
【题目】The girl is so ________ that her mother pays much attention to her nutrition.








【题目】 Tang Dynasty poets sang for about three centuries in different tones. There were many famous poets living in the Tang period, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi and Li Shangyin. Poems of the Tang Dynasty edited in the Qing Dynasty is a collection of more than 48,900 poems that were written by over 2,200 poets. But it didn’t cover all the poems of the Tang Dynasty.

During the Tang Dynasty, poems were recited when lovers walked under the moonlight. Poems were also recited when soldiers fought on the battlefield. People recited them in the open air or at temple fairs.

Tang Dynasty poets wrote poems to win fame and also to develop their temperament(性情). They poured our deep feelings for their friends and criticized injustice in the world through poems.

In the Tang Dynasty scholars had to be poets. Their readers were not only people of high social position but also common people. Poets recited poems, women singers sang poems and other ranks of people, including old women and children, read Tang poems. This atmosphere affected foreigners who visited the country at that time. As a result, Tang poetry was introduced to some adjacent countries, like Japan and Vietnam.

Tang poetry is a most brilliant page in the history of ancient Chinese literature. It’s a miracle(奇迹) in the cultural history of mankind. The Tang Dynasty was a powerful empire with a vast territory. It inherited(继承) Chinese civilization that went back to ancient times, was combined with the best of other cultures and adopted the benefits of other nations in the world. Tang poetry wasn’t the only spiritual wealth created by the Tang Dynasty people. Philosophy and religion, handwriting and painting, and music and dance all gained new peaks of development. Tang poetry, however, was the jewel in the crown and its greatest achievement.

【1】We can conclude form the passage that ___ .

A. only people in the Tang Dynasty created poems

B. in total there was four famous poets in the Tang Dynasty

C. the Tang Dynasty probably existed for about three centuries

D. in the Tang Dynasty most common people were poets

【2】Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Why the poets created poems?

B. Some other kinds of spiritual wealth in the Tang Dynasty.

C. The significance and influence if the Tang Dynasty.

D. The editors of Poems of the Tang Dynasty.

【3】The underlined word “adjacent”probably means ___ .

A. strong

B. neighboring

C. poor

D. rich

【4】What does the author really want to tell us in Paragraph 4?

A. Tang Dynasty poems were quite popular.

B. In the Tang Dynasty all scholars were poets.

C. Many foreigners came to our country during the Tang Dynasty.

D.in the Tang Dynasty many poems were sung by women singers.

【题目】Think you can't be happy?You'll think again after reading this story. Barbara Ann Kipfer hated her feet.They were too big and she always seemed to ____ over them when someone was ____ usually a smart guy.Come to think of it,her teeth were too big,too.The other kids teased(取笑)her because of the way she ____,and because she wanted to be a sportswriter some day.No matter what she did,she was teased for being ____

That's ____ she started writing down things that she liked in a notebook.It was like a friend,and it ____ me that there are good things,____ everything around me is unpleasant,she says.She copied the list over and over,____ new things every day.

One day,she decided to ____ her list with some of the girls in her class,hoping they would think it was as much fun as she did.But ____,they made her feel stupid again.They laughed at me, she remembers,I was ashamed,and I ____ doing it. Here comes the ____ part.When she was in 10th grade,Kipfer found her old notebook and decided to ____ where she left off.It was like a diary,like a photograph of my life, she says.She started writing to publishers,asking them if they'd be interested in printing her list as a book.

She kept writing to one company ____,because she liked the types of books it printed.He kept saying,It's just a list,what am I supposed to do with it?’” You're not ____ to do anything with it.Its ____ supposed to remind people of something they did that was really ____.

Finally,the publisher ____ to turn Kipfer's list into a book,which sold more than 1 million copies!14,000 Things to Be Happy About even ____ it to be New York Times Best Sellers List.____ being a bestselling author,Kipfer also went to realize her dream of becoming a sports editor at the Chicago Tribune.

【1】A.jump B.fall C.turn D.push

【2】A.nearby B.around C.watching D.laughing

【3】A.dressed B.lived C.thought D.looked

【4】A.silly B.special C.different D.shy

【5】A.how B.when C.because D.where

【6】A.reminded B.told C.persuaded D.helped

【7】A.because B.but C.unless D.even though

【8】A.adding B.finding C.making D.giving

【9】A.talk B.discuss C.share D.write

【10】A.then B.naturally C.further D.instead

【11】A.continued B.stopped C.enjoyed D.hated

【12】A.cool B.important C.difficult D.funny

【13】A.find out B.pick up C.think of D.give up

【14】A.in general B.at first C.in particular D.at last

【15】A.made B.going C.advised D.supposed

【16】A.often B.just C.also D.always

【17】A.excellent B.successful C.fun D.true

【18】A.hoped B.agreed C.refused D.considered

【19】A.made B.pushed C.improved D.helped

【20】A.Without B.Instead of C.While D.Besides

【题目】Many animal and plant species have become extinct and many more are in critical danger. Finding ways to protect the earths wildlife and protect the natural world they inhabit is now more important than ever.

Now many animals remain threatened with extinction as a result of human activity.

The dodo is a classic example of how humans caused damage to the earths wildlife. The flightless dodo was native to the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It lived off fallen fruit from the islands trees and lived safely until humans arrived in 1505. The easily controlled bird became a source of food for sailors and was attacked by animals introduced to the island by humans such as pigs and monkeys. The population of dodos rapidly decreased and the last one was killed in 1681.

The rhino(犀牛) horn is a highly prized item for Asian medicine. This has led to the animal being hunted in its natural habitat. Once widespread in Africa, Europe and Asia, most rhinos now live in protected natural parks and reserves. Their numbers have rapidly decreased in the last 50 years, and the animal remains constantly threatened by hunters.

The last 100years has seen a 95% reduction in the numbers of remaining tigers to between 5,000 and 7,000 and the Bali, Javan, and Daspian tigers are already extinct. The South China tiger is close to disappearing, with only 20 to 30 still alive. Like the rhino horn, tigers bones and organs are sought after for traditional Chinese medicine. These items are traded illegally along with tiger skins.

The World Wildlife Fund is actively involved in many areas of the world fighting to protect the natural habitats of endangered animals from further damage and curb the activities of hunters. Our own efforts at home and in the workplace can also make a difference. By reducing waste and pollution, saving water, wood, and energy, and reusing and recycling whenever possible, we can reduce the possibility of even more animals being lost, never to return.

【1】The purpose of this passage is to ___.

A. call on us to protect the earths wildlife

B. let us know about the animal world

C. tell us many animals are in great danger

D. tell us why many animals are becoming extinct

【2】The common reason why many animals are facing extinction is that ___ .

A. they are too easily controlled by humans

B. they can be made into highly prized medicine

C. they can provide people with delicious meal

D. humans kill them for their own interests

【3】Which of the following statements about the dodo is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It was native to the Island of Mauritius and could fly very well.

B. It struggled to survive until human arrived in 1505.

C. Its population decreased only because pigs and monkeys were introduced.

D. It was possible for humans to find a dodo before 1681.

【4】The underlined word curb in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ___.

A. improve

B./span> limit

C. cancel

D. criticize

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