









In this season for thanks and giving, even the most thoughtful children may not offer much gratitude for what they receive. And you’d be wise not to expect it. All the research I’ve done has convinced me that it’s not going to happen.

As parents, we don’t consider our holiday gifts an “exchange relationship” since we know the time, money, and effort we put in to buy them. But kids have a different view. One mom told me that when she asked her 16-year-old son to thank her for buying him a cellphone, he said, “But that’s what moms should do, isn’t it?”

From a teenager’s view, it’s a parent’s responsibility to take care of the family, and playing Santa is part of the job. According to Yarrow Dunham, Yale’s assistant professor of Psychology, “When teenagers code it that way, a gift is no longer something given freely and voluntarily it’s just mom and dad’s living up to their obligation.

Kids can’t know how blessed they are unless they have a basis for comparison. We need to give our children the gift of a wider world view. Take them to a soup kitchen instead of to the mall. Become the secret Santa for a needy family. Show by example that gratitude isn’t about stuff which ultimately can’t make any of us happy anyway. It’s about realizing how lucky you are.

Set up a family ritual at bedtime where kids describe three things that made them grateful. When kids go off to college, you can text them a picture of something that inspires your appreciation each week. Whether it’s a friend, a snowflake, or a sunset, the spirit of the photos will help you and them see the world differently.

Teaching children to focus on the positive and appreciate the goodness in their lives is perhaps the greatest gift we can give them. And we can all learn together that the things that really matter aren’t on sale at a department store.

【1】Children express no thanks for gifts because _______.

A. they regard them as an “exchange relationship”

B. they think badly of the gifts

C. children are not as considerate as adults

D. gifts are not what they expect

【2】Parents should make the kids know how blessed they are by _______.

A. buying them a cellphone

B. becoming the secret Santa for a needy family

C. taking them to a soap factory instead of to the mall

D. texting them a picture of something that inspires your appreciation each week

【3】To make children grateful for what they have, parents should _______.

A. set an example to children

B. teach them not to care about gifts

C. ask children to cook themselves

D. describe things they are grateful for

【4】As far as the author is concerned, no gifts are greater than _______.

A. helping kids see the world differently

B. learning together things that matter

C. teaching kids to think positively

D. making kids realize they are lucky


One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant , waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive . Suddenly I that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction , he knew me . The man had a newspaper________in front of him , which he was to read , but I could that he was keeping an eye on me . When the waiter brought my the man was clearly puzzled (困惑) by the way in which the waiter and I each other . He seemed even more puzzled as went on and it became that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me .

Finally he got up and went into the . When he came out , he paid his bill and________ without another glance in my direction .

I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had . “Well,” he said , “that man was a detective (侦探) . He you here because he thought you were the man he .” “What ?” I said , showing my . The owner continued , “He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I________say he looked very much like you ! Of course , since we know you , we told him that he had made a .” “Well , it’s really I came to a restaurant where I’m known ,” I said . “ , I might have been in trouble .”

【1】A.knew B.understood C.noticed D.recognized

【2】A.since B.even if C.though D.as if

【3】A.flat B.open C.cut D.fixed

【4】A.hoping B.thinking C.pretending D.continuing

【5】A.see B.find C.guess D.learn

【6】A.menu B.bill C.paper D.food

【7】A.direct B.familiar C.strange D.funny

【8】A.chatted with B.looked at C.laughed at D.talked about

【9】A.the waiter B.time C.I D.the dinner

【10】A.true B.hopeful C.clear D.possible

【11】A.restaurant B.washroom C.office D.kitchen

【12】A.left B.acted C.sat down D.calmed down

【13】A.wanted B.tried C.ordered D.wished

【14】A.met B.caught C.followed D.discovered

【15】A.was to beat B.was dealing with C.was to meetD.was looking for

【16】A.care B.surprise C.worry D.regret

【17】A.must B.can C.need D.may

【18】A.discovery B.mistake C.decision D.fortune

【19】A.a pity B.natural C.a chance D.lucky

【20】A.Thus B.However C.Otherwise D.Therefore


材料一 上世纪五十年代初整个世界处在两大阵营对峙的状态中。随着世界殖民体系土崩瓦解亚洲和非洲出现一大批获得独立的新兴民族国家这些国家最紧迫的任务就是捍卫国家独立和主权争取和平的国际环境来发展民族经济。在这个背景下中华人民共和国总理周恩来于1953年底提出了和平共处五项原则。


材料二 更加有趣的是在此时期美国为何会就中国明确提出的和平共处五项原则保持着极其相似的态度。1972年2月28日上海联合公报发表提出了双方解决“根本性分歧”的方案……国际争端的解决都要基于这一基础不得诉诸武力解决和威胁。美国和中国同意将这些原则应用于共同关系。


材料三 20世纪90年代中期以后国际形势的发展也对和平共处五项原则提出了新问题和挑战……冷战结束后美国作为唯一的超级大国联合部分西方国家破坏国际法准则尤其是破坏不干涉内政这一核心内容自认为有权决定别国政权的合法性。


材料四 2012年2月4日联合国安理会就叙利亚动武问题决议草案进行表决俄罗斯和中国投了否决


——《安理会爆发大国投票战 叙利亚成为最新火药桶》《环球时报》





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