual can get access to it.

F.There are also people who will take selfies because they have nothing else better to do.

G.The leading factor is that people want to get attention from as many people as possible.


I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good parent. I no longer consider myself the center of the universe. I show up. I listen. I try to laugh. I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make marriage vows(誓约) mean what they say. I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today.

So here's what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a desire of the next promotion (提升), the bigger paycheck, the larger house.

Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure (空闲); it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an email. Write a letter. And realize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted.

It is so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours, and our minutes. It is so easy to exist instead of to live. I learned to live many years ago. Something really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all:I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally. And I tried to do that, in part, by telling others what I had learned.

By telling them this: Read in the backyard with the sun on your face. Learn to be happy. And think of life as a deadly illness, because if you do, you will live it with joy and passion(激情) as it ought to be lived.

【1】The best title of this passage probably ________.

A. Love Your Friends

B. Live a Real life

C. Don't Waste Time

D. Be a Good Mother and Wife

【2】 How did the author form her view of life?

A. By working and social experience.

B. By learning from her friends.

C. Through an unfortunate experience.

D. From her children and husband.

【3】 The underlined sentence “It is so easy to exist instead of to live.” in the fifth paragraph probably has the same

meaning as “________”.

A. it is so easy to keep alive but not to live a real life

B. it is very hard to live a real life

C. it is so easy to make a living

D. it is more difficult to exist than to live a happy life

【4】 What's the author's attitude toward work?

A. Do it well to serve others.

B. To earn enough money to make life better.

C. Try your best to get higher position and pay.

D. Don't let it affect your real life.

【题目】 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Five Ways to Improve Communication Skills

Communication is one of the most important skills we can ever learn. It affects everything that we do whether were communicating at work to meet deadlines and achieve results, or communicating with friends, family and partners to build strong relationships. Thus communication is very important. Here are five ways to improve your communication skills.


This reflects a real lack of respect. By interrupting someone, what youre basically saying is "I dont care what youre saying what I have to say is more important".

Dont finish other peoples sentences.

2 Wrong. Research has shown by doing this you are disempowering the other person because you are taking control of the conversation, so bite your tongue!


If you want to show that you have really understood someone, then paraphrasing(解释) is a great tool. ____3____ Heres an example: "So Barney, what Im hearing is that results are the number one objective for you right now and we need to find some fast solutions for you?"


Focus on active listening instead of passive listening. The difference is that active listening means you engage with and respond to the other person based on what he/she has said, while passive listening is simply the act of listening with no response.

Maintain eye contact.

By looking at the other person in the eyes, you are proving that youre interested in what he/she is saying. ____520____

A. Talk actively.

B. Listen actively.

C. Never interrupt people.

D. This also keeps you focused and less distracted.

E. You don’t see them interrupting others or leaving off mid-conversation.

F. I used to do this a lot thinking I was helpfully finishing peoples sentences for them.

G. All you do is repeat back to someone what he/she has just said, before you comment yourself.

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