


【1】One-third of the area _____ (be)covered with green trees. About seventy percent of the trees _____(have) been planted.

2The number of teachers in our college _____(be) greatly increased last term. A number of teachers in this school _____(be) from the countryside.

3 What _____(be) the population of China? One-third of the population _____ (be)workers here.

4 Not only he but also we _____ (be)right. He as well as we _____(be) right.

5What he’d like _____ (be)a digital watch. What he’d like _____(be) textbooks.

6 He is one of the boys who _____ (come)here on time. He is the only one of the boys who _____(come) here on time.

7Either you or he _____(be) interested in playing chess. _____ (be)you or he fond of music at present?

【8】Many a professor _____(be) looking forward to visiting Germany now. Many scientists _____(have) studied animals and plants in the last two years.

【9】 knife and a fork _____(be) on the table. A knife and fork _____(be) on the table.

【10Her family _____(be) much larger than mine four years ago, and her family _____(be) dancing and singing when I came in last night.

【11How and why Jack came to China _____(be) not known.

【12Now Tom together with his classmates _____(play) football on the playground.

【13Two hundred and fifty pounds _____ (be)too unreasonable a price for a second-hand car.

【14 All but Dick _____(be) in Class Three this term.

【15Soon after the earthquake, every man, woman and child _____(talk) about it.

【16We each _____ (have)strong points and each of us on the other hand _____ (have)weak points.

【17My friend and classmate Paul _____ (race)motorcycles in his spare time.

【18There _____ (be)a pen, two pencils, and three books on the desk.

【19The factory, including its machines and buildings, _____ (be)burnt last night.

20 Climbing hills _____ (be) of great help to health.

【21】Time and tide _____(wait) for no man.

【22The injured in the tsunami _____(take) good care of by some medical teams.

23It is not J. K. Rowling but her works that _____(make) us excited.

24On the closet _____(lie) a pair of trousers his parents bought for his birthday.

25Each man and each woman _____ (be)asked to help when the fire broke out.

26 About 60 percent of the students _____(be) from the south; the rest of them _____(be) from the north and foreign countries.

27 —Is there anybody in the classroom?

—No, the teacher, together with the students _____(go) to the playground.

28—Are these your sheep?

—No. Mine _____(feed) on grass at the foot of the hill.

29 Sitting at the back of the room but in front of some old men and women _____ (be)a very shy

girl with two bright eyes.

30Mr. Bush, together with his wife and daughter _____ (be)going to Japan ext week.


【1】is; have

2was; are

3is; are

4are; is

5is; are

6have come; has come

7is; Are

8is; have

9are; is

【10】was; were

【11is; has

【12is playing



【15was talking

【16have; has






22are being taken




26are; are

27has gone

28are feeding




【1】 “分数或百分数+of the+名词或代词”作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于名词或代词的单、复数形式。

2 “the number of+名词”作主语,谓语动词常用单数形式。“a number of+名词” 作主语,谓语动词常用复数形式。

3 “分数或百分数+of the population”作主语,谓语动词常用复数形式。

4 or, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also等(关联)连词连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近原则”处理。注意:即使在疑问句中,动词的数也应与最近的主语保持一致。as well as连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的数应与前一主语保持一致。

5what引导的名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。但当作表语的名词为复数,或what从句是一个具有复数意义的并列结构时,谓语动词常用复数形式,如:What I say and think are no business of yours.

6 “one of +复数名词+定语从句”的结构中,定语从句中谓语动词常用复数;在“the (only) one of +复数名词+定语从句”的结构中,定语从句中谓语动词常用单数。

7】either or 谓语动词应用就近原则。

8 “many a +单数名词,more than one+单数名词”作主语,尽管从意义上看是复数, 但谓语常用单数形式。


10第一句的her family应理解为“她的家庭”;第二句中的her family应理解为“她一家人”。

【11How and why后面是主语从句,故谓语动词用单数形式。

【12当主语后有together with, but, rather than, including等引导的词组时,谓语动词的数由主语的数来决定。





【17My friend and classmate Paul是指同一个人故谓语动词用单数。

【18There be句型中,谓语动词的数按“就近原则”处理。

【19The factory, including its machines and buildings,中的主语是The factory,故谓语动词用单数形式。


【21Time and tide wait(s) for no man.时不待人。

【22 “the+形容词/-ing形式/ -ed分词”作主语表示“一类人”时,谓语动词常用复数形式。再者,此处应用被动语态。

【23】her works是主语故谓语动词用复数形式。

【24题干为倒装结构。a pair of trousers为主语部分的中心词,谓语动词应用单数形式。

【25each...each..., every...every...或no... no... 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。

【26“the rest of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式决于of后面的名词或代词的单、复数形式。

【27 C 本题考查的主谓一致的内容与上一题相同,从句子的语境判断,应当用现在完成时。

【28A mine指my sheep 为复数形式。是主动语态。

【29 A本句为倒装句。主语是a very shy girl with two bright eyes.核心主语是a very shy girl,为单数,全句为过去时。

30B 全句的核心主语是Mr. Bush,为单数,全句为将来时。



“How are things back at the office?” one of the gentlemen in my bicycle tour group asked me as we were nearing the end of another lengthy ride through Croatia’s scenic countryside.

“I assume they are going fine,” I said. “I haven’t had any contact and I don’t plan to.”

“Your phone isn’t on?” he asked, incredulously. “You haven’t checked your email?”

“My phone is off and no, I’m not planning on checking email,” I said.

My wife Heidi and I took my children, Daniel and Rachel, on a two-week trip to Croatia, one of the most beautiful countries in the world. We made the choice to spend some of our money on this wonderful experience so we could spend time bonding with each other and the kids.

Why would I destroy the environment we had traveled thousands of miles to create by bringing my work environment into it? That would be counter-productive to everything I wanted out of this trip. If I worked during this experience, I would be taking time away from my family and sending them the message that work takes priority over them.

In addition to sharing this incredible experience, I wanted to take us all out of the activity-driven world we live in. If I had my cell phone on and was constantly searching out a wireless connection to keep up with office, I would just bring that hyper-connected environment into the peaceful, meaningful world I was trying to create.

In addition to creating life-long memories with my family, anotherspan> wonderful thing happened as a result of this bike trip. As we were returning home, I was flooded with new ideas. I came up with concepts for nine blog posts and several ideas that I want to incorporate into my business.

Taking time off restored and rejuvenated me and allowed my creative spirit to really come to the surface. How can you accomplish that goal if you simply move the source of that stress to a different location?

【1】From the conversation at the beginning of the text, we can infer that__________ .

A. the author had no access to the Internet during the tour

B. the gentleman was quite concerned about the author’s work

C. the author’s phone was off because he didn’t want to be disturbed

D. the speakers both experienced an unpleasant bicycle tour in Croatia

【2】One of the purposes of the author’s Croatia’s bicycle tour is__________ .

A. to experience a primitive life without phone calls

B. to spend some time creating closer ties with his family

C. to tell his family that his work is more important for him

D. to escape from his boring work environment in the office

【3】The underlined word “rejuvenate” in the last paragraph means “__________”.

A. drive one mad

B. make one more energetic

C. get one exhausted

D. cause one to lost temper

【4】Which of the following may the author agree?

A. Playing delights us more than working.

B. Working is the foundation of happiness.

C. Cellphones and emails are helpful span>when we take a trip.

D. When working, work hard; when playing, play crazily.

【题目】Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program. In my application letter, I was careful to 【1】 how much I wanted to see France;evidently, my excitement really came through in my words. Once I 【2】 that I was going, all I could think about was the fun of foreign travel and making all sorts of new and 【3】 friends. While travelling was inspiring and meeting people was 【4】 , nothing about my term in France was what I 【5】 .

The moment I arrived in Paris, I was 【6】 by a nice French couple who would become my host parents. My entire experience was joyous and exciting 【7】 I received some shocking news from my program coordinator: there had been a death in my host parents’ extended family. They had to travel outside France for several weeks. That afternoon, I had to 【8】 out of one family’s house into another. The exchange coordinator told me I’d have a 【9】 this time and asked whether I could share a bedroom with an English speaker. To avoid the temptation to 【10】 my native language, I asked not to be 【11】 with an English-speaking roommate. When I got to my new room, I 【12】 myself to my new roommate Paolo, a Brazilian the same age as I, whom I was surprised to find playing one of my favorite CDS! In just a few hours, we knew we’d be good friends for the rest of the 【13】 .

I left France with many 【14】 , so when people asked me what my favorite part of the trip was, they are always 【15】 to hear me talk about my Brazilian friend Paolo and scores of weekdays in class, weeknights on the town, and weekends 【16】 France we enjoyed together. I love how people 【17】 seem so different, but end up being so 【18】 . The most valuable lesson I gained from studying in France wasn’t just to respect the French people 【19】 to respect all people, for your next best friend could be just a continent away. I would recommend an exchange program to anyone who wants to experience foreign cultures and gain meaningful 【20】 .

A. discuss B. express C. announce D. argue

A. approved B. knew C. warned D. denied

A. stubborn B. anxious C. universal D. interesting

A .boring B. upsetting C. exiting D. promising

A. expected B. liked C. doubted D. feared

A. sponsored B. witnessed C. greeted D. supported

A. until B. when C. since D. while

A. move B. travel C. walk D. rush

A. housekeeper B. leader C. roommate D. colleague

A. learn B. appreciate C. speak D. master

A. combined B. fitted C. involved D. placed

A. added B. introduced C. devoted D. adapted

A. term B. week C. month D. vacation

A. presents B. suitcase C. stories D. dream

A. surprised B. disturbed C. embarrassed D. connected

A. studying B. exploring C. describing D. investigating

A. need B. shall C. must D. can

A. generous B. independent C. similar D. distant

A .and B. but C. or D. so

A. instructions B. friendships C. facts D. data


Despite being used by 1.34 billion people each year, traveling on the Tube in London can actually be quite lonely. An unwritten rule encouraging silence, mixed with classic British reserve, means that even though you’re packed into enclosed space with hundreds of other people, the morning trip can leave you feeling somewhat lonely.

One London resident, however, is trying to change this. "You get on the Tube here and its completely silent and its strange," says Jonathan Dunne, an American living in London, who has started a campaign of giving out badges (徽章) with the slogan "Tube Chat?" last month, encouraging travelers in London to get talking to one another.

Although Dunne says he’s received mostly positive responses, there are always exceptions.

Londoner Brian Wilson responded with a campaign of his own, handing out 500 badges with the words "Don’t even think about it" on them. "I can’t stand the idea of having to talk to strangers on the Tube on my way to work," he said.

Michael Robinson, a student from London, agrees. "Being on the Tube is the only peace and quiet some people get on their journeys to and from work. It doesn’t need to be spoiled by people coming up and chatting to you," he says.

"People assume that I just walk up and talk to strangers, which I don’t, but it’s been a great way to meet people you would never have normally spoken to," Dunne says. So if you ever end up using public transport in London, why not say hello to the person next to you? Just make sure to check for a badge first.

1Which partly leads to the silence on the Tube in London?

A. The government’s rule.

B. People’s desire for quiet.

C. British people’s personality.

D. Awareness of personal privacy.

2What can the badge with "Tube Chat?" be seen as?

A. A request for keeping silent.

B. A special way of greeting someone.

C. A signal of avoiding being disturbed.

D. An encouragement to start a conversation.

3Why does the author mention Brian and Michael?

A. To stress the importance of communication.

B. To show not everyone agrees with Dunne’s idea.

C. To prove Londoners are speechless on the Tube.

D. To state the disadvantages of chatting with strangers.

4 Whats the best title for the passage?

A. Please mind the silence on the Tube!

B. Time to change your way to take the subway!

C. What makes people feel lonely on the Tube?

D. Why was the "Tube Chat?" campaign not a success?

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