
【题目】(2016·天津改编) Two years ago, while Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little head — to be a swimmer. Last summer, she wanted to our local swim team. She practiced hard and finally made it.

A. improve B. train C. join D. contact


【解析】根据上文a dream came into her sweet little head to be a swimmer可知,她想参加我们当地的游泳队。A.提高;B.训练;C.参加;D.联系。故选C。



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项 (A、B、CD) 中,选出最佳选项。

One day after school I was just finishing up some math homework. My dad came back from work and sat right beside me, 1 over my homework with me. We made corrections 2 . After that we 3 and my dad said,” I will always 4 every moment spending time talking with you”.

I remember my Dad telling me his stories of when he was 5 . My dad didn’t have a father 6 . He was always moving from place to place with my 7 . My dad wasn’t the easiest kid to 8 . He would 9 with kids at school, which made my grandma worried. He’d act out to release the anger he had from not having his father present in his 10 and teenage years.

At high school, things got a little 11 . He made a football team, he did well and didn’t get into as much 12 as before. He also made many friends. 13 those friends was my uncle. My Dad and Uncle were friends all throughout high school. It was through my uncle 14 my Mom and Dad met 15 . Later, they got married. After I was born, my dad felt that becoming a 16 was an honor and that he would not be 17 in my life.

I suddenly looked up to see my Dad 18 at me. I could see in my Dad’s eyes how he longed for a 19 like this. I continued to do my math homework and 20 my Dad say,” I love you, always”.

【1】 A. taking B. looking C. getting D. handing

【2】 A. equally B. instead C. together D. hardly

【3】 A. thought B. planned C. listened D. talked

【4】 A. waste B. organize C. treasure D. choose

【5】 A. young B. old C. tired D. poor

【6】 A. growing up B. turning up C. settling down D. breaking away

【7】 A. mom B. uncle C. grandpa D. grandma

【8】 A. connect B. handle C. change D. recognize

【9】 A. fight B. dance C. compete D. study

【10】 A. struggling. B. travelling C. childhood D. adulthood

【11】 A. harder B. easier C. worse D. larger

【12】 A. trouble B. debt C. sadness D. anxiety

【13】 A. Between B. Apart from C. Among D. As for

【14】 A. who B. when C. how D. that

【15】 A. practically B. officially C. especially D. entirely

【16】 A. father B. mother C. fighter D. student

【17】 A. present B. different C. absent D. strict

【18】 A. glaring B. pointing C. aiming D. smiling

【19】 A. appearance B. relationship C. background D. behavior

【20】 A. felt B. found C. heard D. made


After watching my mother deal with our family of five, I can’t understand why her answer to the question, What do you do? is always, Oh, I’m just a housewife. JUST a housewife? Anyone who spends most of her time in meal preparation and clean-up, keeping the house clean, attending PTA meetings, leading a scout troop, playing a taxi driver to us kids when it’s time for school, musical lessons or the dentist, doing volunteer work for her community is not just a housewife. She’s the real Wonder Woman.

Why is it that so many mothers like mine regard themselves as second-class citizens or something similar? Where has this stereotype come from? Has our society made going to work outside the house more important than what a housewife must face each day? I would be curious to see what would happen if a housewife went on strike. Dishes would pile up and food in the house would run out. There would be no clean towels when needed. Walking and bus riding would increase.

I doubt if the man of the house would be able to take over. Oh, he would probably start out with the attitude that he can do just as good a job, but how long would that last? Not long, once he had to come home each night after work to more housework. There would be no coming home to a prepared meal; The kids would all be screaming for something to eat, clean clothes and more bus fare money. Once he quieted the kids, he’d have to clean the house, go shopping, make sure that kids got a bath, after cleaning out all the dog hairs from the bathtub. Once the kids were down for the night, he might be able to crawl into an unmade bed and try to read the morning newspaper.

【1】What does the writer’s mother NOT do according to the first paragraph?

A. Cooking. B. Tidying the house.

C. Driving a taxi. D. Some unpaid work.

【2】 The underlined word stereotype in the second paragraph can be replaced by ____________.

A. mother B. citizen C. similarity D. thought

【3】In the second paragraph, the writer suggests that ____________.

A. mothers are actually great women

B. our society looks down upon housewives

C. housewives should go on a strike

D. doing housework is not important at all

【4】 The possible main idea of the third paragraph is ____________.

A. men should share housework with their wives

B. attitude is not the only thing needed to do a job well

C. kids are the most challenging part of the housework

D. men are unlikely to handle the work of a housewife



1. Wang baoqiang helped his parents to build a new house in his hometown.

Wang baoqiang ________ his parents ________ building a new house in his hometown.

2. The Internet lets us know the latest news every day.

→The Internet keeps us ________ ________ the latest news every day.

3. He demands that he should be told everything.

→He demands ________ ________ ________ everything.

4. All of us are working hard so that we’ll pass the exam.

→All of us are working hard ________ ________ ________ pass the exam.

5. Water companies should focus on reducing waste instead of building new factories.

→Water companies should _______ _______ reducing waste instead of building new factories.

6. They would tell him about any progress they had made.

→They would ________ him ________ any progress they had made.

7. If there is an emergency, break the glass and press the button.

→________ ________ ________ emergency, break the glass and press the button.

8. She said that her brother stole her books.

→She ________ her brother ________ stealing her books.

9. His sister said she had given them a false name and address on purpose.

→His sister said she had ___________ given them a false name and address.

10. I am interested in photography; besides, I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.

______ _______ am I interested in photography, ______ I also took an amateur course at university to update my skills.



Mother's Day Surprise: Baby born in car on way to hospital

A Kentucky woman received a Mother's Day surprise on Sunday when she gave birth to her son while on the way to the hospital. Christy High said her son was ready to come as she was 1 in the back seat of the family car.

"I tried 2 with the baby and asked for a few more minutes, but he wasn't 3 ,"High joked. "He 4 when he came out, and that was the first time my husband knew what was 5 ."He said, "What was that?" and I said, "It's our new baby Oliver. It's 6 ."

"I wouldn't have it any other way than how it went 7 ,"she added. "He will always be the best Mother's Day 8 I ever got. "High, who is now a mom of two, told ABC News that she went into 9 in the early morning hours of May 14. 10 her husband, Jon High, was driving her to the hospital, her 11 broke, she said. Oliver Joseph High was born two weeks 12 at 6:10 a.m, 13 6 pounds,10 ounces. High, a brave mother, 14 her son herself and placed him on her chest 15 she immediately began nursing it.

Staff Clark Memorial in Jeffersonville, Indiana, 16 the family upon their arrival. High said her husband is extremely 17 about the coming of the baby. "He was very 18 being the driver, I'm sure,span> but he was my rock star," she added. "He got us here 19 and he is a(n) 20 father."

Oliver joins big sister Rowan,3,who was horn on St.Patrick's Day in 2014.

【1】 A. carrying B. riding C. comforting D. attending

【2】 A. arguing B. debating C. reasoning D. discussing

【3】 A. acting B. answering C. working D. cooperating

【4】 A. cried B. yelled C. shouted D. called

【5】 A. going on B. moving on C. keeping on D. insisting on

【6】A. right B. awful C.OK D. thankful

【7】 A. up B. down C. away D. off

【8】 A. gift B. greeting C. ceremony D. party

【9】 A. action B. effect C. business D. labor

【10】 A. If B. Although C. The moment D. As

【11】 A. car B. water C. leg D. seat

【12】 A. early B. late C. sharp D. exactly

【13】 A. feeling B. tasting C. weighing D. smelling

【14】 A. patted B. kissed C. observed D. delivered

【15】A. which B. where C. what D. that

【16】A. questioned B. encouraged C. greeted D. shocked

【17】A. happy B. upset C. worried D. mad

【18】 A. eager B. serious C. patient D. nervous1

【19】 A. hurriedly B. skillfully C. safely D. gently

【20】A. amusing B. amazing C. warm-hearted D. strong-willed

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